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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    So glad (none / 0) (#2)
    by Ed Burley on Thu Nov 13, 2008 at 12:06:21 AM EST
    to see others who are waking up to what I said months ago.

    Uh, not really. (none / 0) (#5)
    by John Galt on Thu Nov 13, 2008 at 10:01:53 AM EST
    Sorry, but that just isn't true.

    Michigan has been decimated, and along with job losses it has had an incredible population lost.  Who do you think is more likely to move out of Michigan - Labor Union democrats or economically mobile Republicans?  So let's realize that just the population shift alone leaves us worse-off.

    Next, one of the main reasons McCain lost nationwide is McCain himself - not anyone else.  He had no coherent message and he kept playing defense to a simple message of "hope".  Further, you have dispirited Republicans who won't help or get involved because of McCain's lack of loyalty, which affected the rest of the ticket.

    Add in a bit of charisma for a "history changing" Democrat, and you easily pick up Detroit, Flint, Saginaw and Marquette - and also easily pick up Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Macomb County, South Oakland and the other population centers.

    You also have a Republican President with the largest unfavorable numbers we've ever seen.  Just like Granholm could align DeVos with Bush, Obama did the same thing.  When you don't have a strong message and a strong record, you're going to lose with that combination.  That's not Saul's fault.  That's McCain's fault.  And truly, Knollenberg's fault too.  Strong Republicans won Tuesday.  They didn't win because of being a Republican.  They won by having a clear, concise message.  

    Saul and other Republicans have been HAMMERING home the damage Democrats have been doing to our state.  I can't imagine anyone can call themselves "involved" if they haven't noticed.  The problem is that a Saul Anuzis tactic is on the air for one news cycle;  John McCain's failures are on every day and on every news channel.

    I don't think you can even come close to saying it's a failure of MRP leadership when Jon Stryker spends millions to takeover competitive districts.  HD024 had seen $500k in spending for the Democrat alone - you can't compete with that at the last minute.  Knollenberg was targetted nationally.  Republicans who normally would have made this year a success didn't drag their asses out to help the rest of the ticket, claiming to be too "dispirited" about McCain to care.

    I don't think you can blame leadership for 2006, either.  How many people have you heard talk about voting Democrat to 'teach the GOP a lesson'?  How many good Republicans went that route?  That's not Saul's fault - that's their fault.  

    On a side note, I would have thought the HRCC and SRCC would have been more involved in races - instead of picking their collective noses.  I don't understand why I'm hearing about dozens of races where they couldn't get return phone calls from these organizations.  THOSE are the places that need to be reformed.  If you have a Republican calling you in a house or senate race, call the person back.  If we're not going to pickup the phone, then let's shut that organization down.

    The grassroots here in Michigan are absolutely stronger than whatever Michael Steele has been able to organize.  People want to feel involved, and people have been able to get involved and see what goes on under Saul.  It's certainly not been backroom politics and invite-only crowds.  What has Michael Steele really and truly done?  I don't think the RNC chairman should be a do-nothing celebrity spot to retire from.  Do not vote for someone whose done nothing just to spite the person you've got a grudge against.  

    Winning tomorrow means being pragmatic and smart today.  Don't let your emotions cause us to lose in 2010 and 2012 like other's emotions caused us to lose in 2006 and 2008.


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