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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Trick or Treat and a Health Care Flier for Mom and Dad!

    By apackof2, Section News
    Posted on Fri Oct 30, 2009 at 01:21:32 PM EST
    Tags: Halloween, health care, taking action, ObamaCare, grassroots in michigan, outreach, jack-o-lantern, fliers, socialized medicine, lit drop, trick or treat (all tags)

    Halloween is just around the corner and this year it's just not about costumes and candy.

    It's an opportunity to reach others with the truth that you may not otherwise have!

    So while you treat the kids with candy, consider treating their parents with the Truth about the so called "health care" plan that is a nail in the coffin of our Republic (coffin image is a perfect fit for Halloween, conjures up images of a creative display for the porch :) AND common sense alternative with an easy action plan to boot!

    Below are several fliers PRINT OUT or DOWNLOAD right from the site(Print out one or all) Fold and put in number 10 envelope and when the kids come to your door, you give a treat to the parents!

    Copies are 17 cents per copy at Office Max, folding is just 3 cents more and color paper is the same color as white, how about a nice Halloween orange?

    The bag is for CANDY ONLY and it  not appropriate for anything else. The parents who you are trying to reach with the truth will NOT appreciate it and you will lose those whom you are trying to win.

    If you are taking your kids trick or treating, take stuffed envelopes along and hand one out at the homes you visit. Once again, please DO NOT HAVE THE KIDS PASS OUT

    The kids job is to acquire as much candy as possbile :)



    Common and Fiscal Sense to Health Care

    What is in the Baucus Health Care Amendment

    Just in..

    Comprehensive List of All Tax Hikes in the House(Pleosi) Government Health Bill

    And the Bill.. Pelosi Health Care Plan

    The bill is 1,990 pages long and contains a separate 13-page bill to repeal the sustainable growth rate caps on Medicare spending. The Bill will cost more than $200 billion and is not paid for, which will break Obama's promise to Congress during his speech.
    The bill contains the word "shall" 3,425 times. Though Steny Hoyer just said the bill was open and transparent, they prevented the American people from attending their publicity rally by checking IDs and keeping people out.
    Courtesy of: Dodgeblogium

    Pelosi Health Care Plan

    < D-Day Reading | What Would Sarah Do? >

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    This is wonderful idea! (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Fri Oct 30, 2009 at 07:11:59 PM EST
    I've never thought of that!

    Of course we don't get tricks/treats where we live but perhaps I can incorporate this in some way.


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