Congressman Miller Statement On Tax Day
By JGillman, Section News
Posted on Mon Apr 15, 2013 at 02:46:11 PM EST
Tags: Michigan, Taxes, Tax Code, Congress, Candice Miller (all tags)
WASHINGTON - U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10) today made the following statement marking Tax Day:
"Today as millions of Americans rush to complete their federal income return and file it before the midnight deadline, it is more clear than ever that our tax code is overly complex and in desperate need of reform. It is simply ridiculous that the average American family needs to spend countless hours simply trying to comply with the tax code or that many need to hire an army of accountants to make certain they comply.
Enough is enough. It is time eliminate special interest tax breaks and deductions for a few so that we can simplify the tax code and lower rates for everyone. A more flatter, fairer and far simpler tax code will not only allow families to focus on meeting their needs instead of complying with the law, it will also promote economic growth that will create jobs and allow our economy to thrive. This is the year to finally get that job done."
Looking forward to your proposed fair or flat tax legislation Congressman.