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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Michigan Republican Party chairman endorsement

    By michiganrepublicanpartywatch, Section News
    Posted on Sat Dec 06, 2008 at 12:43:24 PM EST
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    Cross posted on Michigan Republican Party Watch

    Jack and Norm,

    As a grassroots activist and operator of the Michigan Republican Party Watch blog, I'm writing to encourage you to remain in the race for party chairman and challenge Ambassador Ron Weiser at the State Convention in February.

    The base of the Michigan Republican Party deserves a contested campaign for chairman. Sadly, too many of the party elites want to crown Ambassador Weiser without any vote of the party.

    On Michigan Republican Party Watch, we have posted both of your campaigns' respective endorsement lists. Both of you have an impressive level of support that crosses all levels of the Michigan Republican Party from precinct delegates and activists to elected officials and party leadership.

    Unlike the two of you, Ambassador Weiser is using paid political consultants, on loan from Chuck Yob, to run his campaign for Michigan Republican Party chairman. This has led to many grassroots activists questioning if Ambassador Weiser will continue Saul Anuzis' outreach on new media technologies like Facebook, the daily e-mails, blog postings, and YouTube videos. Additionally, there are serious questions about his ability to run the state party. His ability as a political tactician is unknown, which will likely require him to surrender the day-to-day control and operations to an unelected executive director.

    Ambassador Weiser should have a place in the Michigan Republican Party in fundraising and donor development, but his role should end there.

    Based on your records, Michigan Republican Party Watch believes you are the only candidates who could effectively lead the state party and its grassroots through the 2010 election.

    That is why Michigan Republican Party Watch is proud to endorse your campaigns. Your records have the experience the party needs, and either one of you would make an outstanding state party chairman.

    < The Weekend in the Sphere | December, 7, 1941 >

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    I haven't made up my mind but (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by apackof2 on Sat Dec 06, 2008 at 02:48:02 PM EST
    Jack maybe
    Norm No

    My two bits (thus far) (none / 0) (#5)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Sun Dec 07, 2008 at 04:11:35 PM EST
    Here're a couple of thoughts that I've posted before . . . so I'll just link them here:

    Recovering From The Wreckage - http://www.rightmichigan.com/story/2008/11/11/194713/96

    Random Thoughts - http://www.rightmichigan.com/story/2008/11/21/235639/43

    Just thinking about what we should be doing.

    Why not Norm? (none / 0) (#6)
    by Brneyedrose on Sun Dec 21, 2008 at 04:14:09 PM EST
    If you're a real conservative and want to get back to the right stuff, I have a good reason for why not Norm.

    Though he lately seems to either mumble something vaguely in the affirmative or changes the subject when asked directly if he's conservative, he sure sounded different last February! When running against Glenn Clark for a spot on the coveted national convention platform committee, he said he was o.k. with including language in it that allows a woman the right to choose, or something similar. He lost the vote to Clark by almost 2 - 1.

    If you want a guy who with a solid conservative track record and is the same no matter the audience or the goal of the speech, Jack is THE consistently conservative grassroots favorite hands down. Doesn't owe anyone any political favors and can't be and never has been bought. Sounds like the really good person to initiate a new beginning for the state GOP to me.

    Where your treasure is.......... (none / 0) (#7)
    by Brneyedrose on Sun Dec 21, 2008 at 10:33:32 PM EST
    I agree that we should be skeptical of Weiser, but for more reasons than those stated here already.

    Recently, I decided to check out his past contributions on the federal campaign finance website. What I discovered was pretty disturbing.

    There's $3,100 to "pro-choice" John ("Joe") Schwartz in '04 and '05 when he was running against pro-life Tim Walberg in his primary (MI-07), $1,000 to "pro-choice" former NJ governor Christie Todd Whitman, <u>and $1,000 to PRO-CHOICE DEMOCRAT Joe Biden just over a year ago!</u> And he wants to be the Michigan GOP Chairman?


    By the way, has anyone anywhere has seen any solid position papers, articles or statements on issues from Weiser? ANYONE?

    Me neither, and I've gotten the impression we're not supposed to ask for them. It doesn't matter what he believes about issues. Just trust the big money guy behind the curtain. Even if he did just recently start being involved with us grassroots workers, he knows what is best for us.

    Seriously, when we swallow the unity mantra and don't ask the hard questions and demand answers,  we end-up getting snookered. Do we want more candidates like these "big tent" RINOs and Democrats he's supported in the past? I know I don't! Haven't we learned that Republicans trying to be Democrats-lite don't win elections (and that includes his moderate candidate McCain).

    As also mentioned on this blog, we need to keep-up with the technological and campaign times and use the heck out of it! Jack's personally maintained his "Core Principles" blog for years, as well as had a Facebook page, is on Twitter and does it all himself.

    Most of all, we need hands-on, true movement conservative, consistent moral conscience and in-depth political experience now more than ever before. And Jack seems to be the guy who's proven he has all that through his writings, many statewide personal visits and votes - even when they weren't popular with some in his own party, but were correct and in keeping with the GOP platform principles.

    Good old boy business as usual and back-room dealing just won't cut it anymore. And it sure seems to me like Weiser represents more of the same elitist, old-school, country club mentality we're trying to get away from.

    Let's be honest, we've lost support by not acting like real Republicans and disrespecting our voter base county, state and nationwide. Let's stop that now before it's too late to get back the donors and voters who lost faith in us.

    Leadership is from the top down and historical example is the best evidence of its' quality, so please consider your choice for state party Chairman carefully. I believe our future as a successful state party and how we want to define ourselves will likely rest largely on this decision, so let's get it right.

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