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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Cycling Lakeside Havens

    By Chazwald, Section News
    Posted on Tue Aug 19, 2008 at 10:50:30 AM EST
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    I took a long weekend and cycled Lake Michigan's coast, ending in our beautiful and serene Mackinaw City. Totaling just over three hundred miles I had plenty of time to reflect on where I am in life, my political beliefs, and most importantly my faith.

    This adventuress excursion soon turned into a time of opportunity. As I traveled from one lakeside haven to another I met local and fellow Michiganders who labor daily, contributing to our economy and neighboring communities.

    It was enlightening and humbling meeting and conversing with waitresses, small business owners, manufactures, gas attendants, farmers, and even pastors. As a young buck of only twenty years old, I often am outspoken and I love asking random people questions just to hear the differences of opinions.

    What began as merely a cycling road trip evolved into a God-given journey. The typical question I posed to individuals I met along the way was: What should we do to improve and enhance Michigan?

    Often the response involved getting back to the basics: "God, guns, and rock `n roll!" Boy oh boy would Ted Nugent have been proud! In all honesty our discussions funneled into a few issues that are on the minds of all Americans, such as the state of our economy, pain at the pump, government's role, and involvement of ethics and faith in the political arena. Michigan needs to rejuvenate politically and burst economically.

    Senator John McCain's name was on the lips of my fellow Michiganders. It was both inspiring and exciting to hear!

    My wallet is on fire as I fill my 15 gallon gas tank and spend $70. Senator McCain understands the hurt and to relieve such soreness he advocates expanding domestic oil and natural gas exploration. How else can we eliminate dependence on foreign oil in the short term if we do not expand exploration and production here in our own country?

    We have been suffering a recession in this state for some time now with no relief from Governor Jennifer Granholm. The pain at the pump has been mixed with higher taxes and fewer jobs- a deadly combination. Senator McCain encourages economic growth and when elected President he will keep tax rates low, cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25%, ban internet taxes, and even new cell phone taxes. McCain also understands that the government's role needs to remain limited only to let the free markets prosper.

    The prevalent issue raised was the lack of trust of our political figureheads. With politicians taking bribes, having affairs, and outright lying to Americans. Those of who I talked to understand our government officials need to have ethical and moral standards as well as self-discipline.

    Senator McCain as president will restore faith to Michigan citizens. The government has been put in place to serve the people. Democracy, in the words of Senator John McCain, is not for sale. McCain will end Pork Barrel spending and balance the budget. Obviously policy will include comprehensive spending control and fiscal discipline.

    To further regain trust, Senator John McCain shares a strict Constitutional interpretation of which was the intent of our founding fathers.

    Our freedom is curtailed no less by an act of arbitrary judicial power as it is by an act of an arbitrary executive, or legislative, or state power. For that reason, a judge's decisions must rest on more than his subjective conviction that he is right, or his eagerness to address a perceived social ill.

    -John McCain
    Remarks to The Federalist Society
    November 16, 2006

    Furthermore, Senator McCain's will restore confidence as he has remained faithful to God and to our country. His private life echo's his trustworthiness and moral direction.

    It is a mindless philosophy that assumes that one's private beliefs have nothing to do with public office. Does it make sense to entrust those who are immoral in private with the power to determine the nation's moral issues and, indeed, its destiny? .... The duplicitous soul of a leader can only make a nation more sophisticated in evil.

    -Dr. Ravi Zacharias

    The journey has ended and my optimism for Michigan has soared. Senator McCain is the chief model to restore integrity to politics and he is the answer to Michigan's economic slum.

    Chaz Oswald

    < Newsflash to Obama: More money won't fix the problem(s) | BREAKING: Bureau of Elections says RMGN has enough signatures >

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    Where's the bozo . . . (none / 0) (#1)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Tue Aug 19, 2008 at 02:14:02 PM EST
    . . . who said we don't talk about McCain on here.

    Aspicio sententia (a Latin approximation of "Behold the opinion").

    Faithful? (none / 0) (#2)
    by NoviDemocrat on Wed Aug 20, 2008 at 01:40:33 AM EST
    McCain may have remained faithful to God but he didn't to his first wife. Dumping the woman who stayed faithful while he was a POW to hook up with the younger, wealthy woman says a lot about his character. Or his role in the Keating 5 scandal. Or his numerous flip-flops. Or his willingness to say anything to get elected President. I know, Republicons are willing to do anything to retain the Presidency, even swallow their principles to vote for McSame.

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