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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Should Results Matter?

    By Rougman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Oct 16, 2009 at 04:31:31 PM EST
    Tags: Jennifer Granholm, Education (all tags)

    In the same month that Barack Obama can win the Nobel Peace Prize I suppose I should not be surprised that the National Association of State Boards of Education has named Jennifer Granholm the Policy Leader of the Year.

    I know that every Michigander is proud of the award bestowed upon our Dear Leader, without whom education in Michigan would be in horrible shape. It is, after all, under her leadership that Michigan's largest school district has had its graduation rate skyrocket to almost 30 percent.

    Under her leadership the robust Michigan economy has been able to exemplify the importance of progressive education funding. Hundreds of schools have closed, programs have been eliminated, and teachers have been laid off. Meanwhile to find work each year, many thousands of new college graduates must move to climes disadvantaged by far inferior chief executives.

    Michigan's governor sure knows a lot of things about education, she's just running out of people in-state to enlighten.

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    Search and destroy! (none / 0) (#2)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Oct 16, 2009 at 07:35:43 PM EST
    The term better fits what Obama, Granholm and their ilk are doing to this country. As far as the schools are concerned. The schools in our area are seeing consolidation as the only way to survive. We are in south western Michigan and every school district in every county in our area is reporting massive losses of students. Now the only options are closing more buildings and consolidating the remaining students in fewer buildings or consolidating with neigbhoring districts.We recieved the surveys this week. Well, Jenny No Jobs did promise less crowded school rooms. She just didn't tell us that millions of residents would be moving away in order to achieve that goal. To bad that one of the richest and most prosperous states in the Union has been destroyed by an ideology and a Governor that can't see what destruction her policies have caused. Maybe since the Democrats are always in favor of litigation to solve the problems of society that we pass a law concerning political malpractice. If that were in effect Granholm would be in deep deep trouble. But I do like the idea. It might keep the foreign born riff raff out of our political process.

    Apparently it's catching on elsewhere (none / 0) (#6)
    by quigonjames on Sun Oct 18, 2009 at 09:21:05 AM EST
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