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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Gas tax to increase in Michigan soon? (Side title - we're broke despite revenue increases)

    By Republican Michigander, Section News
    Posted on Sat Apr 18, 2009 at 05:36:26 PM EST
    Tags: taxes, gas tax, budget (all tags)

    The gas tax. This isn't the first time this issue has come up. The Lansing elite has been trying to shove this down our throats for years. The Gas Tax. Both parties haven't been great on this. I've posted about this proposal several times in the past.

    2007 - Hopgood and DeRoche push for gas tax - bipartisanship at its worst.

    The usually sensible Michigan Chamber of Commerce pushed it in 07

    The Granholm task tax force in 08

    Late 08, again

    Now one the more influential columnists in Lansing is trying to stir this up again.
    Peter Luke, columnist of Booth Newspapers (Ann Arbor News) is pushing for a gas tax for the roads. It once again relies on the false assumptions. The assumption among the elite in Lansing is that "only the gas tax can pay for roads." That's the number one assumption of ALL these pushes for the gas tax. I don't buy that. Assumption is the mother of all eff ups.

    Judging from the opposition to socialist tax schemes by those who traveled over Michigan's collectivist road system to the Lansing "tea party," it just got harder to pass business-backed funding increases for transportation.

    Lawmakers this week are expected to begin work on a hike in fuel taxes, last raised in 1997, and vehicle registration fees, sending them to Gov. Jennifer Granholm by summer.

    Is this that same 50% registration increase that the task force wanted? As far as gas prices go, are they going to go up to $4.50 a gallon this summer, again? Is sales tax going to be collected on this? Take the money from another department. We can start with Dan Mulhern's staff, that new state police building, and corrections be keeping people in jail for smoking a doobie. In addition, do you trust state government enough to make sure that goes to roads? Or will they starve the roads for a bigger tax increase while repeating this same assumption over and over and over and over and over again.

    Without those increases, Michigan's road-repair budget will soon be broke. And yet, billions are needed to keep one of the nation's most decrepit road systems in reasonably good shape.

    Assume. It makes an ass of u and me.. This premis is ONLY true if the assumption is true. It does not have to be. Roads should be priority funding. Right now 6% of every gallon of gas goes not to roads. That 6% is the state sales tax, which goes on top of the original gas tax. We are taxed twice over on gasoline.

    Too bad the crowd at the Capitol on Wednesday loudly booed any mention of a gas-tax increase. And that the Michigan Republican Party hastened to endorse them.

    "It's time to send a strong unified message that Michigan residents and job providers cannot afford another tax hike," GOP chairman Ron Weiser said.

    Republicans intend to run next year against income and business tax increases approved in 2007, even though no Democrat was defeated in 2008 for voting for them. GOP co-chairwoman Sharon Wise said the 2007 hike -- which prevented steep cuts in higher education, health care and aid to local governments -- was "taken" from Michigan families.

    The revenues keep increasing to the state, and what have we gotten from them. Jack and you know what. These are Granholm's numbers. Budget Book

    (Fiscal year)
    1999 - 32,653,492,611 (Amount Spent - and Michigan has balanced budget, so revenues are close to that number)
    Transportation - 2,631,185,388

    2000 - 34,525,326,492
    Transportation - 2,660,470,554

    2001 - 37,277,724,042
    Transportation - 2,775,245,805

    2002 - 39,077,762,617
    Transportation - 2,857,404,627

    (Granholm takes office)

    2003 - 39,297,181,602
    Transportation - 2,858,865,148

    2004 - 39,388,261,316
    Transportation - 2,957,280,073

    2005 - 40,375,490,414
    Transportation - 2,920,553,025

    2006 - 41,326,338,653
    Transportation - 2,940,680,294

    2007 - 41,945,183,846
    Transportation - 2,779,953,122

    2008 - 43,578,704,400 (Tax increase)
    Transportation - 3,360,195,600

    2009 - 44,834,397,200 (Executive recommendation)
    Transportation - 3,424,465,500 (executive recommendation)

    This keeps going up DESPITE tens of thousands of people leaving the state.

    The tax protesters conveniently neglected to mention that Michigan's 4.35 percent income-tax rate is lower than it was under most of Republican Gov. John Engler's 12 years in office. Nor is it a GOP talking point.

    Under the 2007 increase, a household with $50,000 in taxable income paid about $225 more in 2008 than under the 3.9 percent rate. But that is $25 less than they would have paid in 1999.

    I don't give a damn if it is less than Engler's term. Again, false comparison. Many states don't have an income tax or a property tax. We have both, and a sales tax, and the MBT, etc. Secondly, the gross revenues keep increasing year in and year out. $5 Billion dollars more - 1/2 of the amount budgeted as "general fund", is sent to Lansing, than it was at the end of the Engler years. Thanks to Headlee, Michigan can not operate without a balanced budget. The fact is that the Granholm admin gets much more money than Engler ever did.

    If Republicans consider that thievery, then a proposed $1.4 billion increase in gas taxes and registration fees -- $150 per vehicle when it's phased in -- would take no less from a two-car household.

    About $60 (with my six year old truck) more to the government in registration fees. Approxminately 9 cents more (based on previous proposals) per gallon every time I go to the pump. If the raw price of gas is $1.81/$3.81 here in Michigan, and this passes, the real cost will be.
    Wholesale price - $1.81 (3.81)
    US gas tax - 18.4 cents - $2.00, $4.00
    Sales Tax (applies to US tax and price - $2.12, $4.24
    Michigan gas tax - $2.31, $4.43
    Michigan gas tax increase - $2.40, $4.52

    Before the gas tax, it would cost me about $46.20 (or $88.60) per fill up (about 20 gallons). After - $48.00.(or $90). Now I included the $4+ gas prices here because I expect to see them again this summer. These energy prices were the final knockout punch IMO in this economy. People saw these every day and had to budget for them. This was an extra $40 every fillup that people did not plan for or expect. That money had to come from somewhere. That lead to inflation. Gasoline prices - obvious. Food costs went up. Shipping. Business costs went up - shipping. Household bills increased. It just amazes me that government and these pundits want an increase on the worst possible tax around, AND that they assume (the mother of all @#%# ups), that is the only possible solution. It reminds me that the 1.4 trillion dollar bank bailouts (there are two of them) are the ONLY possible solution according to Bush, Obama, McCain, and the rest of the Washington elite.

    And so the GOP has put its lawmakers in a box.

    Business, labor and elected officials in both parties agree basic stewardship requires finding the cash to fix Michigan's infrastructure. And economic stimulus money provides only a temporary boost, through the 2010 construction season.

    But the Michigan Republican Party has cemented an anti-tax stance that appeals to its most conservative, tea-bag-waving elements. That makes it tough for radical outfits like the Michigan Chamber of Commerce to persuade GOP lawmakers to join Granholm and Democrats in raising transportation taxes.

    Spare me, Pete. I like the Chamber, but they have a different agenda this time. You see, one of their constituents is the Road Builders who want more money for contracts. I don't fault the Chamber for that stance. They have to represent their members.

    And unless Republicans do that, Democrats vilified for the 2007 income tax hike are not going to stick their necks out again. GOP lawmakers already edgy about the issue apparently have to choose between their party and the economic good of their state. It's a choice they should not have to make.

    They don't have to make that choice. That's what you people in Lansing don't understand. This whole push for a gas tax increase is based on this false assumption that only gas tax money can go to roads, and that it is the only solution, etc.

    I'll tell you what. I'll support a compromise because I do think roads funding is important. Here's the compromise. No registration fee increases, end the sales tax for gasoline, and then increase the gas tax by 10 cents (and I won't even complain if it is 12 cents in this case). ALL of that money goes to roads and only to roads - period. That results in no increased costs for us with $2 a gallon gas, or a slight increase possibly if it is 12 cents at $2. That's my compromise plan.

    As for the plan of 9 cents a gallon increase, and the 50% registration increase, and the keeping the 6% sales tax on gasoline - get the recall petitions ready for those who vote for that. You can quote me on that.

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    The one thing that I've noticed missing... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Mon Apr 20, 2009 at 11:50:36 AM EST
    ...from your post is one of the most glaring omissions: shifting transportation funding away from mass transit and back towards road maintenance.

    Mass transit has never been able to stand on its own.

    Take AMTRACK. Take SMART. Take D-DOT.

    Let's go back even further, take the DSR?

    Not familiar with them?

    I'm not surprised, it was a local government subsidized train system around the Detroit-Area until the 1950's.

    Bottom line: Raise bus fares and use those monies to wean mass transit off of the state's purse.

    Use those monies to fix/maintain our roads and you won't need to raise the gas tax or registration fees.

    I didn't even think about that (none / 0) (#2)
    by Republican Michigander on Mon Apr 20, 2009 at 01:16:03 PM EST
    Good point. I assumed (the mother of screw ups) that transportation=roads. Nyet.

    I remember the People Mover in the 1980's. What a cluster. It doesn't leave the downtown area.

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