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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    White Noise

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Oct 21, 2011 at 10:23:08 AM EST
    Tags: OWS, Press, Coverage, Republicans, Conservatism, Omission, White Noise (all tags)

    An accomplice (friend - coworker) of mine suggests today that the timing for the OWS is curious.

    He points out the occupy efforts have been quite well organized and publicized. Not only so much more than the tea party protests, but in fact more so than the ongoing selection effort being made within the Republican party to find its flag bearer.  He opines "As the conservative message is being discussed, being advocated through the debates, it is being lost in the white noise of the OWS coverage"

    Instant recall of the last few front page views of the local fishwrap reminds me that the volume in recent stories of our Republican possibles or their message being reported is down.

    Curious.  Thoughts?

    < Publicly Owned Privately Profited | Occupy Traverse City? >

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    "Wagging the Dog" (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Sat Oct 22, 2011 at 06:23:10 AM EST
    In all of it's various guises, has always been a tried and true tactic in politics.

    But you can only control so much of what happens within your own borders.

    Expect "No More" Kadaffy to eat up a greater chunk of the MSM media cycles and then the collapse of the government in Greece followed by the eventual dissolution of the Euro/EU(?) to take everyone's attention away from the primaries.

    It's #Occupy noise that won't work (none / 0) (#3)
    by Corinthian Scales on Sat Oct 22, 2011 at 12:01:11 PM EST
    The mere writing of "the last few front page views of the local fishwrap" is indicative to the fact of their declining circulations.

    A not so subtle reminder...

    "You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's."

    To be frank, I'm rather glad that the News Media Sycophants are promoting the alignment of the #Occupy The System with the failed Democratic Party.  Let the NMS continually focus the nations conscience on the miniscule anarchist fringe of mindless collective lemmings scattered throughout our society that follow those with a Lennin/Marx redistributive agenda whose only stated purpose is to rule over all of us.

    Contrary to the Obama administration, we are a Christian nation.  The #Occupy arm of the Democratic Party promoting Covet Thy Neighbor, well, I believe they will met by Romans 6:23 at the November 6, 2012 ballot box.

    I'm sure that there are those in this nation, or for that matter, in this state, my family in particular, where places like Michigan Central Station still serves as reminder of family members who departed there for overseas that gave all in their conviction to destroy the National Socialist German Workers Party to allow for advancement of the now openly islamic mentality of #Occupy as one example above.

    Another example of #Occupy that Obama, Peslosi and Reid have publicly chosen to align themselves with is as follows.

    Actions have consequences.  Even in the land of fruits and nuts California, the demented #Occupy styling of Jackson "Hymie Town" and Sharpton "Freddy's Fashion Mart" incitement of Patricia McAllisters' brand of open hatred does not stand.

    State Nationalization has failed everywhere it's been tried on the planet.  The unwashed Useful Idiots on display are expendable resources of the Democratic Party that are meaningless as they will turn on their own.

    The grassroots return to Conservatism movement is well underway across this great nation of ours...

    ...and there no stopping it.  ...and all said without a Telepromper or any 'uh-uh-um, or I, I, I, I, I, I's.  God bless her.

    J-man, your accomplice (friend - coworker) just has to have faith in that.

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