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    Tag: Electric Power

    Unconstitutionality Of Energy Mandates

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sat Jan 18, 2014 at 09:56:07 AM EST
    Tags: Useful Idiots, 25x25, Constitutionality, Electric Power, Utilities, Monopolies, Cronyism, Granholm, Michigan, HB5184, Mike Shirkey, Competition, James Fuscaldo, Contitutional Defender (all tags)

    Conveniently, the bigger power concerns in the state capitulated to ridiculous 10% energy mandates during the Granholm administration.

    In 2012, an even MORE ridiculous 25x25 requirement was promoted (and failed) as a constitutional amendment, in a state which has a monstrous electricity appetite as a leader in manufacturing.  Now as the legislature approaches the crossroads of [Oh gosh we can't meet the 10%!] and [What the hell happened to electricity prices?] in Michigan, another 35% 'mandate' pusher shows up with a 'conservative' emphasis and the useful idiots who have already signed on.

    As soon as Michigan State Representative Mike Shirkey announced a solid-as-steel return to electricity competition in our state, the rust of cronyism began eating away at the plan. Snyder stepped up the call for increased renewable energy in the midst of the current mandate meltdown, and a new shadow group was formed with friendly 'conservative' faces to front it. (see useful idiot mention above)

    Sometimes however, its worth looking to other experts who have a different take on such things.

    Are the mandates even legal?

    Thanks to the TB912, and Dining Room productions for another useful and informative video.

    And On a related note: Cap Con today, has another take on this.

    (4 comments) Comments >>

    Tuesdays Divertere: Something To Think About...

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jan 07, 2014 at 03:11:35 PM EST
    Tags: Neo-Malthusianism, Al Gore Warming, Progressives, Eugenics, Costly Energy, Electric Power, Utilities, Timing, Marxstream Media, 25x25, Smart Growth, Complete Streets, Mandates, Unicorn farts, Bruce Rendon, J Winston Porter, EPA, Tipping Fees, PA 149 of 2011, SB 449 of 2011, Green Subsidy, Lobbyists, Sherry Blaszak, Wealth Redistribution, Crony Capitalism, MIaGoPC'd, GreenTards, The Sheeple, and Dirt Worshipers, Public Act 295 of 2008, SB 213, Tilting at Windmills, Lt. Gov. Brian Calley, Sure .. he is a 'con'servative, Keith den Hollander, MCEF & Larry Ward = DeVos cronies, Yob-ites, Bike trail from Detroit to Wisconsin, NERD Fund, Rich Baird, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    *contains CS approved language.

    "White bourgeois Liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is that there aren't enough bicycle paths"


    Yup. Line up all the Bee-esS artists who can kiss my Scottish arse. Front of the line?  Howza 'bout The Nerd's newest stealth org masquerading as "conservatives" that are "on a mission from God".

    The recent launch of the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum comes as Gov. Rick Snyder and legislators consider updating Michigan's electricity law in 2014 or 2015.

    Group executive director Larry Ward [yes, this Larry Ward] says the organization supports an "all-of-the-above" [Coal? Not so much] energy policy. He says it's time for Republicans to lead on energy policy.

    Michigan law sets a 10 percent renewable power standard that must be met by the end of 2015. A recent report to Snyder says 15 percent renewable electricity in 2020 and 30 percent in 2035 are achievable. [need a Prop 3 Reminder?]

    Or, howza 'bout this Snyder reminder? The MCEF... what despicable ad nauseam. His Word is to "subdue earth, have command over it, eat its critters, and have a few bonfires or be swallowed by earth" not to go breaking out knee pads and fellate it on Pelosi's Sofa.

    H/t Market-Ticker

    Ps. I miss the dude too, Karl.

    (5 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Timing Is Everything

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jan 06, 2014 at 11:36:41 AM EST
    Tags: Electric Power, Utilities, Monopolies, Cronyism, Granholm, Michigan HB5184, Mike Shirkey, Competition, DTE, Rate Lowering, Timing (all tags)

    How convenient.

    As the drum beat for real electric competition picks up, its interesting to see utilities offering reductions in rates.  How convenient and thick with irony is it that as Mike Shirkey starts beating said drum, DTE proclaims accross the board rate cuts! From Crains:

    "Last month, DTE announced it would lower electric rates starting this month for business and most industrial customers between 5.5 percent to 7.4 percent and drop residential rates by an average of 6.5 percent. The cuts are expected to save about $80 a year for homeowners and varying amounts for businesses based on usage.

    It was DTE's first rate reduction since 2007, when the company lowered base rates by $80 million. "

    Conveniently, 2008 was when those rates started skyrocketing from that "reduced" rate.

    Yes timing IS everything when attempting to pass legislation that limits consumer choice.  Perhaps its good to look benevolent so that people say "what a nice organization this is," and let up pressure on competition legislation.  It worked in 2007, and monopoly legislation passed. And now that the peasants with pitchforks and torches are approaching,

    "Since 2008, requests (and approvals) for rate increases have been nearly four times the historic average. Meanwhile our retail electric energy costs have gone up more than 30 percent, while wholesale costs for electric energy in the Midwest region have gone down almost 50 percent.
    .. its time again for a little bit of that 'cake' to pass its way down to them.

    Let them eat it.


    Comments >>

    We Knew

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Dec 31, 2013 at 11:55:17 PM EST
    Tags: Electric Power, Utilities, Monopolies, Cronyism, Granholm, Michigan HB5184, Mike Shirkey, Competition (all tags)

    And so did the legislators who signed on to it.

    We knew the costs that "green energy" programming in Michigan would incur on the taxpayers left in the state.  The utilities knew this as well, and wasted no efforts in having such draconian reversals of free markets passed with the likes of HB 5524 (2007):

    "Passed 78 to 29 in the House on September 18, 2008, to adopt a compromise version of the bill reported by a House-Senate conference committee. This would mostly end the state's electric competition law that allows customers to choose an alternative provider; allow the utilities to impose surcharges on customers so they can recoup the "costs" incurred from Michigan's experiment with competitive electricity markets; and phase out over five years the current cross-subsidization of residential customers by commercial and industrial ones. The bill would guaranty DTE and Consumers Power at least 90 percent of the utility business in the areas they serve, even if other providers offer lower prices. The bill is tie-bared to Senate Bill 213, which imposes "renewable" energy mandates on utilities. "
    Oh yeah, the tie bar?

    SB 213 was a doozy, with each chamber ratcheting up the mandate for renewable energy produced each time it was reconciled:

    "Introduced by Sen. Patricia Birkholz (R) on February 20, 2007, to mandate that electric utilities acquire at least 4 percent of their power from "renewable" sources, growing to at least 8 percent by 2013. .. to mandate that electric utilities acquire at least 7 percent of their power from "renewable" and "clean" sources (including "carbon capture" coal plants) by 2015 .. to mandate that Michigan electric utilities acquire 10 percent of their power from "renewable" sources by the end of 2015. .."

    And as long as the power monopoly remained, it was no problem for the major utilities in Michigan.  They get 90% of the market GUARANTEED by legislation, and the ratepayer gets the shaft through piss poor legislation and cronyism.

    One legislator is bringing some attention back to this.

    Continued below

    (4 comments, 674 words in story) Full Story

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