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Tag: RogersBy Corinthian Scales, Section News
Meet the Fockers.
AYES: Benishek, Camp, Huizenga, Miller, Rogers, Upton, Walberg We've seen the movie before. Spoiler alert: in this sequel, Paul Ryan and John Boehner lie, and the Marxstream Media prints the lie. Once again, the Michigan GOP delegation majority has voted with Gary Peters, which is their ongoing endorsement of Gary Peters for U.S. Senate. I cannot do much in other congressional districts, however, I am aware of what I can effect in CD-1. Congressman Dan Benishek, go f#@% yourself. With a chainsaw. Rep. Kerry Bentivolio, I thank you for voting NO, and voting on Principle. To that extent, I acknowledge the no vote of this dubious character playing in the Yob-ite propaganda machine. With same regard, I thank Reps. Conyers, and Levin, for their no votes too. By JGillman, Section News
Its pretty bad when a KOS contributor decorates the wall of RightMichigan.com with an underlying truth.
In the side twitter bar the question "What? After paying for #AFP/#RTW #Tentgate 2012 Dick DeVos' Greg McNeilly now anti-#MITeaParty?" appears. Having been a part of the RTW/FTW effort, I must say I was quite pleased with the impetus placed on FTW in Dec 2012 by Dick DeVos and Ron Weiser, without which, it might never have happened. But it isn't a free pass for the abuses laid out by operatives of the GOP, and in particular the MiGOP club which doubled down on the national slaparound the tea folk have been getting from media and complicit (Vichy) Republicans. December 2012 WAS important though. Snyder at the time might have even overcome a bit of the reaction to the Prop 2 debacle by Michigan's labor unions, but a reminder that anything he had done good was outweighed by cronyism, unilateral international transactions, and the promise of tax increases that moved him. Truthfully, if not for Weiser and DeVos RTW might never have come to be. It never was a part of Rick Snyder's agenda, and never really will be heart-fought from ongoing union boss opposition. Remember that. Something those two saw that the governor could care less about, was the strength of the Tea party movement within the GOP construct. There was a very real possibility that the governor, sans a significant policy delivery to the base, would face a primary challenge (perhaps by the sitting AG) thus creating a divide in the 'acceptable' GOP hierarchy. The AG, already on record as opposing the Obamacare Exchanges, Medicaid Expansion, and showing significant support among the Tea types worried the power brokers. And those "wackos" were brought under control, right?
Continued below the fold (3 comments, 1241 words in story) Full Story By Corinthian Scales, Section News
Jeez Mike, you sure talk a good game when the camera is on but, your vote says you're lying. More mealy-mouthed enabling excuses below. (1 comment, 54 words in story) Full Story By JGillman, Section News
Terri Lyn Land, the presumed Michigan GOP offering for US Senate in 2014 has just seen four GOP congressmen in lockstep with her opponent on an issue of critical importance.
As posited by Scales (a thoughtful and accurate analysis) in his comment: "Benishek, Camp, Rogers, and Upton just endorsed Gary Peters for US Senate!"Which is essentially true. On matters of amounts, levels of funding, and minor issues like renaming parks for your friends agreement across the aisle might not be such a big thing. However in this issue of surrendering Principle and giving the worst president in the history of this nation a football spiking win and subsequent destruction of our healthcare? It must be intentional. They mean it. They agree with it. They want it, and so does Gary Peters. The similarity of thought is amazing. I would be interested in Terri's thoughts on their support of her opponent. By JGillman, Section News
I am not going to get out of the fight, but damn, I sure have felt like it recently.
The Democrat party has been lost for some time to the progressive freak show that carries a disconnect about its intent and actions. While griping about money in elections by big corporations, it calls out for bigger government that attracts such mechanisms. While it decries the high cost of insurance and medical care, it uses the tools of government to discourage entry into the field of medicine, thus raising the cost. While promising no mouth goes unfed, it has provided a trough that keeps the hands associated with those mouths idle and unproductive so they cannot feed themselves. Constantly the 'civil rights' violations, through our social compacts, are heralded as wrong, yet murdering of those who can least defend themselves is their rallying action. And at the same time that its activists want us out of their bedrooms, they put their genitalia in our faces and into our school programming. Its a bizarro world. Its a strange place and time, and I don't recognize my country or state any longer. When the lies become the truth, and the truth is decried as meaningless, and a (very unhealthy)gun is put to our heads, so that someone who has made poor choices with regard to their own health care might be made better. But it didn't hurt so much until the last 2 decades, and the damage was somewhat limited until the Republicans allowed it to become mainstream. More below the fold ~ (7 comments, 992 words in story) Full Story By JGillman, Section News
National Republican Senatorial Committee Communications Director, Brad Dayspring's statement on Rep. Peters reportedly entering the Senate race:
"Gary Peters already lost a statewide campaign and that was before supporting a cap and trade energy tax policy that would effectively put Michigan out of business and ObamaCare which will raise health care costs. It takes a special kind of guy like Peters to ask for a promotion from the very same people that his policies would put out of work.What he said. It should be noted however, that Peters enters with about $800k to start. Sans a fight in the Democrat primaries, it is likely a sufficient start. Presumed entrant Mike Rogers' reported $1.4 M would be spent down considerably in an expected multi-candidate contest by Republicans. Rogers seems to have some other baggage to climb over as well. By JGillman, Section News
Fred Upton's Committee Voting Tomorrow to Kill Obamacare "Death Panels!"
Everyone's attention is rightly focused on Michigan's big Presidential Primary today but I figured this would be as good a day as any to chime back in here at RightMichigan with some other important news that is flying way under the traditional media's radar. Time doesn't stand still during the primaries. See you below the fold ~ (400 words in story) Full Story By Corinthian Scales, Section News
Ain't this just grand? Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry has approved use of our tax dollars for the purpose of horse consumption.
An appropriations bill that does not specifically deny USDA funding to conduct inspections of horsemeat for human consumption could allow horse processing to resume in the U.S. The Fiscal Year 2012 Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act (H.R. 2112), or the so-called "Mini-bus Bill," establishes 2012 budgets for the Department of Agriculture and several other federal departments through September 2012. Michigan US Reps. Benishek, Camp, Clarke, Dingell, Kildee, Levin, Peters, Rogers, and Upton voted YES. Both Michigan US Sens. Stabenow and Levin voted YES too.
Thank you to Reps. Amash, Conyers, Huizenga, McCotter, Miller, and Walberg, who don't believe that eating Mr. Ed is a brilliant concept. (3 comments) Comments >>
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