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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Government spending can't solve every problem (but don't tell the FREEP)

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jun 23, 2009 at 07:15:17 AM EST
    Tags: MSM, economy, depression, worst-in-nation (all tags)

    In forty-nine other states folks are devastated and captivated this morning by news that Jon and Kate (Plus 8) are getting divorced.  In Michigan we've got bigger issues... like the news that Michigan teens are significantly more likely than the average American teenager to commit suicide.  

    And THAT is about as light a spin I can manage for an introduction to this sort of a topic.  

    7 percent of American teenagers admit attempting suicide, according to a recent study.  That number is 9 in Michigan, about 30 percent higher than the national average.  27 percent of Michigan teens admit being depressed.  That's better (or worse, I guess) than one in four.  

    That counts as a problem.  A serious problem.  So what's the solution?  

    I'd argue it is Jesus.  

    The Mainstream media?  They put their faith in a different sort of god.  The Ivory Tower:

    Michigan's joblessness, homelessness and hopelessness fuels teen depression, and using school time for mental health education might help catch it early, said Dr. David Rosenberg, chairman of psychiatry at Children's Hospital of Michigan...

    The 2006 Chase Edwards Law encourages Michigan educators to teach suicide prevention in schools, but it doesn't mandate it -- even with school surveys showing that the percentage of depressed and suicidal teens has barely changed in Michigan since 2001.

    The law goes unenforced in part because no funding is attached to it. Schools and districts can individually decide whether they'll broach depression, either through state-provided materials or through presentations...

    OF COURSE!  The public schools, bureaucrats, politicians and state spending! Don't know how I ever could have put my faith in anyone else.

    Read on...

    But here's an outside the box sort of thought... if Michigan's rate is higher than other states and if our "joblessness, homelessness and hopelessness" fuel teen depression then wouldn't solving that whole unemployment problem represent a pretty significant step towards mitigating suicidal behavior?  

    Obviously this is an infinitely more complicated problem than anyone is going to do justice on RightMichigan or in the Detroit Free Press.  And part of living in a sin-cursed world is that rotten things are going to happen, despite everyone's best efforts and intentions.  And certainly there's a role for the secular world and mental health professionals.  A significant one, even.  Read the paper and you'd think they're the only ones who can do anything about it.  There are nearly 1,400 words in the FREEP's story about Michigan's suicide epidemic and what can be done about it.  Not one of them is "God," "Jesus," "church" or "faith."

    Suicide rates pretty high on the list of things that suck, and don't we all know it.  Odds are just about everyone reading this post knows someone who has committed suicide or someone who has tried.  We hurt with them and for them, we love them and we pray for them.  We try to get them help.  Most of us don't reflect on the tragic situation and figure out a way to blame it on inadequate state spending.  

    Then again, that actually sums up quite nicely the difference between normal Michiganders and the big-government Lefty set, doesn't it?

    Oh, and all the best to Jon and Kate.  I hope those crazy kids (and by "kids" I mean the adults) find a way to work things out.

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    Sad Topic, Accurate Observations (none / 0) (#1)
    by kenmatesevac on Tue Jun 23, 2009 at 10:02:33 AM EST
    Nick:  Good job sharing your thoughts on the matter.  Ultimately, faith in Christ in what those kids need.  

    Nearly all kids who give serious thought to suicide come from homes where they do not feel love.  Even if they are loved, it is important that family members (first and foremost, the parents) show/demonstrate/verbalize that love.

    Of all the things government cannot do, showing love to our kids is high on that list.

    Government Almighty and the Love of Money (none / 0) (#2)
    by theclassiclib on Tue Jun 23, 2009 at 12:58:00 PM EST
    Those of us who support freedom and small government are attacked constantly with false labels of hating the poor, being racist, not caring for children and throwing our grandmothers out in the streets to die ...Why do "they" say these things about us?  The common answer is because we're "GREEDY!"

    The (not so) funny thing is though, we're not the folks demanding money.  It is the Left who demands money, needs money, never has enough money ... EVERYTHING on the Left is about money!

    Then they riducule people of faith, labeling us dumb hicks, who cling to our guns and myths ... But as Christians, who understand we're mere, imperfect humans, we often struggle with our faith, because it is real, nor do we forcefully impose it on others.

    Government, all throughout human history, has been an utter failure.  No government has ever been able to provide, because a government only has one tool in its toolbox - force.  This is why governments that try to provide, ultimately turn into various forms of tyranny before they eventually collapse.

    Yet ... the Left never struggles with their FAITH in government.  Disregarding the proven track-record of total failure, the Left carries on in complete and unshakeable FAITH, that the government is some form of omnipotent, human-created god.

    In other words, the Left attacks our faith because it is human, real, and never lets us down ... they're jealous.  And why they attack us about money, is because they lust for it ... seeing free market advocates discussing freedom and liberty, not money, is something they don't understand, so they attack!

    So the Left then advocates for the use of government force against us, to impose their mythologies, of the "money god" and "government god," on us all.

    This is just another example of why conservatives need not defend themselves, because it's the Left who's guilty ... of every every evil they claim to be against!

    211 (none / 0) (#4)
    by Eric T on Tue Jun 23, 2009 at 11:31:22 PM EST
    As depressing as the news in Michigan can be, I can understand why someone might just wanna give up, and jump off a bridge or something, but there is a hotline you can call if Satan is putting thoughts like that in your mind, and you are losing touch with reality.


    Here is a easy to remember phone number where someone, who might be ready to snap, and go off the deep end and hurt somebody or hurt themselves, they may have a chance to speak with someone who can talk them, thru the crisis. Let them know people do care about them, direct them to someone who can help

    It might make a good T.V commerical, billboard, it don't do any good if people don't know about it.  


    Physical and Mental Health Resources: medical information lines, crisis intervention services, support groups, counseling, drug and alcohol intervention, rehabilitation, health insurance programs, Medicaid and Medicare, maternal health, children's health insurance programs.

    Well, what can I say? (none / 0) (#5)
    by thejmfc on Wed Jun 24, 2009 at 03:15:59 AM EST
    Michigan is probably one of the more depressing places to come of age right now.  Want a job when you graduate high school (or college, for that matter)?  No jobs here.  Well that's okay, you can start your own business!  Except, Michigan is terribly hostile toward business.  Hmmm...  

    Yes, it seems that the two most obvious choices to our young people these days are: a) leave the state, b) kill yourself.

    Not to make light of the situation, but I can't help but imagine the Pure Michigan spin on it:  "So step outside.  Realize that you have no future.  Shoot yourself in the head.  That's Pure Michigan."

    • "pure michigan" by bearb319, 06/24/2009 06:03:41 AM EST (none / 0)
    • 211 by Eric T, 06/24/2009 03:49:32 PM EST (none / 0)
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