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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Nick, why would conservatives care (none / 0) (#3)
    by chetly on Sat Oct 11, 2008 at 11:32:27 AM EST
    Why would conservatives care where they spend their money.  Sure, there's a small amount of irony here, but if these folks are truly the best or best priced.  And from a First Amendment perspective, out-of-state participation is reasonable, despite the irony of the left attacking it like they do when they don't like the politics of the petition (e.g. - when they attacked Ward Connerly for funding MCRI). And it doesn't answer the question of whether a yes or no vote helps or hurts Michigan.  Of course, there's an interesting dichotomy in the left's claim "stem cell research = job creation" but the opponents of stem cell research are dirty rotten liars for saying it = tax increases.  Both are speculative outcomes that are indirect, and neither is guaranteed from the actual text of the proposal.  

    But I think you're onto something here with campaign finance report and the out-of-state expenditures - but the issue is the number of small-time individuals from various other states that clearly were paid signature-gatherers. The dichotomy between this and MCRI (MCRI was careful to use only in-state gatherers, but heavily accused of "fraud") and Drolet's Dillon recall (Drolet initially disqualified for having a few out-of-district gatherers in his process (now on the ballot because of Consitutional challenge victory).  It's interesting to see the left decry out-of-area circulators, or "signature fraud", when there's pretty good evidence that there were a number of them here - although evidence of a nature sufficient to cause criminal investigations (which might not be Constitutional anyway) would require someone with serious time and money to sit down and analyze the petitions, and the challenge period is already theoretically passed.  But look at the reports - in the memo sub-items for the petition company you'll find the hundreds of signature gatherers recorded.  A number of them use out-of-state addresses - which raises the question, since at the time there was no Dillon-federal-ruling on use of out-of-area circulators Michigan law required a statement under oath that you were eligible to register in Michigan (implying residency) and that you were giving an accurate address.  So did some of these circulators provide inaccurate addresses (perjury, regardless of their residency, which is a nebulous issue)?  Of course, that would require reviewing tens of thousands of petition sheets -- but I have a good guess there are several.

    So the left doesn't mind playing fast and loose with the rules when they like the issue, but if anyone on the right so much as sneezes on a petition the left would love to throw them in jail and make a chilling example of them.

    The truth is, from a conservative (and honest liberal, I believe) point of view, there is a role for legitimate rules in the process to prevent bona fide fraud. There's a place for proper regulation and deregulation AT THE SAME TIME (wow, that doesn't fit the liberal script that that deregulation is evil and regulation good, nor does it really fit the conservative corrollary). And the truth is that MCRI was among the cleanest, most honest collection efforts ever run -- we knew we'd be scrutinized and that they'd accuse us falsely of stuff, which they did -- so we dotted every i and crossed t's.  I'd love to see a set of rules that was clear and precise and fair -- but alas, whatever rules there are will be bent and interpreted by some either way to their advantage.  There is no law ... only power, politics, and money.

    Chetly Zarko
    Outside Lansing & Oakland Politics

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