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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.


    By Theblogprof, Section News
    Posted on Fri Feb 20, 2009 at 11:25:45 AM EST
    Tags: corruption, Detroit, DPS (all tags)

    cross-posted at thblogprof

    This is a non-shocking shocking story from the annals of the Detroit Public School System. A system, mind you, that puts politics ahead of the kids. I wrote a post a few days ago that had this snippet:

    Duncan (Education Secretary) also criticized the area's leaders for putting politics ahead of kids
    Case-in-point, a Detroit News piece today with this headline: Teacher corps could reverse Michigan's brain drain. The article begins with the personal story of one Katy Kelly, a top graduate of <span class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_0">MSU</span> who, instead of leaving the state for greener pastures, decided to make a difference in Detroit Public Schools.
    She signed up to serve in Teach for America in Detroit, a voluntary program that is dramatically improving the teaching quality in some of America's poorest classrooms. These teachers are trained to raise their students' achievement levels to suburban school levels. Detroit, one of America's worst school districts, welcomed her with flowers and hugs, right?
    You can see what's coming next:
    The Detroit Public Schools' response was: We don't want you.

    Nice. Real nice. But why? Why would the DPS want to get rid of these volunteers that had such a positive impact on the students, whom the DPS is chartered to provide for?
    The answer, as is the case so many times, can be summed up in one word: unions. However, by 2003, the school district's union leaders felt increasingly threatened by Teach for America's talented presence in classrooms. Some leaders demanded the district rid of TFA, say sources who were on the district's school board and others who worked with the district then.
    "Threatened." So instead of upping the bar for the rest of the teachers throughout the DPS, they just dumped the good ones. About 50 of these uber-teachers were in DPS between 2001 and 2003. The article goes on to give hope that TFA will make a comeback. Don't hold your breath!

    What did Katy end up doing? Went to Chrlotte N.C. to continue with TFA.

    Inicdentally, the Other Club had a post ptoday that deals with teh primary motivation of the education monopoly. Here's an excerpt:

    Ken Shelton, Middle Schools Computer teacher: "...the ultimate goal is to educate the children..."In contrast to Mr. Shelton, the goal of a teachers union is to perpetuate the teachers union and the political objectives of its leaders, and the goal of the typical school board is to be re-elected. That is, the major players are players of politics. They do not care about winning a game called education.
    Indeed. So what's the solution? As I wrote in a post just a few days ago:

    ...my solution is the solution of Milton Friedman: school choice. Parental control. Government run public school monopolies have been an abject failure, one that we will be paying for for a long time to come. The Macinac Center for Public Policy (what can say "Michigan" more than that?) has a good post from 2001 on this subject (it's long, but an excellent read).

    Imagine what it would be like if you were only allowed to shop at one grocery store based on where your residence was. Or gas up at only one gas station. Or one home improvement store, etc. How would those entities develop over time? Would they seek the best technologies? Would they strive to contain costs? Would they continually endeavor to increase customer satisfaction? With monopolies, the answer is always "no." Monopolies, especially government monopolies, do the bare minimum with the full maximum. It's their nature. Only school choice will save the kids of Detroit.

    Just don't hold your breath (or, as in the case of Education Secretary Duncan, lose any sleep). Th education monopoly will be the hardest monopoly in history to crack. The DPS swamp must be drained!
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