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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Brooks Patterson tossing his hat into the ring

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 08, 2009 at 09:24:16 AM EST
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    The Detroit News and the Ivory Tower are reporting this morning that Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson is personally adding his name to the rumor mill swirling around possible Republican candidates for Governor in 2010.

    Patterson is a wildly successful Exec in Oakland County and is a wildly entertaining personality in which ever room he finds himself.  He's done some pretty amazing things over the years in his office and has a proven track record as a man who knows how to create an environment where job makers can flourish.

    He's also the sort of "moderate" candidate on social issues that sends reporters trolling at Joe Schwarz's door for a quote about how rotten it is that a certain voting block thinks killing babies is mean.  And anytime anyone inspires any reporter to talk to Joe Schwarz about anything I'm automatically going to deduct two groovy points.

    All of that said, this is pretty interesting news... notes Nolan Finley at the News:

    He'll be joining a Republican primary field that is filled with big names and is still growing. Attorney General Mike Cox is in, as is Congressman Pete Hoekstra. Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land is considering. Congresswoman Candice Miller is often mentioned as a potential candidate, as is Congressman Mike Rogers and Oakland Sheriff Mike Bouchard. Domino's Chairman Dave Brandon is being urged to run by many of the state's business leaders. And a movement is under way to draft former state treasurer and now Meijer Inc. Chairman Mark Murray.

    Patterson, however, enjoys some advantages. He has a very loyal base of support in Oakland County -- in November's election, when Oakland voters went decisively for Democrat Barack Obama for president, they gave Patterson 58 percent of their vote. And he draws the media spotlight like a magnet.

    So what do YOU think?

    < Thursday in the Sphere: January 8 | MEA successful at using courts to skirt FOIA law >

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    Well I'll tell yah. (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Jan 08, 2009 at 12:27:13 PM EST
    Mike Cox won't get my vote for one reason. I have had enough of lawyers being Governor. Mike has done a great job as AG and I like him alot. But no more lawyers in the Governors office. Unless of course they are Federal Prosecutors there to arrest the Czarina.
    Terry Lynn Land. No way. She botched the campaign finace case against Mark Schauer by dragging her feet. Has anyone heard of any resolution to that typically Democrat corruption and money laundering?
    Mike Bouchard, no way. After the lousy campaign he ran against Do Nothing Debbie he had his chance and as far as I am concerned he needs to find something else to do. Not governor either.
    Pete Hokestra, maybe. But so far I don't think he is Conservative enough.
    Right now I don't see a candidate the floats my boat.
    Candice Miller, have to look at that closer but I really believe that the Czarina has screwed it up for women in this state for at least the next thirty years. Her lousy performance and corruption has made the idea of another woman governor as attractive as bamboo shoots underneath the finger nails.
    For now I don't see somebody that really can take hold of this state and give it the shaking that it needs. Other than myself, I see no clear candidate yet.

    I'm sick of candidates who talk & don't do (none / 0) (#3)
    by leondrolet on Thu Jan 08, 2009 at 12:41:03 PM EST
    Like, what has L. Brooks actually done?

    Oh, wait...he converted every new Oakland County employee over to private Health Savings Accounts and saved taxpayers millions?

    He also converted every Oakland County employee over to Defined Contribution retirement plans, saving taxpayers millions more?

    Neither Macomb County, nor any other county I am aware of, did both of those things.

    Wait! Didn't he also support privatization of jail functions like food service at Oakland's jail? And it got done. Granholm refuses to do that for state prisons and costs taxpayers PLENTY.

    Hmmm...Patterson also privatized the operation of Oakland County's Senior Hospital while Macomb taxpayers pay millions in subsidies for our similar facility.

    Oakland County has a AAA bond rating. A balanced budget. Macomb's Board of Commissioners is about to raise taxes, making Oakland County the lowest county tax rate in the state.

    L. Brooks has his flaws. But he has actually gone out and DONE what many in the limited-government, fiscal conservative wing of the GOP have just talked about.

    Bob Daddow, Brook's financial manager guy, is affiliated with the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Statists HATE that and will try to make it a liability. I sense that Brooks, who is famously brusque, doesn't care.

    But Brooks really hasn't cared what whiny elitists have thought on many politically-incorrect issues. While every elitist ignores fiscal reality over Cobo Hall expansion plans just so they can hold hands and say the word, "regionalism", Brooks demands financial details and witholds support. Brooks took on the Detroit Water and Sewer Department when the politically-correct elitist "conservatives" in the media supported Neville Chamberlain-style negotiations.

    Brooks came out against government racial preferences and supported the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative when most country club Republicans opposed it. (Mike Cox, Craig DeRoche and scant few other Republican leaders deserve credit here, too).

    L. Brooks Patterson doesn't care what the political elites think. He doesn't care what the government employee unions think. He has gotten actual, real-world reforms accomplished in Oakland County.

    He ain't perfect. But Brooks may be what Michigan really needs right now.

    Yeah...HECK Yes! (none / 0) (#4)
    by Shell on Thu Jan 08, 2009 at 01:39:14 PM EST
    As a former resident of Oakland County who still has roots and family there, I'd vote for Brooks in a heartbeat.  I'd even campaign for him.  I have differences with his ideas, especially regarding the unborn and preferences for homosexuals, but Brooks has a record of Getting The Job Done.  He kept Oakland County free from strip joints and has been a fierce protector of taxpayers.

    It would be refreshing to have a Governor who isn't beholden to the unions, the city of Detroit and all the other crap that's hauled the state down into the mud.  Detroit's voters have demonstrated they know how to vote for losers and it's time to retake the political clout they don't deserve.

    Run Brooks, RUN!

    The Conservatrarian

    Candidates (none / 0) (#11)
    by Rougman on Fri Jan 09, 2009 at 09:51:50 AM EST
    I believe, on the surface before a ton of investigating, that I could support several of these candidates.  Patterson seems to me to be the kind of guy that says what he means and gets things done.  A guy that has proven that he isn't afraid to operate in the open and can still elected to the job he currently has is worthy of a long, hard look for wider office.

    Mr. Patterson . . . (none / 0) (#13)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Sat Jan 10, 2009 at 07:07:24 PM EST
    . . . is a known supporter, I think, of the Michigan FairTax Proposal, and thus will likely be endorsed by Michigan Fair Tax Association.  I suspect that the same will also apply to Pete Hoekstra, but I don't know about any other Republican contender, official or otherwise.

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