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Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?
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Happy Gaia Cult Dirt Worshiper Day
By Corinthian Scales, Section News
Posted on Mon Apr 22, 2013 at 12:27:05 PM EST
Tags: Idolaters, Junk Science, 25x25, Saul Anuzis, Honey The Lights Wont Come on, EPA, Energy, ALA, NGO, Tyranny, Eugenics, Wildlands Project, Derek Bailey, Tribal Values, Theft By Prohibition, Progressives, RINO's, Bill Milliken, League of Conservative Voters, Homophiles, Dennis Lennox, Amoral, Leonard Page, Cultural Marxism, Public-Private Partnerships, Looters and Moochers, Parasites, Green Subsidy, Wealth Redistribution, Agenda 21, NEA, Goonions, Public Schools = Socialism Indoctrination Centers, Melissa Harris-Perry, Teaching for Change, Bill Ayers, Taxpayer Hammocks, University aristocracy, Nero's Cross, Divide and Bankrupt the Bourgeoisie, Smart Growth, Complete Streets, Bike trail from Detroit to Wisconsin, Gas Tax Hike, Registration fees, GreenTards, The Sheeple, and Dirt Worshipers (all tags)
Malfunctioning carbon units ...and, the silence from the easily manipulated bourgeoisie liberals, and their retrograde planning Nerd bike trails becomes deafening. The environment does not rule me. I rule over the environment.
Just another facet of The Left's full-on attack over what is written in The Book.
Happy Gaia Cult Dirt Worshiper Day | 5 comments (5 topical, 0 hidden)
Happy Gaia Cult Dirt Worshiper Day | 5 comments (5 topical, 0 hidden)
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