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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.


    By Chazwald, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jul 08, 2008 at 12:06:25 PM EST
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    How Would Jesus Vote?

    No it is definitely not a new question to be asking oneself as we are in a political cycle, but it seems that younger evangelicals are answering the question differently than their parents.

    West Michigan possesses a unique culture. It is an area that is overwhelmingly friendly, Christian, and typically conservative. Grandparents, parents, and children all share similar ideals and beliefs but it seems the younger generation is shifting modestly.

    Now as the race is heating up, the candidates are finding God, and realizing there is a new voting bloc to reach. Both presidential candidates, Barrack Obama and John McCain, are `reaching out' to the younger generational evangelicals.

    World Magazine has interviewed Diane Smith, a self-described moderate and devoted Presbyterian, who says she registered Democrat because she read Republicans send more junk mail.

    Diane, twenty-seven, is part of a faction observers say is a key swing voting bloc-young evangelicals. She is disenchanted with the war and doesn't think Jesus would work Himself into a frenzy over gay marriage. (Of course I am reminded of the New Testament passage of 1 Corinthians 6:9-10). She claims to respect Senator John McCain but does not believe he has the ability to cleanse America's reputation. She is outspokenly pro-life but is slowly leaning toward Senator Obama.

    Barrack Obama undoubtedly wants to seize her vote. Last month, Senator Obama hosted a private meeting with thirty well-known evangelical leaders. They call this mobilization the Joshua Generation Project to reach young evangelicals and Catholics. The Senator publicized the he would be funding and overhauling faith-based initiatives. His campaign also plans to host Christian rock concerts and faith-based meetings in campus dorms.

    Similarly, Senator John McCain has met with leaders Billy and Franklin Graham, but, unlike Senator Obama, has held is position and has not taken any steps toward reaching young evangelicals.

    The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life as said that it may come down to the effort expended by each campaign. John Green of the Pew Forum stated that, "There is a degree of political flux among young evangelicals...So what we have among young evangelicals is a group of voters up for grabs."

    I think one of the biggest problems we have, especially in West Michigan, is not the left, but rather the apathy of the right. We need to be reaching out to a confused world-the next generation.

    As a young evangelical myself I would like to offer this advice for the upcoming November election: Continue to ask the question; How would Jesus vote? Make sure your vote is Biblically rooted. And rest peacefully in the fact that God is in control. Each leader chosen is hand picked by God to accomplish His ultimate will.

    Though Senator Barrack Obama continues to woo the next generation evangelical, the numbers seem to indicate they are still leaning to the `right' way (pun intended).  

    Chaz Oswald

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