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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Governor offers wishes...

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jul 04, 2013 at 12:50:32 PM EST
    Tags: Rick... Michigan?, Amnesty, Exemption Employees, ObamaCare, Medicaid, Expansion, executive-grade arm-twisting, Progressives, heavy-handed bifarceisanship, Obama, Snyder, Reid, Richardville, Boehner, Bolger, GOP Leadership, Where?, One Term Nerd, poisoning the party brand, Michigan, Elections, conservatism, Republicans, Real Leadership, Home Team First, Principle, One Chance (all tags)

    From Wednesday:

    LANSING, Mich. - Gov. Rick Snyder today offered the following statement as the July 4 holiday weekend gets under way:

    "... That's why I applaud the U.S. Senate for its passage of bipartisan immigration reform legislation, and urge the U.S. House to do the same. [snip]"

    Rick Snyder just placed ObamaCare exemptions (amnesty) to the front of the line over hiring already unemployed American citizens!

    This corporate limousine liberal has to go.  The sooner it is admitted that voting Snyder in 2010 because "he's a Republican" was a mistake, the faster Party principle will be restored and upheld.  

    The choice is yours, but in this state with Snyder and Schostak at the helm - the Republican Party remains dead to me.  Lon's MDP team is on equal footing.

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    Quick question. (none / 0) (#1)
    by DougZylstra on Thu Jul 04, 2013 at 02:49:03 PM EST
    Isn't there already an incentive to hire spouses/partners of those who already have insurance? Or to hire young people under 26 who are covered already by their parents' insurance? Or to hire Seniors who already have coverage through Medicare? Is there any evidence that these folks are really preferenced in their hiring because employers avoid the cost of coverage?

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