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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    President Obama kills 1,600 Michigan jobs, sends stocks plummeting

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Apr 21, 2009 at 07:31:13 AM EST
    Tags: Obama, GM, bankruptcy, Cherry, unemployment (all tags)

    A month into President Obama's leadership of Michigan manufacturing giant General Motors and the results just keep getting uglier.  

    The administration's inside men, a CEO and a Board of Directors they hand picked and put in place to run the ship per the administration's specific and explicit guidelines made a series of announcements yesterday and none of them were pretty.

    Ugliest was the news that 1,600 white collar workers right here in Michigan would be losing their jobs in the next few days.  The Detroit News reports:

    The announcement was made by GM North American President Troy Clarke in an e-mail sent to employees Monday, spokesman Tom Wilkinson said.

    "This is part of really restructuring the company to a smaller, leaner company, one that can, as the (Obama) administration requested, be profitable on an ongoing basis," Wilkinson said.

    It is like Donald Trump meets Meg Ryan.  "You've got mail... you're fired."  And all courtesy of the President of the United States.  Of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg.  47,000 mostly Michigan jobs are expected to be whacked on the President's say-so, because apparently that's less damaging to the man politically than forcing his special interest pals at the UAW to negotiate down from that $50+ an hour all-in pay scale.

    And the alternatives aren't particularly pretty.  President Obama has made it clear... it is his way or the highway.  GM's new leadership team are killing Michigan jobs on his orders and with the threat of forced bankruptcy hanging over their heads.

    The Ivory Tower opines about Obama's threat:

    "This is truly scary," said John Wolkonowicz, IHS Global Insight senior automotive analyst. "Neither the government nor GM has any control over the outcome if this goes to bankruptcy court."

    Probably why, as we find out this morning, the company poured millions of dollars into lobbying the Democrats in DC in just the last three months.  All told, the last nine months have seen GM lobbyists spend $8.8 million to wine and dine and bribe... errr... influence... errr... cajole the power players on the Left into being less hostile.  And hey, I'm not saying there's a direct connection to the $13.4 BILLION in free TARP money the President and Congressional Democrats gave GM, but making a key Senator or three feel like $8.8 million bucks couldn't have hurt.

    Maybe they could spend a few of those TARP dollars bribing... errr... lobbying stock holders next.  The Associated Press reports that shares of GM stock plummeted 11 percent yesterday on news of the President's plan to kill those 1,600 jobs.

    That's a move even John Cherry wouldn't be proud of.  Who am I kidding.  That man is so tone deaf to the problems of real Michiganders he'll probably send a campaign email embracing the administration's job killing plans.

    < Tuesday in the Sphere: April 21 | 19th Senate Special: Mike Nofs makes it official >

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    I would suggest... (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by rdww on Tue Apr 21, 2009 at 09:32:32 AM EST
    ... that we visit the GM website en masse (www.gm.com) and poke around in the corporate governance section to find out how to send an email directly to the GM board (this is required now per federal whistleblower rules).  Send a simple, to-the-point message -- "Declare bankruptcy NOW."
    Think of what GM has become, especially in recent months, as the character in SciFi movies who realizes too late that he's given his loyalty to a Dark Overlord who's only goal is brutal domination.  The character chooses redemption through an honorable death, crashing his spaceship into the Overlord's mothership and sending both into oblivion.
    Redeem yourself, GM.

    • Bankruptcy by dsheill, 04/21/2009 01:16:01 PM EST (none / 0)
    One other thing that is interesting... (none / 0) (#2)
    by KG One on Tue Apr 21, 2009 at 10:18:36 AM EST
    Obama Kills Jobs (none / 0) (#5)
    by Republican on Tue Apr 21, 2009 at 03:22:14 PM EST
    Yeah!  What is with this administration?  God save us.  Why can't he do absolutely nothing and let GM figure it out themselves like GWB?  That was working great!  And, what's more,everyone knows GM is a lean, efficient corporation.  Despite the fact that immediate suboordinates to the CEO like Bo Andersson are on record repeatedly stating that GM has more chiefs than it has indians, and that it has to change.  And now this.  What's next, accountability?

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