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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Completely Clueless?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Feb 16, 2010 at 09:16:29 AM EST
    Tags: Granholm, Michigan, Budget, corruption, Taxes (all tags)

    Crains Business Starts off a recent column with:

    LANSING - Gov. Jennifer Granholm says she's hoping to help business with her tax restructuring plan, but so far her proposal seems to satisfy nobody in the business community.

    Ya think?

    At some point there must be a tipping point where even her kids turn on her and say "Mom, maybe you ought to just bake cookies.."  In fact I imagine the thoughts of the executive staff when they see her getting in early, ready to go, must turn to: "Gosh, will she PLEEEEASE take a sick day already??"

    It has to be that bad..  

    Given that its quite obvious the governor has no clue how to attract business, why have we allowed her two terms to wreck what was once the jewel of the midwest?  Two terms of utter and complete incompetence.

    Of course, lets put away any partisanship and take a look at some of her her budget proposals...

    In fact, lets look at the refusal to cut spending, which defies logic when looking at the shrinkage of population and incoming revenue.  It defies logic until you don the "Great Carnak" coif, and look a couple years into the future.. What might we discover there is a cushy job, well protected and waiting for her.  As we all know her future as an elected official is shot unless she moves back to her training grounds in San Francisco, that place where one cuts their teeth in the ultra left trades.

    Speculation of course, but we have seen it before.  I believe it was a certain Detroit executive who had a comfy job waiting for him with a contractor of Detroit after the term that was so rudely interrupted by a jail sentence..

    But really, Lets just take a look at the here and now.

    This executive has plans.  There is a reason she won't cut spending.  The logical place where the spending might actually happen would likely be with her "boyz in the Trades..." er ..umm I mean in the government employment sector.  They have done so much for her.  Loyalty is a special thing you know.

    Its so special she would raise your Medical costs as noted further in Crains article:

    "enactment of a 3 percent tax on physicians' gross receipts that would leverage more federal money for the Medicaid program."

    I am hoping that most of you understand what gross receipts are.  That is the top of the bill, the price you pay, the whole ticket. What it means is that for every dollar you spend on your health care, you will be looking at spending another $0.30 more.  Don't think the doctors can or will absorb a gross tax without passing it along.  Understand that she wants to TAX YOU.

    So she can give it back to you.

    But HEY what the heck, she is cutting your sales tax by 0.5%!  Woot!  Oh wait..  now there is that nasty service tax addition..

    "Overall, about 150 state services would be subject to the tax, raising about half a billion dollars for schools. The state has not compiled a definitive list of what would qualify for the tax."

    Don't know? Considering past results (2007) it all depends on which service industry ponies up the best defense.  And we know SEIU will be there to (and probably successfully)defend its operators..

    My advice to Legislators.. Throw it out.  One ounce of consideration to Jenny's plan cannot end well for the citizens of Michigan.  She would likely produce a higher quality budget by scratching off a mega millions lottery ticket.  The amount of "restructuring" she has proposed is simply to hide higher spending, and favorable distribution to preferred interests.  Start it over and build from the ground up.  Her plan is bad.

    Is she clueless?  Either that or a less spectacular alternative.

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    New Jersey (none / 0) (#1)
    by grannynanny on Tue Feb 16, 2010 at 06:07:39 PM EST
    Pull up the full context of Chris Christie's speech in New Jersey concerning their budget and financial woes and it is quite an eye opener!  He cited the union contracts with govt. employees and retirees and it was to say the least very disheartening that a public employee with 25 years of service, contributing only $124,000 over that 25 yrs. to their retirement, drifts into their retirement years with a payout of $3.3 million and $500K in health benefits from the state.  How can ANY state survive that?

    I tried looking up the figures for Michigan but I can't find what percentage the employee is contributing.  We do pay out a pretty penny in health benefits - I did find that.  I'll keep digging.

    In the mean time it appears that our state is in the same condition as New Jersey and the car companies.  We cannot afford the legacy costs imposed on the taxpayer.  It is going to bankrupt the state way sooner than expected.

    • Benefits by grannynanny, 02/17/2010 09:23:09 AM EST (none / 0)
    Greedy and stupid (none / 0) (#2)
    by Rougman on Tue Feb 16, 2010 at 07:04:10 PM EST
    Michigan had a shot to pull this thing back together a few years ago.  Admittedly, Granholm did inherit a fair number of problems, but the outlook was not so bleak that a wise executive could not have put Michigan business on sound footing.

    Instead, like all socialist dreamers, she spent the first few years of her administration paying back her favorite constituencies with a bag of expensive goodies, and then spent the rest trying to mold the state's economy like it was so much play-doh. In the process she added to the taxpayer burden while reducing the number of taxpayers.  

    Our governor is incapable of thinking like an entrepreneur, and therefore is incapable of determining what efforts on the part of a state government would help to attract and retain jobs.  Good grief, when she hired a CEO for the state she hired a labor lawyer.  Doesn't that tell you anything?

    We have at least three generations of hardened labor activists in this state that give Michigan the well-earned badge of having the most adversarial work force in the US.  We have had too many years of progressives in office that have done their best to slather big labor with every perk they can envision.  Then, after years of watching serious problems develop, when things begin to look extremely bleak, the progressive solution is not to change the way that they do business, but rather to force consumers and taxpayers to adhere to the failing model...bigger government, more regulation, protectionism, taxes, taxes, taxes.

    This outcome was predictable and it was predicted.  Big government and big labor were either too stupid to listen or too greedy to care.  I think it is both.

    We need reform (none / 0) (#3)
    by tmbg1453 on Tue Feb 16, 2010 at 09:29:03 PM EST
    We have a lot of long-term problems in our state that have just piled up after years and years of inaction. Huge structural problems in state government. We have a state government workforce, for example, that is about 10 percent larger than the state population would require. We have a tax code that discourages job providers from setting up shop. We have a system that continually underfunds education, roads and other core services, while at the same time we have countless governmental entities that could be -- but are not -- consolidating administrative functions to save money.

    The governor doesn't seem to be big on reforms, but I wish she would follow some of the recommendations at www.michiganturnaroundplan.com

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