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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Michigan economy continues slide while Gov, bureaucrats leave the country

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 10:24:06 AM EST
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    Barack Obama swept in a host of new Democrats in Michigan on Tuesday and here we are, two days later, and not only has no one walked on water, the local economic news just continues to get worse.

    And the Governor's reaction?  She's heading to the Holy Land on a quixotic crusade to bring jobs back to Michigan.  The Lansing State Journal reports this morning that she's on her way to Jordan and Jerusalem and guess what kind of jobs she's targeting.

    Michigan's governor is heading to the Middle East to recruit high tech, homeland security and alternative energy businesses to the state.

    Am I the only one scratching his head over the governor or Michigan's decision to ask Jordanians for help with American homeland security?  Was the border to Syria blocked?  No one from the Iranian ministry of defense was willing to meet with her?  Hezbollah says they're all about empowering the people, I'm sure they would have loved a one-on-one.

    Alas, it's only Jordan.  We'll have to sit back with baited breath, hoping against hope that this taxpayer funded middle eastern vacation expedition produces more jobs than Granholm's little jaunt earlier this year to Japan.  You remember that one... the trip that yielded ZERO new jobs and ZERO new job promises.  But I hear she brought back some really groovy souvenirs for everyone at MEDC.  So that's something.

    And while the Governor works on her tan, Michigan's economy continue to crumble.  

    One interesting question no one has asked, what have Michigan Democrats done to help the domestic auto industry?  Lots of criticism and clamor about the need to bailout the Big 3 but the Democrats have been in charge in Michigan for six years now.  What have they done?  Because whatever it is (or isn't), it is clearly NOT working.  

    Read on...

    The Detroit News offers more bad news this morning, informing readers that Dana Corp, a leading auto parts supplier is closing ten plants and laying of thousands of workers.

    Dana says the plant closures, and 5,000 job cuts planned for this year, are part of a push to downsize the company amid a steep drop in demand. Previously, the company said it expected to cut only 3,000 employees.

    Jennifer Granholm and Michigan Democrats claim to have plans to fix these things.  Inquiring minds want to know... did they meet with Dana Corp decision makers?  Did they have a sit-down?  A conference call?  What did they do to save those 5,000 jobs?  Did they do anything?

    Meanwhile, in the heart of Detroit, Democratic leadership continues to proclaim their own desperate need to be replaced while parents and voters pretend they don't hear.  The Detroit Public School board, comprised entirely of Democrats, is now facing a $124 million operating deficit.  According to the Ivory Tower:

    The board voted 10-1 to approve a consent agreement that allows school officials to retain control of DPS' finances, but the governor still could appoint a financial manager if the requirements are not met. Failure to approve the agreement would have resulted in the automatic appointment of a state manager...

    State treasury officials rejected as "unrealistic" the DPS monthly financial reports for July and August.

    Now, DPS will have to meet dozens of deadlines for managing and reporting its financial situation. The deadlines start Nov. 14 when it must turn over an action plan to "address factors which resulted in the school district being designated a high-risk school district."

    One Detroit legislator, Senator Hansen Clarke, is already clamoring to take over the schools and to run them from Lansing, putting every Michigan taxpayer on the hook for the folly of voters and their "public servants" in Detroit.

    It's like the federal bailout of Wall Street.  Someone screws up, the government will sweep in and rescue them with YOUR tax dollars.  

    This is the Michigan Democratic leadership model.  Taxpayer funded vacations to foreign countries for their leaders while the foot soldiers screw up locally and their generals in Lansing ask the rest of us to bail them out.  Say what you want about how tough the next two years are going to be... certainly doesn't look like we'll want for lefty bungling to talk about.

    < To anyone who will listen | Happy Birthday to me!! >

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    Nice (none / 0) (#2)
    by Rougman on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 11:06:32 AM EST
    Maybe we can get some of our elected officials to toughen CAFE standards some more, raise some business taxes, mandate increased wages, make it more expensive to build homes, increase the fuel tax and, just for good measure, vote for card check.

    That ought to be good for business.

    In the words of... (none / 0) (#3)
    by WadeHM on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 11:54:58 AM EST
    the Governor herself, all of Michigan's problems are the fault of George Bush and his failed policies.

    That is why she has to go out of the country to recruit high tech workers. Not like you can't go to Ann Arbor and find thousands of them, but the ones from out of the country are so much better and smarter than the ones here and so are the businesses and business owners. Why CREATE work in your own back yard when you can bring in cheaper labor from out of the country.

    Point the finger at Bush, that is the old dead horse mantra of the "other" party.

    And just think (none / 0) (#4)
    by MarkMuylaert on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 12:23:15 PM EST
    now that Michigan has made grass much easier to get the dem faithful won't have to drink the kool aid any more.

    In Good Hands While She is Gone (none / 0) (#5)
    by wctaxpayer on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 12:55:08 PM EST
    Don't worry about her being gone. Speaker Andy Dillon can carry on her failed policies while she is gone.  They say you have to hit bottom before things improve. He can keep the bottom falling further until she gets back to take over.
    Rose Bogaert, Chair Wayne County Taxpayers Association, Inc.
    One Step Further (none / 0) (#6)
    by Shell on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 12:57:57 PM EST
    This isn't about Michigan so much anymore as it is about Jenny.

    She's term limited.  She can't run for president, thank God, and she's seeking greener pastures in the form of an Obama cabinet position on alternative energy.  It'll be easy and profitable for her to use the manufacturing bodies littered around Michigan as stepping stones to DC.

    Jenny knows Michigan has no future, so she's just looking out for herself.

    The Conservatrarian

    The good thing is (none / 0) (#7)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 07:03:27 PM EST
    Who is Jenny No Jobs going to blame in a year? Obama? Not likely. But they will be in total control of the enconomy. The strange thing to me is that for 6 years the economy survived the 9/11 attacks and the panic that took hold after. We came back. The Bush tax cuts worked well and the economy was strong and growing everywhere but Michigan. The difference was other states didn't have Jennifer Granholm or Andy Dillion.
    So after blaming John Engler and George Bush for all the problems of Michigan who will she blame now? Sooner or later I would hope the people would realize she is a failure and out of her league. She has done nothing but ruin Michigan and there is no one to blame but herself. The big thing is now we need to start campaigning against Granholm and begin to hang this economy around her neck. We have to taint her so completely that the new administration cannot dare to included her. It is time to start for the next cycle. If we do not prepare and we are not fully armed and ready we will end up with John Cherry and four more years of the same failed stupidity that we have had for the last six.

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