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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Weekend Sphere

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Feb 04, 2011 at 09:36:45 PM EST
    Tags: Dennis Lennox, Bible Math Politics, The Blog Prof, Capitol Confidential, Daily Grit, Everyone takes their turn, FedUp USA, Blogs, Michigan, Sphere (all tags)

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    The Lansing State Journal (none / 0) (#1)
    by grannynanny on Sat Feb 05, 2011 at 08:45:45 AM EST
    posted the report by Snyder's office on the wages and benefits of state employees - ya shoulda seen the comments...needless to say - lots of whiners.  Then the LSJ posted the findings of another report that was paid for by a union pollster saying that 53% of employees working for the state were underpaid compared with the private sector.  Wow, didn't realize there were so many over educated people working for peanuts.  It was quite amazing to read the stupidity of the state workers.

    Did you know we have people working for our government with masters degrees and they only make $36k a year?  Biologists who only make $29k a year?

    Well now, seems the LSJ posted the salaries of state workers back in 2007 (still on their site) and guess what I found?  In the six counties I looked up, biologists with the DNR were making $60k+ a year.  "Technicians" - no degree required, making $50k+ a year.  Positions that require more than a 4 yr. degree = $79k+ a year.  Data entry specialists = $58k+ a year.  

    Who do they think they are kidding?  Yes, there are new hiring guidelines, however, you start out as a general hourly worker and then move up to the "specialist" dept. which is union speak for "living" wages and bloated benefits.  It's all a shell game.  It's all in black and white.  Number of state workers down, wages are up - way up!!!  The sad thing about it is there are so many entrenched workers being paid big bucks who think they are entitled to these wages and benefits and have not figured out who is paying for them.  

    BTW - almost all of them think new taxes should support these wages.

    Whose gonna collapse first? (none / 0) (#5)
    by KG One on Sat Feb 05, 2011 at 07:03:00 PM EST
    I know that Hamtramck and Mount Clemens are two of the "three or four" mentioned by Mr. Dillon that won't be able to make payroll in the coming months.

    As for the 100 or so cities, many of them are clustered around the Detroit-Area. They have a little more time, two or three years max.

    I can't speak for the rest of the list.

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