Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?Tweets about "#RightMi, -YoungLibertyMI, -dennislennox,"
McNamara Crony Testing Waters if Carl Levin Drops OutBy Corinthian Scales, Section News
Who is this paleface Irish turd trying to fool? Try remembering July 27, 2004
If approved by U.S. District Judge Paul Borman, McCann, of Livonia, faces six to 12 months in prison and up to a $20,000 fine. Nice of then AG Granholm, to stall for her corrupt Wayne County friends, yes?
McNamara Crony Testing Waters if Carl Levin Drops Out | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 hidden)
McNamara Crony Testing Waters if Carl Levin Drops Out | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 hidden)