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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    With a Democrat Prosecutor.... Part Deux

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Dec 13, 2013 at 06:35:12 PM EST
    Tags: Jessica R. Cooper, Democrats, Oakland County, New Left, Cultural Marxism, Perverts, Frank Kameny, Homosexuals, Communist Party USA, Deviants, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders (DSM-II), Sodomites, Progressives, Amoral, Dumb Things Youngsters Do, Dan Savage, Log Cabins, Lennox, Destroying All Institutions, The Sheeple, A Republic if you can keep it (all tags)

    Remember this?

    Yup.  I can't figure out why Pugh went on the run.  I'm rather confident that Jessica Cooper won't either because Pugh's always been {wait for it} Clean as a Whistle.

    Then there was the suspended investigation.

    The outcome below the fold.

    Remember in video above, the student who is preyed upon was reported as a 17-year-old.

    Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper said that text messages sent from Pugh to an 18-year-old Detroit student he mentored were "disturbing" and "highly inappropriate," but did not rise to the level of a crime and were sent outside of her jurisdiction in Wayne County.

    Many of Pugh's text messages were of a sexually-charged nature, and several are too graphic to print.

    According to Madison Heights police department's review of the messages, "...the suspect offers money and video games to the victim in exchange for a video of the victim.  The suspect specifically requested that the victim be naked, and he preferred that the victim be alone."

    Pugh's offer came in the evening of the same day that the teen says Pugh took him to the K&G Suit Warehouse to buy him clothes, and placed his hand on the "victim's left inner thigh...aprox. one inch from his  genitalia," according to the police report.

    When 7 Action News spoke with Pugh over the summer, he said there were no inappropriate or sexual text messages ever sent and that that his relationship with the young man was completely proper.

    Oakland County has become a corrupt cesspool.

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