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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    The Definition of Arrogance

    By wctaxpayer, Section News
    Posted on Sat May 03, 2008 at 10:05:25 AM EST
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    (Promoted by Nick...)

    Friday, May 02, 2008

    Yesterday before we turned in the signatures to recall Speaker Andy Dillon we were scheduled to hold a press conference in room 55 of the Capital Building. We were notified at the last minute that it was not available and no other room was available. When a reporter from MIRS asked why the press conference was changed Dillon said "They want to have a press conference in one of my rooms? Yeah right."

    Who does Speaker Dillon think he is? That is the peoples house not his house. By what right does he deny anyone access to the Capitol Building during the hours it is open. It is that arrogance that I was unaware of until I started to recall him. His superior attitude keeps him from making decisions for the people but facilitates his disposition to act in his own self interest. He forgets he was sent there to do our business not his own.

    It is interesting the things you find out. Dillon supporters hired an out of state coordinator for his blockers. They hired a convicted felon as a blocker. He complains because someone drove by his house a couple times to try to interview him but thinks nothing of his blockers driving by my house several times a day and following our circulators up and down the streets and to their homes. He accuses us of lying and fraud. I now know him to be a liar because he has lied about me. He has said I offered no solutions to the budget crisis. While I did say that he had to make the final decisions on what should be cut because that is what he was elected to do, I also suggested that he look at the $1.9 billion worth of cuts by the Mackinac Center and those suggested by the Citizens Research Council. He made no cuts but increased the General Fund Budget by 8%.

    He says the people who are recalling him are not from this district. I had people from his district stuffing bags to hang on doors and boxes stacked from my front room to my family room full of the literature. I had petitions mailed to my house. I had obscene phone calls. I answered questions and gave instructions. People from the district brought petitions to my door. I received more in todays mail. Speaker Dillon, keep thinking that the people of your district are happy with your representation, it will make my job easier.

    You and your deplorable friend Redford Supervisor, Miles Handy have shown your true colors. Just like Darth Vader you have gone to the dark side.

    < The Weekend in the Sphere | I got a new job! >

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    Entitlement plays factor also (none / 0) (#1)
    by WadeHM on Sat May 03, 2008 at 12:20:54 PM EST
    From my own dictionary - Entitlement: The luxury our politicians get at taxpayer expense because they think it pleases us.

    The phony Mackinac Center list again? (none / 0) (#2)
    by NoviDemocrat on Sat May 03, 2008 at 06:20:18 PM EST
    Every Republicon loves the Mackinac Center list but not one of them will vote for legislation that actually includes the cuts to state service that they suggest. For example, the Mackinac Center keeps talking about dumping state police patrols for county sheriff patrons. But not one Republicon has ever offered up that for legislation:


    Why not? It's part of the MC's $1.9 billion in cuts that Republicons say they want to implement. But none of the Republicons in Lansing are pushing it and I've yet to see a Republicon run for office suggesting the state police patrols be cut.

    Another MC proposal is to cut funding for 20j districts. These are largely suburban puyblic school districts represented by Republicons. Any one of them could offer to cut their local public school funding, showing that they are serious about reducing the state budget. But not one of them has offered up that legislation. It's proof again that the Republicons talk the talk but don't walk the walk.

    State Police (none / 0) (#3)
    by WadeHM on Sat May 03, 2008 at 07:55:55 PM EST
    And if you read the whole article it says "Instead, the current plan being put forward by the Granholm administration is to maintain State Police trooper levels and other functions despite revenue shortfalls."

    So, it isn't just us "Republicons." Typical left-wing hysterics, blame the right to take eyes off the fact that the left is doing the same thing they accuse the right of.

    NoviDemocrat (none / 0) (#5)
    by triznik on Sun May 04, 2008 at 07:12:46 AM EST
    Can we agree to a moratorium on the use of the term "Republicon" in the interest of civil discourse?

    part of the MC's $1.9 billion (none / 0) (#6)
    by maidintheus on Sun May 04, 2008 at 07:30:52 AM EST
    Balancing a budget comes BEFORE you bounce a check or have a problem NOT AFTER. Saying we are balancing a budget by raising taxes is something a clown says/does. That would be like me bouncing a check but the bank covering it with other's funds. If you're not an individual who balances your budget for your family at home, you won't get this. If you are someone familiar with balancing your budget at home, you understand that the only way to balance your budget is to stay within your means.

    The reason for a required budget balance is to stay within means. It is illegal to bounce checks.

    It's rather silly to argue over one (1) thing on a list of many. The budget has so many areas that could be trimmed. This would balance the budget without raising taxes.  

    When there are problems in this area and we pretend to fix them by raising taxes/giving ourselves a raise/not talking about actual problem, we show a group of people (politicians)who have another group (citizens) of people working for them.

    Some have forgotten who works for whom and to whom this country belongs.

    Lies (none / 0) (#7)
    by Beerme on Sun May 04, 2008 at 11:50:20 AM EST
    Again, we hear nothing but lies, misrepresentation and obfuscation in response to this recall effort. What difference does it make that some Republican elected officials do not have the courage of their convictions? That is not what this article was about at all. It is ridiculous and irrational that a person hears of a misconduct and, in response, points at some other person's misconduct as if that explains away the earlier behavior!

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