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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Talk about nattering nabobs.... (none / 0) (#14)
    by gnu2u on Mon Dec 03, 2007 at 01:10:45 AM EST
    go take a good, loooong look in the mirror, Guru.  Read the papers.  No one is happy with your feckless leader.  Not even the female business leaders that asked her to hire a COO- they've all voiced their disappointment in her choice. Does she pick who they suggest? NO.  Does she pick a Democrat with business experience (if such a creature exists) NO. She picks Daniel Krichbaum, someone with absolutely no real-world, job-creating experience. He did, however, write her and her political friends lots and lots of checks.

    You want to slam the Republicans?  Go right ahead.  It is DECEMBER- two months AFTER the budget was supposed to be adopted. The Governor's first lame attempt went down in absolute flames with the business community, not to mention the fact that it would have cost more to implement than the State would collect.  There's some great planning. What do the residents of this battered state get?  More dodging of responsibilities by the House Majority Leader.

    I can hardly wait to see what you Democrats come up with for new taxes for the next budget, because you're going to need it.  Property values are declining, and Oakland County is already looking at a $5 million decline in property tax revenues.  How many more millions of dollars will be lost due to declining property values?  Businesses will close as a result of this ridiculous super tax-on-tax just passed, which will decrease sales and SBT tax revenues. So you and your feckless leader will have an even deeper hole to dig out of.  

    Nattering Nabobs of negativity?  No, just frustrated, fed-up folk of the feifdom.

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