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Tag: Strategic NationalBy Corinthian Scales, Section News
What better scenario could possibly happen for Unapologetic Conservatives, other than to have an East coast thug who strong-armed his way to chair the Republican Governors Association, flitting about The Mitten campaigning for the Nerd?
Please visit I'm a man! I'm 41! for reason why Christie is useful.
Folks, it's all about transparency, of which, as like with Christie, Rick Snyder's self-invented nerd persona is anything but transparent. I suppose the exit question should be: will the Boobus Michiganderus voters swallow a second term of Snyder abuse? By Corinthian Scales, Section News
The Republican Majority in Lansing, has nothing better to do other than figuring out ways to screw the people of Michigan out of another $5.
Passed 74 to 33 in the House on October 3, 2013, to mandate that vehicle owners must replace their license plate after 10 years, even if it is still legible. Under current law the state imposes a $5 extra charge to replace a plate. (158 words in story) Full Story By Corinthian Scales, Section News
I've always held a fondness for Republican Michigander. Decent young man. Believes in what he does. I respect that. Do we always see eye-to-eye? Hell no. That's OK. It'd be boring otherwise. What's all the lead in about, CS? Glad you ask. I just took a yonder over to Dan's blog, and dammit, principle prevails from Dan, again.
Full disclosure. I'm not a tea party guy. I'm not an anti tea party guy. Sometimes I agree with various tea party individuals and sometimes I am in opposition. I want to make that clear. That's a fair shake on the BS Rube Goldberg straw poll. Good assessment, Dan. The chattering class handling the incumbents are scrambling. Circle them wagons, boys - the taxpayers are awakening! Look, it's no secret to anyone that Brian Calley is the biggest joke in town if trying to paint him as a Conservative voice on the "Nerdy Ticket" to bigger government and higher taxes. C'mon folks, a contrived straw poll from this jagoff? AYFKM? Besides, even the late Ray Charles could see Strat Nat pulling strings from behind the curtain. Tacky. Yessirree. It is said that bullsh!t sells but, who's buying it anymore? Not I. Good luck with that, Nerdy ticket... (5 comments) Comments >> By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
There's been a great deal said on this site recently about a particular primary candidate, including some about his negatives, such as:
![]() (21 comments, 1106 words in story) Full Story By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
In his Remarks in New York City at a Reception for Delegates to the State Republican Convention on June 17, 1982, Ronald Reagan said, "When the chips are down and the decisions are made as to who the candidates will be, then the 11th Commandment prevails and everybody goes to work, and that is: `Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican'." The point of this philosophy (originally developed in September of 1965 by California State Republican Party Chairman Gaylord Parkinson) was to avoid having Republican primary opponents so thoroughly savage each other that the stage would be set in the general campaign for a liberal Democrat win in November. Additionally, once the general ticket is in place, the caution here is to set aside the heat of the primary contests and work as a statewide team for a GOP win at the general election.
To say that the 2010 Michigan Republican State Convention was "interesting" would be considered by many attendees as an understatement. By all honest accounts, it was evident that the MIGOP party leadership expected that, in exchange for being allowed a few seats at the table, the Michigan Tea Party Alliance would be good little sheep on the convention floor and rubber stamp the decrees of the party officials. Funny thing about that though, is that the MTPA members blindly answer to no one (certainly no one whose trustworthiness is considered suspect at best), and most assuredly do not simply do as they're told. On the flip side of that coin, though, anyone who is of the opinion that the MTPA is going to take out their frustration on the GOP ticket is going to be thoroughly disabused of that notion come November.
Until The Polls Open In Michigan (37 comments, 2460 words in story) Full Story By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
You'd think that someone would have covered it. In the Grand Rapids area, channel 3, channel 13, the Grand Rapids Press, and the Associated Press mentioned it in passing. Channel 17 mentioned the event that precipitated it and much of what followed it (although they did give it some coverage on the video). Channel 8 was the only one to cover it in any detail. Oddly enough, even Michigan Liberal at least gave it a spot. And the really goofy thing is that in perusing the statewide media coverage of the 2010 Michigan Republican Convention this past weekend, the two Detroit papers provide the most accurate account of what happened as a whole at the convention . . . but only if you know how to combine the facts and weed out the inaccuracies. Even then, both the Freep and the detNews didn't quite get the key point of what happened.
So I suppose that, as usual, the conservative blogger-journalists have to step up to the plate and correct the record. And in this case, I can provide a rather unique perspective.
(5 comments, 2488 words in story) Full Story |
External FeedsMetro/State News RSS from The Detroit News+ Craig: Cushingberry tried twice to elude police, was given preferential treatment + Detroit police arrest man suspected of burning women with blowtorch + Fouts rips video as 'scurrilous,' defends Chicago trip with secretary + Wind, winter weather hammer state from Mackinac Bridge to southeast Mich. + Detroit Cass Tech QB Campbell expected to be released from custody Friday + New water rates range from -16% to +14%; see change by community + Detroit's bankruptcy gets controversial turn in new Honda ad + Royal Oak Twp., Highland Park in financial emergency, review panels find + Grosse Ile Twp. leads list of Michigan's 10 safest cities + Wayne Co. sex crimes backlog grows after funding feud idles Internet Crime Unit + Judge upholds 41-60 year sentence of man guilty in Detroit firefighter's death + Detroit man robbed, shot in alley on west side + Fire at Detroit motel forces evacuation of guests + Survivors recount Syrian war toll at Bloomfield Hills event + Blacks slain in Michigan at 3rd-highest rate in US Politics RSS from The Detroit News + Apologetic Agema admits errors but won't resign + Snyder: Reform 'dumb' rules to allow more immigrants to work in Detroit + GOP leaders shorten presidential nominating season + Dems: Another 12,600 Michiganians lose extended jobless benefits + Mike Huckabee's comments on birth control gift for Dems + Granholm to co-chair pro-Clinton PAC for president + Republican panel approves tougher penalties for unauthorized early primary states + Michigan seeks visas to lure immigrants to Detroit + Peters raises $1M-plus for third straight quarter in Senate bid + Bill would let lawyers opt out of Michigan state bar + Michigan lawmakers launch more bills against sex trade + Balanced budget amendment initiative gets a jumpstart + Feds subpoena Christie's campaign, GOP + Poll: At Obama's 5-year point, few see a turnaround + Obama to release 2015 budget March 4 Front Page
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