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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Yes, Conservatives are giving to Obama

    By Chazwald, Section News
    Posted on Tue Sep 23, 2008 at 11:36:41 PM EST
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    If your brother was hungry, would you feed him?

    I am sure any decent and respectable human being would. Most would go out of their way to help their brother even when it was so inconvenient that it hurt to do it.

    What about Barack Hussein Obama? He cares about the poor, hurting, and desolate does he not? They all deserve, according to Obama, affordable housing, a decent hourly wage, and good healthcare.

    But what you may not know is that while Senator Barack Obama made $4 million last year and has been flaunting his plan to help the poor, he has yet to prove it by action.

    Read on...

    Now let's ask the aforementioned question to Senator Obama: If your brother was hungry, would you feed him? You may ask, why would you pose such a question to Obama? Let me explain. Senator Obama has a half brother, named George Hussein Onyanga Obama, who lives just outside of Nairobi, Kenya.

    George Obama's shelter is nothing more than a 6' by 10' shack. He survives on just three cents a day or what adds up to be about $12 a year. The average household income in that area of Kenya, according to United Nations estimates, earns roughly $100 a year, placing George far below even Kenya's poverty line.

    The Telegraph reports George has only met his "older brother twice - once when he was five and the last time in 2006 when Senator Obama was on a tour of East Africa and visited Nairobi."

    According to Vanity Fair, George is embarrassed by his neediness. He also said that he does not even mention his half brother's name, Barack Obama, in conversation because he is ashamed of him. For ten years, George Obama has been surviving on next to nothing and one of his dreams is to start a course at a local technical college (but he cannot afford it).

    Since Senator Barack Hussein Obama continues to ignore his brother's needs, conservatives have started the "George Obama Compassionate Fund." The goal is to get George "a clean place with running water, electricity, and food" as well as assisting in educational needs.

    Barack Obama's youngest half-brother has spoke of his shame living in a hut, existing on not more than a dollar a month while his brother plans on becoming the most powerful man in the world. All I ask is, if he can turn his back on his own family, isn't he capable of turning his back on us too if he assumes the presidency?

    Chaz Oswald

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