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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

      Michigan's Next Governor: Kill The MEDC And Film Grant To Create More Jobs

      By steve, Section News
      Posted on Sun Oct 18, 2009 at 02:53:58 PM EST
      Tags: Democrats, Alan Colms, Skeletor, MEDC, Film Credit (all tags)

      cross posted at motorcitytimes.com

      As I perused George Week's latest column discussing job creation, It confirmed the conservative tenet that government can't create jobs. Via The TCRE:

      As this issue heats up, now comes the Midland-based Mackinac Center for Public Policy with a just-published, well-researched 80-page "Review and Analysis" of the MEDC authored by Michael LaFaive and James Hohman. Among issues they raised:

      - The Michigan Economic Growth Authority (MEGA), prime tax credit vehicle for job-creation, which, according to the authors, produced only 29 percent of the jobs expected when deals were made.

      "In practice, an announcement that 1,000 direct jobs are expected at (an) MEGA facility translates into 294 actual jobs on average," the report said.

      This is an abysmal record. Any grant, on average creates only 29% of the expected jobs. The Film credit is just as poor:

      The Mackinac Center analysis cited an evaluation by Michigan State University researchers of a February Film Office report of films producing gains of 2,800 jobs during a certain period. The MSU evaluation said they involved short-term employment of just 23 days on average, producing a "full-time equivalent" of just 254 jobs.

      We spend millions upon millions in `tax incentives' to create the equivalent of 254 full time jobs.

      With this horrible track record, the small issue of the State budget imbalance and the specter of tax increases, what do some people, like George Weeks, recommend? Let's keep the program:

      While admiring the scholarship of the Mackinac Center report, I favor continuation of the MEDC and oppose unilateral disarmament in the competition among states to attract new business.

      I also agree with Sen. Jason Allen, R-Traverse City, Senate leader on commerce matters, who Friday emphasized importance of improving, not removing, targeted incentive programs to stimulate the economy.

      I love the Alan Colms aka `Skeletor' style argument... "If a Republican likes a Socialist Democrat program; why, everyone should love it!"

      Seriously, these programs are an abject failure and they need to be canceled. Now:

      But Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard, who also seeks the GOP nomination, proudly proclaims his vote as a state senator against creation of the MEDC and vows that as governor he would abolish it.

      I agree with Sheriff Bouchard on this one.

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      Good Idea! (none / 0) (#3)
      by steve on Mon Oct 19, 2009 at 06:31:08 PM EST
      I like the way you think...

      I'm wondering this myself (none / 0) (#4)
      by steve on Mon Oct 19, 2009 at 06:33:04 PM EST
      I hope they agree with Sheriff Bouchard.

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