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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    yes, in a sense (none / 0) (#10)
    by Ed Burley on Thu Nov 13, 2008 at 12:41:16 PM EST
    I think as a general rule, politicians need to be somewhat pragmatic; however, the GOP was trying so hard to get the independent vote, it never bothered to check what exactly the independent vote cared about.

    One person that comes to mind is Lou Dobbs, of the Independent Nation. He hammered Obama day after day on his radio program. He defended Palin, but balked at supporting McCain. Why? Well, Dobbs, a clear independent, wants secure borders. He wants international trade deals to favor American workers and companies. He wants his second amendment rights protected. He wants off-shore drilling. I've heard him advocate for all of these positions, and I believe that polls show that most Americans agree with him.

    Was this the clear Republican message? Not so much. In the independent's mind, McCain was weak on immigration and on protecting the American workers and small business people. McCain had a history of sounding like a Democrat (taxing the successful, anti-offshore drilling, etc.), and the independent had a problem with voting for a 72 year old that they just weren't sure of.

    The GOP had several candidates, some stronger than others, who would have gathered in the independents (mostly conservative Democrats and libertarians). The group that McCain was popular with were the old Rockefeller Republicans, not the independent minded conservative. He spoke to the moderates in the GOP, but not the independents. That was the error in the GOP's strategy. They thought a maverick would connect with independents - wrong! A strong fiscal conservative, who believes in liberty, would connect with them. Problem was, we sent them home packing...

    Now, will Saul take over the national GOP and lead them more to the center - denying conservatives like Ron Paul the right to take part in the party? Yes, it's sour grapes, but the chickens that Saul hatched are coming home to roost. He blew it by pushing away the independents, who would have gladly voted for folks like Romney or Paul. Instead we continue to get McCain and Guiliani. Good god, y'all. When will the GOP wise up?


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