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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Prominent Michigan Democrat makes fun of alleged cancer patient

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Feb 11, 2009 at 11:06:06 AM EST
    Tags: Democrats, Monica Conyers, John Conyers, Mark Brewer, hate, vitriol, Detroit City Council, cancer (all tags)

    "People are very hungry for something new. I think they are interested in being called to be a part of something larger than the sort of small, petty, slash-and-burn politics that we have been seeing over the last several years."-

    President Barack Obama

    So much for that.

    Detroit City Council President Monica Conyers, the wife of Congressman John Conyers (MI-14) both reminded us of how absolutely hateful Democrats can be and personally destroyed another sliver of my faith in humanity when she accosted fellow council member Kwame Kenyatta, making fun of his alleged battle with cancer while being restrained by security officers from physically attacking the man.

    What provoked her behavior?  Kenyatta dared request that official budget proposals be made in writing.

    That cad.  How dare he?!

    Read on...

    The Ivory Tower has the play-by-play.

    ...Conyers called Kenyatta stupid, following his insistence that she submit in writing her request to cut his budget.

    When Kenyatta asked her what she said, Conyers responded he needed to learn how to talk to a woman.

    Kenyatta shot back that when he was with a woman, he would do so. That prompted Conyers to yell at Kenyatta that he was stupid, citing his lack of a college degree, to tell him he "can't hear" -- a dig at his hearing aid -- and to try to rub in his face rumors that Kenyatta has cancer.

    As at least one council staffer and a council security officer restrained Conyers while she tried to walk toward Kenyatta, he retorted that he hears just fine, doesn't have cancer and told her she needs help. Kenyatta made a report with the council's security unit about the incident, which took place in his office.

    This is where we're at now, in Michigan politics.  Prominent Democrats think that another person's physical disabilities and potentially terminal illnesses aren't just fair game... they're things to be made fun of and tossed back in the person's face?

    And before you accuse me of painting with a broad brush, take a look around this morning.  Do a google search.  The liberal blogs?  Silent.  The Michigan Democratic Party?  Mouths and press offices shut tight.  The other Democrats on the Detroit City Council?  Quiet as church mice.

    Democratic lawmakers?  Members of the House, Senate or Congress?  Conyers husband?  The Mayor?  Mark Brewer?  Nothing.

    So much for policing ones' own movement.  Like a petulant child who gets away with everything, Conyers behavior has gone unchecked by her own party so long that it has now officially gone off the deep end.  We throw around terms like "beyond the pale" and "unconscionable" far too easily but... wow.  Michigan Democrats have been so permissive for so long that Conyers antics have now devolved into ridiculing a man because he might have a fatal illness.  

    And STILL they don't respond.  Zero calls for resignation.  Zero condemnation. That's just Monica being Monica.

    Pardon me for being a prude, but no.  Hearing problems aren't funny.  Insulting a man's intelligence is not funny.  Cancer is NOT funny.

    What's next?

    I disagree with you politically but that's no big deal because you have AIDS! Bwahahahahah!  Oh, did you hear that!  He has AIDS!  He's going to die!  That's hilarious!

    No, wait... how about this...

    You're not walking fast enough in the building and its obviously because you were born with Downs syndrome!  Ho ho ho ho ho.  Your one of those Downs syndrome guys.  You probably can't even drive because you have Downs Syndrome!  Oh man, that is sooooo funny.

    Oh, better...

    The only reason you're in that wheel chair is because you have spinal bifida.  You weren't born like the rest of us and now you have to roll around on wheels. Whoooooeeeeeeee that cracks me up.

    At least you aren't like that other guy, though.  He has sickle cell.  The only reason he opposes me politically is because his blood cells aren't shaped the right way and if he works too hard his internal organs will shut down.  Isn't that funny? Stupid sickle cell with his funny shaped blood.  

    Pain and suffering.  Difficult situations.  Maybe even death.  Weeeeeeeeee!  

    Monica stop.  You're killing me.  I can't stop laughing.

    But I'm not the one who needs to tell this woman to stop.  Until her own party takes what shouldn't be a difficult stand (say it with me now... "don't make fun of peoples' fatal illnesses") and demands Conyers resignation her antics will only get more offensive.  I'm sure there's a horrible disease or two floating around town she hasn't used as a punch line yet.

    This isn't a teaching moment, people.  There IS a cancer in the Michigan Democratic Party and the longer it goes untreated the more its going to spread.

    < Right Michigan Exclusive: Cameron Brown announces Secretary of State bid | Why Detroit is in the Dumps, reason #11,832 >

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    Conyers (none / 0) (#1)
    by Rougman on Wed Feb 11, 2009 at 12:03:30 PM EST
    How long will the people of Detroit settle for this sort of representation?  There should be demands made today for this woman to step down by the citizens of Detroit.  I cannot believe they knew just how lousy an individual Ms. Conyers was when they elected her.  

    Loyalty should only go so far.  The voters made a mistake by voting for a last name.  Now they need to undo that horrible mistake.  

    We are not supprised. (none / 0) (#2)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Feb 11, 2009 at 12:34:39 PM EST
    This is what happens when the lunatics run the asylum.

    Yes, she's a ding-bat. (none / 0) (#3)
    by KG One on Wed Feb 11, 2009 at 01:57:44 PM EST
    I give you: Exhibit A

    Seriously... (none / 0) (#4)
    by DMOnline on Wed Feb 11, 2009 at 04:32:13 PM EST
    Seriously, can't we just annex Detroit to Canada?

    Really, isn't it time?


    As hard as I have tried (none / 0) (#5)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Feb 11, 2009 at 04:53:09 PM EST
    I have tried and tried to entice my Canadian friends to please take Detroit off our hands. I have tried my best to get them to allow us to return the Czarina. But no soap. They aren't interested in a piece of blighted, vermin infested low rent property and so have declined the offer. I told them I would throw in season tickets to Lions and games and they just laughed. Still can't figure out what that was all about. Guess we need to sweeten the deal. Like maybe throwing in Karl Lenin and his brother.

    Annexing Detroit to Canada... (none / 0) (#6)
    by KG One on Thu Feb 12, 2009 at 08:39:48 AM EST
    ...is just plain mean!

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