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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

      Alone in a Crowd

      By Nick, Section News
      Posted on Wed Apr 16, 2008 at 01:56:21 PM EST
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      Just so we're clear, it's now been 279 days since Barack Hussein Obama last cast his shadow across Michigan soil.  The long and expanding gulf of time between visits has puzzled me for some time but after his recent comments at a fundraiser in a multi-million dollar San Francisco home things make a little more sense.

      "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations," he said from sunny California.

      California's primary, by the way, was on February 5th.  That's more than two months ago.  According to the New York Times, Obama's comments came during the fourth California event that day only a couple weeks back.  For those of you keeping score that's more events in California in one day, two months after the State's primary, than Obama has managed to hold in Michigan ever.  Period.  Total.  He's only managed two here in the Great Lakes State and nothing more recent than 279 days ago.

      Maybe it's because we've got a lot of small towns.  Lots of people of faith.  Plenty of men and women who own and shoot guns.  NRA members even.  Lots of them are blue collar, too.  And there's NOTHING worse than a blue collar gun owning person of faith from a small town in Michigan.  

      I can't figure out any other reason the man wouldn't stop by.  You could make the argument it's a Michigan / Florida thing since we both have State Dem parties that broke Howard Dean's rules but that argument doesn't hold any water.  Obama's been in Florida no fewer than sixteen (16) times during the course of the campaign.

      Some might think it's a regional thing.  Maybe he just doesn't like the industrial Midwest?  No, that can't be right.  He's been to Ohio nearly thirty (30) times including a handful of visits just last month.  Heck, he's got more stops scheduled TODAY in Indiana than he's made to Michigan over the course of the entire campaign.

      So what else could it be?  

      I'd ask the good folks at the Michigan Democrat Party but they don't want to talk about the fact their man keeps blowing them off.  And good luck getting a peep out of the regressisphere.  You'd think there wasn't a Presidential election this year the way they're ignoring Obama's perpetual backhanded assault on Michigan voters.

      Party over principle's something they know a little bit about.  But Party over personal pride?  The "DEM" label over what's best for their home state?  Wish I could say I was surprised but after 279 days without an ounce of indignation we should probably all expect them to toss the State under the bus in the name of partisan politics.  Doesn't make it any more pleasant when it happens, though.

      < Wednesday in the Sphere, April 16 | Promoting alternative energy in Kuwait... well that's brilliant >

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