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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Oh, this is good.

    By KG One, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Fri Oct 19, 2012 at 04:39:59 PM EST
    Tags: Government boondoggle, Guess who is on the hook this time? The answer just may surprise you. (all tags)

    Found this in my e-mail this afternoon.

    Yet another striking example why the adults need to take away the purse-strings away from politicians who think they know how to spend our own money better than we can.

    And it gets even better.

    {Continued after the fold}

    I had a relative who quit this company a while back, only they wouldn't tell me exactly why.

    "Green Company". Next "big-thing"!

    Yeah, right!

    Now I know why they love their new job.

    Not only did the feds get taken in by these charlatans, but so did the State of Michigan (better pay attention Gov. Snyder) and the easily duped politicians running the City of Holland.

    You want a good argument to use when politicians fret about not having "enough" revenue to run government?

    People, I give you Exhibit A.

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    (better pay attention Gov. Snyder)? (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Sat Oct 20, 2012 at 08:25:54 PM EST

    Even though `green energy' is a proven economic loser, it seems facts will not stand in the way of politicians beating the `green energy future' and `green collar' jobs drum. Even Michigan's Republican candidate for Governor, Rick Snyder, has picked up the Jennifer Granholm (worst Governor in America) Green energy mantle:

    As a member of the board of trustees of the Michigan Chapter of the Nature Conservancy, Rick has gained great insight into the issues facing Michigan and the role that the state should play in the Great Lakes Region. As an entrepreneur, Rick understands how to quickly and efficiently transfer technology from the classroom to the marketplace, which will help protect Michigan's environment and create "green collar" jobs.


    What's that?  The rickformichigan.com website is scrubbed clean?  Say it isn't so, Nerdpublicans.

    Y'all's best be askin' Young Johnny about that before he starts the Nerds reelection campaign, eh?

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