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    Mike Huckabee Book Signing Tour Rolls Through Michigan

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Mon Dec 01, 2008 at 08:10:37 PM EST
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    Cross-Posted from the Michigan Fair Tax Association.  Press release follows the break.

    Mike Huckabee will be in three Michigan cities on his nationwide book signing tour next week.  Enthusiastic crowds have met him in earlier stops on his tour as he promotes his recently released best selling book Do the Right Thing.  

    All are invited to one of Governor Huckabee's three tour stops in Michigan - all on Wednesday, December 3rd - in Birmingham, Lansing, and Grand Rapids.

    Governor Huckabee made a strong showing in Michigan's presidential primary and emerged as a top contender in the overall Republican presidential primary race.  His campaign got a jump start in the Iowa caucus due to his outspoken advocacy of the FairTax and it continued to build his political standing in spite of his lack of campaign funding.  In the debates and on the campaign trail he proposed adoption of the FairTax as the solution to America's economic challenges.

    In his new book Do the Right Thing Mike devotes an entire chapter to the FairTax and states, "It's been my position that a responsible tax structure should be flat, fair, finite, and family friendly.  The FairTax covers all those criteria."  Governor Huckabee's book discusses how doing the right thing, regardless of partisan politics, brings positive consequences.

    Mike Huckabee shocked the country by winning the all-important Iowa caucuses and seven other states, while spending far less than the other major candidates.  He created an army of passionate volunteers and small donors, transforming his campaign into a true movement that will endure long after Election Day.

    Do The Right Thing is his amazing story, in his own words-from making commercials with Chuck Norris to meeting a Michigan woman who insisted on donating her wedding ring.  But this is more than just a campaign memoir.  It's a vision for a smarter, fairer type of politics - "vertical politics" - that focuses on common-sense solutions for education, health care, the economy, and many other issues.  It's not about right versus left; it's about taking America up rather than down.

    Huckabee also shows how the Republican Party can heal its divisions - between social and fiscal conservatives, the wealthy and the middle class, the religious and the secular - and become a true majority party again.

    < New MEA Game in Town | In a state that often makes zero sense, Senator Hansen Clarke (D) makes even less >

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