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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Feelin lucky? Well.. Are ya Punks?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Apr 02, 2010 at 01:05:06 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, MEA, Nofs, Kahn, Richardville, Lottery, Charter Schools, K-12, Education (all tags)

    Ok.. maybe that's the way our state would like to continue the dialogue..  With reform stalled in the Senate, the legislators have gone home to their districts.  School pension reform could mean that a $118 cut per K-12 pupil would not happen for the 2011 school year. Per CapCon..

    A K-12 school aid budget recently passed by the Michigan Senate would use the savings from this plan to maintain the current year's per-pupil funding for Michigan's school districts. But without pension reform, the Senate funding plan would require a $118 per student cut for fiscal 2011.

    The stall however is in the Republican controlled senate, where an unholy alliance of certain republicans and the MEA has logjammed any forward progress.


    From the same article..

    Lobbying pressure from the Michigan Education Association -- the state's largest public school employee union -- was also cited by Republicans as a factor behind the lack of support for pension reform. The union is strongly opposed and began running statewide radio advertisements critical of benefit reductions shortly after the lawmakers went home for the break.

    Sen. Jud Gilbert, R-Algonac, is the sponsor of Senate Bill 1227, the school pension reform plan. He told the MIRS News that at least three Republicans were refusing to support the bills. Just two of those GOP votes would have provided the margin necessary for passage.

    Days earlier, MIRS quoted a "well placed source" that identified four Republican senators as possible "no" votes on SB 1227:

    Sen. Roger Kahn, R-Saginaw

    Sen. Mike Nofs, R-Battle Creek

    Sen. Randy Richardville, R-Monroe

    Sen. Nancy Cassis, R-Novi

    Kahn, Nofs and Richardville have each received political donations from the MEA in recent years. Nofs' past support from the union -- and his historical willingness to break from the GOP pack and cast votes in line with MEA concerns -- led one Michigan Tea Party organization to circulate literature critical of the lawmaker's record during his recent election.

    Indeed, Mike Nofs has been called out as a RINO in the past, and consistently earns the title by reaching across to the other side often enough to show a donkey's tail.

    But ultimately the big money spent on the public institutions of K-12 learning is put to shame by the results of Charter schools in Michigan.  While the debate holds over to the next time Lansing has its little get together, there are others who are hanging on to four leaf clovers, shaking the salt, and crossing fingers.

    As the Public schools ask for more, and give a little less, there is apparently too much demand for charter schooling.  So much demand in fact, that "luck of the draw" can often determine whether your child gets a decent education:

    All of the adults are here on this warm spring afternoon for the same reason: to find out if their children will gain admission to South Arbor Academy, a Washtenaw County public charter school that has become so popular that it conducts a public lottery each spring to divvy up any openings in its K-8 program.

    Kindergarten is the most sought-after spot. The school has 77 seats available for the fall of 2010, but about 51 of those will be taken by siblings of students who already are enrolled at the school. That leaves only 26 seats to be filled by lottery, out of 206 applications.

    Not enough seats for the kids.. A real to life lottery.  A CHANCE to have a decent education

    The two-hour lottery followed a strict protocol, including a rule that it be videotaped. As the camera filmed, the names of all applicants in a given grade were placed in a container and drawn at random by an independent third party. As they were drawn, each name was read aloud and recorded, in order, on one of a series of white posters lining the gymnasium wall. Waiting lists are maintained even in grades with no current openings, in case a seat becomes available during the year.

    Huh..  So while the MEA spends MILLIONS of dollars on an ad campaign to let us know how wonderfully they feel about our children ( I KNOW you've heard them recently) They are still fighing to take money AWAY from the kid's real education to pad a retirement option that is going to break the state eventually anyhow... just about when these lil buggers grow up

    How lucky is that?

    Nofs, Cassis, Khan, and Richardville? Perhaps the house should loosen up the MEA stake for this game huh?  Or are you all in ..maybe just a little too far?

    < Even on a "Gimme" Snyder is a total Fail | To DPS' Old Guard, Kids Come Second >

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    I'm surprised (none / 0) (#1)
    by RushLake on Sun Apr 04, 2010 at 08:43:38 AM EST
    that Bruce Patterson's name isn't on that list. He's managed to pretty consistently vote with the MEA on budget issues for years. He must have disappeared again like he did from our district after he was elected to his final lame duck term. Maybe the RINOs had enough votes to sell out the taxpayers without him. He'll be back to ask for our vote for Secretary of State.

    We will never defeat the MEA until we are willing to take on it's rank and file head on. Lots of people opine against the MEA while extolling the "hard working teachers". The teachers are the MEA and it acts at their behest. As brilliant as they all tell us they are, all of our children in Michigan public schools should be at the top of the heap nationwide and worldwide. We're paying for nothing less.

    Just another folly of a purist (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon Apr 05, 2010 at 12:25:58 AM EST
    ...everything that was lost on here.  It makes me sick.

    Remember these bumble f#@%'s raving about Nofs?  Can't vote for the Dimocrat!!!  Yah, that's worked out well for everyone. VOTE FOR THE RINO!!!  Just another damn lifelong gummint employee that started as a cop, protecting his union brethren gummint employees.  Kinda like a mini Stupak.

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