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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    A change of heart... or something

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Dec 18, 2008 at 05:38:11 AM EST
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    The same day Michigan's unemployment rate jumps to a staggering 9.6% with the announcement that 35,000 additional moms and dads lost their jobs locally since Halloween the Governor tells the press that she is not interested in a cabinet appointment in the Obama - Biden administration.

    The Ivory Tower:

    "The governor has made it clear she does not want to be considered for an appointment at this time," spokeswoman Elizabeth Boyd said.

    If I had a nickel for every time a Democratic spinmiester used the phrase "made it clear" the very first time he or she stated a position I'd be a rich, rich man, but that's neither here nor there.  When Liz Boyd says the governor "made it clear" she isn't interested in a cabinet position, apparently she meant recently... like, thirty seconds before Liz opened her yap.

    It was only a week or so ago that the Governor was confiding secretly to her hair dresser that she was on the first plane out of dodge should her bat-phone ring with an offer from DC, and logically that sort of position made sense.  Granholm and her backers have a nasty little habit of blaming everything that happens in Michigan on the Bush administration and what's happening in Washington, DC.  I mean everything.  Its NAFTAs fault.  Its Bush's fault.  It's the national economy's fault.  Its Congress's fault.  Its just never Jennifer Granholm's fault.

    A guy could be forgiven if he got the feeling that this administration was categorically unable to do anything about the economy from Lansing... that they were and are utterly and completely helpless.  To quote one of my favorite Christmas movies... they're "what the French call les incompetent."

    Read on...

    Go!  Go to DC where the things they do actually impact the state of Michigan!  GO!  I'll buy your plane ticket!  Leave!  Skedaddle!  Vamanos!  

    The Michigan Republican Party had their own take and I saw it echoed here and there on Twitter and other places yesterday too... she's not leaving because Obama doesn't want her, and that'd be understandable given the national reaction to her appointment to his "economic advisory panel" immediately following the election, but ignores the statements out of DC yesterday that Granholm was currently the leading name on the list for Labor Secretary.

    After all of the heartburn she's already caused the administration, they were still thinking about asking her to dance.  

    So what's the deal?  Michigan Democrats are absolutely terrified of the idea of John Cherry assuming the role of Governor.  The man is not ready for prime-time and they know it.  The only reason he was even added to the ticket six years ago was for a  bit of 2nd amendment cushioning and seems entirely incapable of delivering a passionate speech.  

    John Cherry is NOT the guy the powers-that-be want as their next nominee and if Granholm left, he would be.  Tough to knock off a sitting LG who wants the top job, that much tougher to primary out a sitting Governor.

    Its either that or the Governor just wanted to stick around town a while longer to see how much more she could tax Michigan families over the next two years.  Right now they're talking gas tax hike in Lansing and the Granholm-Cherry folks and the Democrats in the legislature are big fans.  But they're about the only ones.  The Grand Rapids Press reports:

    A proposed gasoline tax hike to fix the state's crumbling roads and bridges is pitting road builders against gasoline station owners, who say it would give Michigan the highest tax in the nation.

    With the proposed hike being considered by the lame duck state Legislature, Michigan would jump ahead of California, the nation's current No. 1, according to station owners.

    Michigan now has the nation's fifth-highest gasoline tax, including state and federal taxes, at 59.4 cents a gallon. California's is 67.1 cents.

    "I put it down to three issues: It's too quick, it's too complicated and it's too much," said Michigan Petroleum Association President Mark Griffin, who sent a memo to legislators Tuesday outlining his concerns.

    Why stop at fifth worst when the top spot is so achievable.  Look at it this way... one more #1 to add to Michigan's national ranking.  I know, that'll be a small consolation when you're walking to work in the snow this January because you can't afford the drive.  Quit complaining and suck it up.  I'm sure if you let them talk long enough you'd find out that its for the children.

    < Congressman Camp: Defying A Trend | Thursday in the Sphere: December 18 >

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    My $0.02 this morning... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Thu Dec 18, 2008 at 10:40:13 AM EST
    First off, Jennifer Granholm is a consummate liar.

    I don't trust the woman as far as I can throw her. And trust me, as small and skinny as she is, I can get some serious distance there were I so inclined.

    CNN did an interesting piece yesterday where they had on their video wall all of the chosen one's cabinet and upper level gov't picks.

    Labor was noticibly empty on the board. No head shots in the Labor Sec. box.

    I don't want to get Nick in trouble for having gambling on his site, so I'll leave it at that.

    As for the gas tax hike. Don't forget that the gas tax isn't the only thing that Lansing wants to hike.

    Please send Rep. DeRoche a "thank you" for being another acolyte to the democratic philosophy who is slow to change his party affiliation.

    Much like the on-again, off-again GM-Chrysler merger talk, with all if this chucking of principles for political expediency as of late, is a MDP/MRP merger in the offing?

    Why keep up any pretense that there is any real difference, if you continually adopt the philosophy of your opponent?

    Me thinks she doth protest to much. (none / 0) (#2)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Dec 18, 2008 at 11:24:18 AM EST
    Normally if a politicain claims no interest in something the opposite is the truth. She wants a cabinet post so bad it makes her Canadian teeth hurt.
    And pratel where are these crumbling roads and bridges. In my area of the state we have had two resurfacings of M-66 from Mendon to the state line in two years. I-69 has seen constrution in Calhoun and Branch Counties. M-60 has seen resurfacing from west of Three Rivers to Jacskson as far as I can tell. I haven't seen any concrete falling from bridges when I drive under them or over them. So where oh where can these roads and bridges be? I continue to marvel at where the money is coming from to do all this road work in light of the economic problems here in the state.
    But then this is the MO of Liberals when they just can't help themselves and just have to get that yearly tax hike fix that they crave deep down in the depths of their Grinch like souls. They use their willing accomplicies in the MSM to try and scare WE THE PEOPLE into believing that this must be done to stave off disaster. I guess I will believe my eyes rather then the Political class and the professional liars in the MSM. If I can't see it it ain't broke.
    I still beleive that the One, the Most Merciful Barrack Hussien Obama would rather plant a big wet one on Hillary then appoint Jenny No Jobs to a cabinet post. She is tainted and he knows it. In light of some of the other idiots he is considering she would actually fit right in. George Miller D-Calif apologist for the Sandinista Government in Nicaragua and former John Edwards campaign manager Bagdhad David Bonior. No jobs would fit right in with this bunch. Incompent, able to lie well. Blames others easily. Yes, she has all the qualifications the Liberal types love. And on top of that she is an utter and complete failure which to a Democrat is a resume enhancement.

    yeah, right (none / 0) (#3)
    by EducationActionGroupdotOrg on Thu Dec 18, 2008 at 12:10:49 PM EST
    The governor's comment is like the Wolverines football team saying as the final seconds were ticking off the clock against Michigan State: we didn't really want to win that game anyway.

    What a lame attempt to save face.

    It speaks volumes of our state that a one-time "rising star" doesn't even have the option of crumbs from the Obama table and our state's leadership, regardless of your opinion of the proposed auto bailout, gets NOWHERE in Washington in fighting for it.

    Thoughts for the future. (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Dec 18, 2008 at 01:06:56 PM EST
    As we here in Michigan are to well aware of, elections have consequences. The 2010 election is crucial to this state for several reasons. First off in 2011 after the report of the Official Census, Michigan will lose at least three Congressional House seats. This is what happens when the Governor's policies drive people to other states. If and I say if the Democrats are able to take complete control in Lansing we are going to be more then sorry. They will redraw districts and you can bet it will be to their advantage not ours. Republican House seats will be redistricted out of exsistence. We cannot let this happen. We have seen the feckless impotentence of our Democrat Congressional and Senate officials. Do we really want more of them? We must do what we can to insure that Conservative Republicans are recruited and given full support in order to win election to the State House and Senate. We must further control of the one and regain control of the other. The time for rebuilding the party is now. Regaining political control of the state must start in 2009. We must be successful if we are going to avoid complete disaster for the once great state of Michigan. So the election of 2010 can and will have not only impact at the state level but at the National level as well.

    Breaking News (none / 0) (#5)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Dec 18, 2008 at 02:18:35 PM EST
    Obama has named California Congresswoman Hilda Solis to be Labor Secretary. Guess Jenny loses again.

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