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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

      MCPP Outs Snyder And Obama As One In The Same

      By Corinthian Scales, Section News
      Posted on Tue Jun 21, 2011 at 02:23:30 AM EST
      Tags: Mackinac Center for Public Policy, SnyderBama, One Term for Teh Won, Recall or Primary Teh Nerd (all tags)

      I don't usually waste my time with the commie fish wrap, but this about the GoverNerd did catch my eye.

      The fact that a Republican governor's spending and tax proposals have encountered such resistance in a GOP-controlled Legislature is evidence that the most important fault line in American politics today may not be Democrat vs. Republican, but political careerists vs. the rest of us.

      Yep, that's about right if you're covering for RINOs kowtowing to labor unions that got both of your teats in a wringer.  "The rest of us" is not buying it though.

      Looking at their commonalities...

      Snyder and Obama both love Obamacare, corporate tax breaks, individual tax hikes, illegal aliens, labor unions, welfare wealth distribution, islam, government railroad and bridge boondoggles, and both Obama and Snyder have an aversion to God (Like Snyder will "be at work focusing on economic development" on the first SATURDAY of August).

      Nah, it's just those eeeevil "careerists" and not the agenda of a RINO or Liberal in the Executive Office.

      Bottom line.  Both cannot serve more than their one term if there's any hope for this state and nation.

      Note to Jack McHugh and James Hohman.  Spare everyone the tired retrograde tale about the Liberal Corporatist Nerd from Ann Arbor being any kind of political newbie.

      When moderate-Republican businessman Rick Snyder won the party's gubernatorial primary election last August, some called it a "Tea Party" victory, even though his three opponents had staked out more conservative positions. But Snyder was a genuine political outsider, whereas his rivals were well-known career politicians.

      It's disingenuous and everyone knows it.

      Snyder used to tell friends that his plan was to be elected governor or a U.S. senator by the time he was 50. His entry into public life was less auspicious; Republican Gov. John Engler named him the first head of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation in 1999...

      In July 2009, to little acclaim, Snyder announced his candidacy for governor on the grounds of the state Capitol. He was 51, a year behind schedule. His work as a venture capitalist and on various civic boards had gone unnoticed by the vast majority of voters...

      Snyder, a shaky campaigner at first, ducked debates and refused to respond to interest group questionnaires. He put $5.9 million of his own money into his campaign, enabling him to dominate television advertising. He was endorsed by Michigan Right to Life, the state Chamber of Commerce and DeVos and his wife, longtime Republican National Committeewoman Betsy DeVos. But he also won the endorsement of William Milliken, the liberal Republican governor from 1968 to 1982, and he sought crossover votes (Michigan does not have party registration) by starting a Common Sense for Michigan website featuring an endorsement from former Rep. Joe Schwarz, a Republican ousted after one term by conservative Tim Walberg in the 2006 primary. "Nobody is apolitical," Schwarz said. "But Rick is about as apolitical a guy as you could find."

      Ya, Michigan Right to Life, the same group that backed Stupak?  The same Michigan Right to Life that now their GoverNerd is also an Obamacare supporter?  With the quality of their endorsements and a $1.25, you can get a cup of coffee too.  Hey, at least the coffee cup will hold water longer than their vetting.

      And, Betsy DeVos?  Holy crap!  She must be getting a wee bit feeble minded with backing the RINO GoverNerd after just a few years ago throwing a MI-GOP resignation sh!t fit on the steps of the Capitol calling Engler out as being not far Right enough about school vouchers.

      It's beyond puzzling for me with the gene pool of leadership that people in this state accept.

      < Monday's Divertere: The Godless Count Grows | Democrat Challenger Hones Her Résumé >

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      MI RTL (none / 0) (#1)
      by JGillman on Tue Jun 21, 2011 at 06:58:32 AM EST
      They did not endorse him in the primary.

      In fact they shunned him.  HE was the reason they endorsed Cox.

      In the general, one could actually have put a baby culling scythe in Bernero's hand and taken a picture and it would be accurate.  What could they do.

      Wouldn't pick on them too much.

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