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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.


    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jan 12, 2011 at 10:41:49 PM EST
    Tags: DSO, Michigan, Detroit, Strike (all tags)

    Wow..  The importance!

    Umm maybe, this wasn't such a great idea after all?  From the Washington Times:

    "Striking Detroit Symphony Orchestra musicians are calling for a return to bargaining more than three months after walking off the job.

    The musicians renewed their call Wednesday for management to reconsider a compromise proposal announced in December by then-Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm and U.S. Sen. Carl Levin."

    "Uh fellas?  My tummy hurts.."  "..Yeah stinky, I know I'm hungry too." "Hey, you guys hear bout fingers?  apparently he's a greeter at Walmart.."

    Reconsidering is indeed sometimes a good idea.

    Especially when sitting on the bottom of the ladder of importance, and the flood waters are rising.  Keeping a head above the waves sometimes requires a change in posture.

    Perhaps it provides a lesson for the rest of the liberal universe when they just cannot figure out why life kinda stinks for them?  When decisions they make somehow don't bring the results expected, or 'bad luck' seems to follow them around.

    Such folks cannot catch a break.

    While we as conservatives understand the consequence of their actions bring more and worse effects upon them the seeming oblivious nature of the left is encouraged by power seekers who use such decision making to their advantage.  Most conservatives understand that abortion cheapens life, entitlements encourage a lack of solutions sought, and responsibility lessens mistakes.  

    The unlucky folk who find themselves with a losing ticket in life's lottery ought to notice they are carrying the same ticket from week to week.  If they do not replace it, they will find the same disappointment as the last.  If they do not learn from mistakes made, they are doomed to repeat them in perpetuity.  The cheapening of life they promote puts them at risk, the entitlements they receive removes them from being a part of the solution. And finally, the responsibility they avoid, in cradle to grave government schemes destroy the solidarity of the family unit, or dependence on IT, resulting in generational memory loss of good values.

    And sometimes it means they cannot place the proper context or value on such luxuries as 'the arts' when education or safety is in competition for the same dollars.

    Good luck with that DSO..  But in your fit, I think you didn't hold your breath long enough.

    Try it indefinitely, and see if that makes a difference.

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    Just not enough rich people coughing up to support (none / 0) (#1)
    by RushLake on Thu Jan 13, 2011 at 05:10:32 AM EST
    these union goons. Life is so unfair.  

    Classic (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Jan 13, 2011 at 08:54:18 AM EST
    So, they're in a tizzy about the $2 million unfunded gap that the MoleRattle and the Millennium Comb-over Man bartered.

    Well, fug 'em!

    About 40% of the season has been canceled so far. The strike began Oct. 4 in response to implemented pay cuts of about 30% and work rule changes. The Levin-Granholm compromise, which split the financial difference between the parties with a $36-million package, left the parties $2 million apart.

    The players embraced the proposal, but management said its previous $34-million offer was already pushing revenue projections beyond reasonable expectations and would result in deficits. The DSO has been struggling with annual losses totaling $19 million since 2008, including nearly $9 million in 2010.

    They were offered a 25% reduction at $36 million.  They just chose to eliminate 40% of their their business income by striking, so, that 30% income reduction should be much more palatable, shouldn't it?

    Start back at the bargaining table with a 35% reduction due to the added deficit created by the fools going on strike.

    Gotta love the collective contract mentality... they'd rather have 100% of nothing than 75% of something.

    Question? (none / 0) (#3)
    by grannynanny on Thu Jan 13, 2011 at 09:24:26 AM EST
    Just who, in their right mind, goes into the rat hole that is Detroit to listen to DSO any way?  I can think of a lot more places around that area to go hear beautiful music in a an environment where you don't have to risk your life in doing so.  

    Another question?  Do you think the DSO is/was holding out for a bail out from O'Bummer and his minions within our state?

    Supply and Demand (none / 0) (#5)
    by geek49203 on Sun Jan 16, 2011 at 09:02:08 PM EST
    When the DSO could put out a "help wanted" ad at the proposed rates and conditions, and get 5 times the number of QUALIFIED musicians needed for the auditions, you know that the union doesn't have a leg to stand on.

    And if teachers ever go on strike, they'll find out the same thing as well.  

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