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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    The time is now to unite behind our nominee...

    By brentastanton, Section News
    Posted on Mon Feb 18, 2008 at 02:35:55 PM EST
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    As Republicans from Marquette to Monroe gathered in the Capital City this past weekend, the message was clear: The Republican Party is the party of the future and the only party ready to continue to lead America in this time of war.  We are the party that will deliver Michigan to John McCain and we are the party that will win in November!

    As Republicans from Marquette to Monroe gathered in the Capital City this past weekend, the message was clear: The Republican Party is the party of the future and the only party ready to continue to lead America in this time of war.  We are the party that will deliver Michigan to John McCain and we are the party that will win in November!
        As nearly 4,000 Republicans gathered in the Lansing Center, no one thought that presidential politics would continue to play an integral and major party of our convention, even a month after our presidential primary.  Ask anyone, Michigan was torn apart more than any other state throughout this primary season.  However, everyone acknowledged the importance of uniting our party with members of every stripe and every faction.  
        After Super Tuesday, it became increasingly clear that there is one man ready to lead our party through the turbulent times we are almost certain to face in the next 4 years and that man is Senator John McCain.  
        I've been an ardent supporter of Senator McCain's since April of 2007 but even I know that some a weary of his candidacy, or the fact that he will almost certainly represent the Republicans  in November.  Sure...there's campaign finance reform or the immigration bill, but John McCain is a true conservative.  I'm not here to pitch John McCain to you over another Republican.  Our primary is said and done.  I'm writing to ask Republicans of all stripes, moderates and conservatives to support John McCain in November.  
        John McCain will appoint strict constructionist judges to federal courts and the U.S. Supreme Court.  John McCain will appoint judges that protect the sanctity of marriage, between one man and one woman, and to protect the rights of the unborn.  In contrast, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama will appoint judges who legislate from the bench and protect Roe v. Wade.
        John McCain has been a strong supporter of Americans' second amendment rights.  Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both support tougher laws and gun restrictions.  A Clinton or Obama administration will almost certainly lead to more restrictions on obtaining firearms in America, contrary to a McCain administration.  
        John McCain has fought government growth and spending since he was first elected to Congress.  John McCain has pledged to veto any pork barrel bill that arrives at his desk and he will make the sponsors of the bill famous.  Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama encourage pork barrel spending and government will certainly grow at unprecedented levels under President Hillary Clinton or President Barack Obama.
        Most importantly, John McCain is a leader who will never surrender to radical Islamic extremists like Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama want to.  John McCain put his political career on the line when he spoke against Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and argued for the surge.  John McCain knows that surrender in the Middle East would mean victory for the terrorists.  John McCain wants our young servicemen to return from battle with honor, and not having died in vain.  
        There are certainly more issues, but it is obvious that John McCain is a conservative who will fight for conservative principles.  You may not agree with John McCain on every issue, and you most likely never will agree with a candidate on every issue.  However, Americans must realize that no matter how much you disagree with Senator McCain, a McCain administration will certainly promise more for great country than any administration with Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama at the helm.  So today, I ask of you one thing.  All Republicans, whether you are moderate, conservative or very conservative, need to go to the polls in November 2008 and cast their ballot for John McCain.  Really, the alternative is much worse.  

    < Standing Strong & Closing Ranks | The Big 3 are good enough for the GOP... they're not good enough for the Dems? >

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    1) What does this have to do with (none / 0) (#1)
    by snoopygirlmi on Mon Feb 18, 2008 at 08:01:34 PM EST
    the Michigan political scene? McCain is running for a federal office not a state office - which leads me to point #2...

    2)I thought Nick asked us not to make this kind of post anymore. So, out of respect for the site manager and his rules, I am not going to get shrill or crazed because even though it would make me feel really good to vent some more and just bash the guy (and give my crazy female pregnancy hormones a good/healthy workout)- I know that it's not going to further the conversation along.  If I'm wrong - please correct me.  

    3) The long and the short of it is that you've got so many faux conservatives out there (state/national) who want the mantle when they want our votes, but then drop it as soon as election night's over.

    I really don't trust many our so-called "conservative" leaders to be "conservatives" when they actually have to do their job and vote.    

    Too many of them want it both ways - so they sound just like another liar-politician who can't be bothered with the truth - gee, that inspires confidence in our ideas and leaders.  

    I would say more, but it's going to get into bashing and trashing and like I said, I want to respect the rules - so this is the end of this post.

    well... (none / 0) (#2)
    by prattleon on Mon Feb 18, 2008 at 09:21:07 PM EST
    it affects Michigan because with McCain as our nominee, that guarantees a democrat in the whitehouse, or -- if he somehow manages to get elected -- a lying, liberal, war-mongering, angry, republican that would further damage the party and our country.  And that, in turn, means Michigan's economy, as well as that of the entire country, will continue to degrade.  Of all the republican nominees, McCain was the most ignorant on economic policies.  His platform is frighteingly similar to hillary clinton's.  His plan includes "less jobs and more wars."  

    how can you say that McCain supports the 2nd amendment? His record is awful.

    I'm sick of this hard-ass attitude that we have to save our honor over in Iraq.  how about we think about the actual lives that are lost every day we're over there.  there is nothing to win...we're fighting a war against a tactic (terrorism) and the way we're fighting it ironically only creates more.  terrorism will never disappear no matter how many american soldiers and innocent civilians die; no matter how long we stay there.  you can't kill a concept.  what we can do, is stop stirring the hornets nest and focus on the few hornets that have the gall to stray from their nest and threaten us.   we need to start thinking really hard about the value of every single innocent life that is lost in in the middle east because of this childish "we have to win" mentality.  this isn't a game.  i'm sickenes nearly to death to think of soldiers i don't know losing their lives, let alone my friends who are in iraq.

    i digress, if McCain is a conservative, then i'm not.  i will absolutely not support that despicable curmudgeon.  given the choice between him and clinton or obama is like deciding whether to jump from the empire state building or the sears tower.  we had the rare opportunity to nominate a real limited government, fiscal conservative with unmatched economic savvy, principle and character that is all but non-existent among politicians...and the people passed it up for more war, bigger government, higher taxes, more inflation, loss of individual and civil liberty, less jobs, more regulation, less security, and more bullshit from another lying president.  

    i am an individual...i think for myself, and i refuse to unite behind such an awful candidate for the sake of a failing party.  this is exactly why this country is going down the tubes.  

    From nowaymcain.com:

        1. He has a consistent pattern of shocking verbal abuse, including screaming profanities, against Senate Republican colleagues who oppose his bills in any way; and

        2. He has exercised scandalously poor judgment by intervening with the federal regulators on behalf of Charles H. Keating, Jr. in the Savings and Loan Crisis of the 1980s; and

        3. He has worked against the principles of the Republican Party, promoting greatly expanding federal regulatory authority in order to combat global warming in ways that would greatly burden the American economy, contrary to free market forces; and

        4. He has fought the Republican Party to create the Patient's Bill of Rights, which allowed the government to impose a set of burdensome mandates on insurance coverage; and

        5. He has undermined the principles of a free market economy by voting for an amendment that would authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to implement price controls on prescription drugs under Medicare; and

        6. He has worked against the Republican Party to make a mockery of the rule of law, promoting amnesty for 20 million illegal immigrants; and

        7. He has voted to subvert American Sovereignty by granting consulting rights to Mexico concerning the erection of a southern border fence; and

        8. He has undermined the Constitution and opposed the Constitutional duties of the Vice President to break a tie on judicial nominations; and

        9. He has worked against Conservative principles, undermining the First Amendment by abridging the free speech of citizens partaking in the political process; and

        10. He has consistently led efforts undermining Second Amendment rights by promoting bills which regulate all sales at gun shows; regulations which force gun-owners to purchase trigger locks, making their firearms useless for self-defense; regulations which restrict the legitimate transfer of firearms over the internet; and regulations which extend the restrictions of the Brady bill to pawn shops and gun repair shops; and

        11. He has voted to use taxpayer funds to harvest stem cells from human embryos; and

        12. He has refused to take immediate and direct action to protect the life of the unborn; he opposes the repeal of Roe v. Wade; and he opposes a constitutional amendment to protect all human life; and

        13. He sponsored and voted for a 282% tax increase on cigarettes that would have unconstitutionally violated the First Amendment and increased the size of the federal bureaucracy exponentially by giving the FDA unrestricted control over nicotine; and

        14. He supports raising Social Security taxes; and

        15. He has broken with the Republican Party in strongly opposing President Bush's tax cuts in 2001 and 2003. He also joined leading liberal senators in offering and voting for amendments designed to undermine the tax cuts.

    pet projects... (none / 0) (#3)
    by prattleon on Tue Feb 19, 2008 at 10:41:34 AM EST
    He's against pork barrel spending?  But he wants to steal money from us to cover the cost of sending people into space.  

    Taken from his campaign website:

    "Let us now embark upon this great journey into the stars to find whatever may await us."

    -John McCain

    John McCain is a strong supporter of NASA and the space program. He is proud to have sponsored legislation authorizing funding consistent with the President's vision for the space program, which includes  a return of astronauts to the Moon in preparation for a manned mission to Mars. He believes support for a continued US presence in space is of major importance to America's future innovation and security. He has also been a staunch advocate for ensuring that NASA funding is accompanied by proper management and oversight to ensure that the taxpayers receive the maximum return on their investment. John McCain believes curiosity and a drive to explore have always been quintessential American traits. This has been most evident in the space program, for which he will continue his strong support.


    NASA is a government boondoggle that has wasted countless tax dollars with very little to show for it.  Space exploration is fine, but not when it's funded by the brute force of government theft.  You'd think that we'd be too busy (and spending too much...over 9 trillion dollars in debt) fighting wars and building nations, to fool around on mars, but apparently not to "no pork barrel spending" McCain.  

    here is an article written back in 2003, contrasting the government space expedition touted by Bush, and the privately funded achievements of the Wright Brothers.  

    Bush, like McCain, made the same nonsensical, rhetorical connection from the spirit of exploration that helps make America great, to the government theft and the failed projects upon which the funds are squandered.  

    I thought republicans were for free enterprise, the private sector, and letting individuals spend their money as they see fit?  

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