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Tag: Big Ed (page 2)By Corinthian Scales, Section News
Because the weasel needs a good popping. Unfortunate for the majority in Lansing, however, the House, and Senate Republicans are learning the hard lesson taught when ignoring their Party Platform, Constitution limits, and bowing to a limousine liberal Corporatist Ann Arbor Nerd.
"Since it's tax season, I've had a huge amount of calls from my constituents when they find out what their tax liability is," Jones told MLive on Thursday. "I think it's extremely unfair when people have planned their life for their retirement and then suddenly, in the midst of their retirement, they get a new tax." Votes do indeed have consequences. I know plenty of folks who have just had enough of JenniRick Snydholm's amnesty promoting, BIGGER TAXES, Bigger Government, and Bigger Spending federal government dependency Bee esS. Looks like the Taxed Enough Already message is finally slapping the stealth Democrat self-invented Nerd persona upside his bulbous head with legislators now fearful of losing their elected seats. Good. Just wait until folks figure out what was done to them with Blue Cross Blue Shield in 2016, and bowing to the Nerd. SB 280: SML Richardville, and reelected Speaker Bolger (if not indicted by mid August), have yet another legislative opportunity to salvage the '14 election for the MIaGOP, but will they lead the way? (4 comments) Comments >> By Corinthian Scales, Section News
...for more tax dollar subsidy for JenniRick Snydholm's MEDC.
Spoken like true Michiganders... all it takes is other peoples money moving free markets to unnatural settings for appeasing their altruistic wants. Welcome to the Millennial generation USSA. Another big win in the column for Bill. By Corinthian Scales, Section News
The Detroit News
"We know it's important for us ... to get these young people before prospective employers," Mike Finney, CEO of the Michigan Economic Development Corp., said Monday at Gov. Rick Snyder's 2013 Economic Summit in Cobo Center here. "We're starting to scale that up. We've got to start facilitating the connectedness to make these things happen." It's no wonder this nation is going down the drain before our very eyes. Now the self-invented Nerd persona is using our tax dollars to fill positions at Corporations are People Too with the name your studies degree Big Ed debt slaves. The Governerd has identified his BIG C as plain as day... growing Crony Capitalism By Corinthian Scales, Section News
A citizen WITH ANY JOB is a FIRST CLASS citizen - period.
It's about damn time all these Boomer generation dregs come to grips with their precious snowflake Millennial spawn who were suckered into Big Ed aristocracy debt, that their whatever studies BS, MA, and PhD's are useless. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the only game being played is lining the pockets of university executives. And, those campus Socialist like Mary Sue Coleman always find the time to stir the Race Card pot when the others aren't busy indoctrinating bestiality as an accepted norm. (1 comment) Comments >>
External FeedsMetro/State News RSS from The Detroit News+ Craig: Cushingberry tried twice to elude police, was given preferential treatment + Detroit police arrest man suspected of burning women with blowtorch + Fouts rips video as 'scurrilous,' defends Chicago trip with secretary + Wind, winter weather hammer state from Mackinac Bridge to southeast Mich. + Detroit Cass Tech QB Campbell expected to be released from custody Friday + New water rates range from -16% to +14%; see change by community + Detroit's bankruptcy gets controversial turn in new Honda ad + Royal Oak Twp., Highland Park in financial emergency, review panels find + Grosse Ile Twp. leads list of Michigan's 10 safest cities + Wayne Co. sex crimes backlog grows after funding feud idles Internet Crime Unit + Judge upholds 41-60 year sentence of man guilty in Detroit firefighter's death + Detroit man robbed, shot in alley on west side + Fire at Detroit motel forces evacuation of guests + Survivors recount Syrian war toll at Bloomfield Hills event + Blacks slain in Michigan at 3rd-highest rate in US Politics RSS from The Detroit News + Apologetic Agema admits errors but won't resign + Snyder: Reform 'dumb' rules to allow more immigrants to work in Detroit + GOP leaders shorten presidential nominating season + Dems: Another 12,600 Michiganians lose extended jobless benefits + Mike Huckabee's comments on birth control gift for Dems + Granholm to co-chair pro-Clinton PAC for president + Republican panel approves tougher penalties for unauthorized early primary states + Michigan seeks visas to lure immigrants to Detroit + Peters raises $1M-plus for third straight quarter in Senate bid + Bill would let lawyers opt out of Michigan state bar + Michigan lawmakers launch more bills against sex trade + Balanced budget amendment initiative gets a jumpstart + Feds subpoena Christie's campaign, GOP + Poll: At Obama's 5-year point, few see a turnaround + Obama to release 2015 budget March 4 Front Page
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