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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Republican plan to raise taxes in Lansing now in danger.

    By KG One, Section News
    Posted on Wed May 04, 2011 at 05:27:22 PM EST
    Tags: Gov Snyder, Rep. Gilbert, pension tax, HB 4480, income tax, SB 290, and now with a twist (all tags)

    Governor Snyder's plan to hit up Michigan Taxpayers for more of their money isn't looking very promising.

    Just last week, Rep. Gilbert's bill to shake down pensioners; HB 4480, JUST cleared the Michigan House 56-53 and moved over to the Michigan Senate.

    This week, things just got a little more interesting.

    {Details after the fold}

    Aside from still not having the required votes necessary for passage (some Senate Republicans remember the time when raising taxes was an anathema to their party), waffling Senators received something in the mail to give them another reason to pause.

    According to Lansing's Channel 6 (Shockwave embed doesn't work very well here...sorry)

    Governor Snyder's other tax hike, the one delaying the rollback of the Income Tax hike of `07, isn't looking too good either.

    To get everyone up to speed, when the Bishop/Dillon/Granholm bill was passed, it contained a provision that the rate would be ratcheted down, until it was at the rate it was before the increase.

    So far, a bill sponsored by democratic Sen. Rebekah Warren; SB 290, introduced back in March is the closest to what Gov. Snyder wants, but it is still awaiting action in the Committee on Finance.

    This is where I'll most likely get a few die-hards complaining that I'm too hard on Gov. Snyder and the republican sellouts in the Michigan House for supporting this tax increase.

    Those same people most likely forgot what former GOP State Chair Betsy DeVos included in a memo back in November 2003 to elected officials, admonishing them to not accept then-Gov Granholm's delay in an income tax rate rollback.

    Why would it be considered a tax hike under a democrat governor, but not under a republican?

    Since when did it become acceptable to go against your own base?

    On a related note: Governor Snyder's recall is moving well underway.

    You should be seeing one of these in your neighborhood beginning July 1st.

    I don't know of any elected official who wants to spend the time and resources fighting an issue like that is easily remedied by just sticking to their core principles.

    Stay tuned...

    < Michigan Redistricting: State House Part III: Macomb and the Thumb | Not So Fast >

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    The State Senate can lead or be lemmings (none / 0) (#1)
    by Republican Michigander on Thu May 05, 2011 at 10:31:01 AM EST
    We need to keep the pressure on.

    The worry here is that enough senators will cave because they want to get rid of the MBT. I agree that the MBT sucks, but this goes from bad to worse. No tax increases - aka no more money going to government. They haven't earned it.

    All of this debate is over only about 20% of the budget with the discretionary funds. 80% isn't touched due to constitutional or federal matching fund concerns. (Amend the constitution and go line-by-line with everything)

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