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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Breaking: Today is "Black Friday" (or something like that)

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Nov 28, 2008 at 09:25:22 AM EST
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    Have you turned on your radio or television over the last couple of days?  I don't know if you've seen one of these fancy live broadcasts that seem to be coming from shopping malls and department stores across Michigan, but it turns out that today is "Black Friday" and that it's one of the biggest shopping days in the history of capitalism.

    And in other news, water is wet, hope, the sun is hot, change, Jennifer Granholm has a plan and she's working it and its all John Engler's fault.

    Glad we've got the traditional media to tell us these things.

    Now go shopping.  It's the patriotic thing to do and you might just save Michigan's economy in the process.

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    Curious (none / 0) (#1)
    by apackof2 on Fri Nov 28, 2008 at 10:26:51 AM EST
    but what happened to Black Monday on the 'Net?

    The economy caused it to be bumped to Friday?

    But that's how I do my Black "Whatever" shopping, let my fingers do the walking!

    But for gift ideas for conservative and Christmas friendly merchants

    "Black Monday" (none / 0) (#2)
    by John Galt on Fri Nov 28, 2008 at 08:08:45 PM EST

    Black Monday was a contrived invention of some marketeers looking for a way to 'stand out from the rest' - oddly by trying to collectivize everyone into a single shopping entity.  They didn't stand out from the rest, and honestly most of the world hasn't heard of black monday - except for the Crash of 1987.

    Black Friday wasn't nearly as contrived.  Much like "silver" is the single most popular color for cars, individuals chose the day after Thanksgiving to go shopping and made it the most popular shopping day of the year.

    Retailers began competing for shoppers among a known "critical mass" to get them in the stores.  What better way to draw shoppers than advertising loss leaders - people don't just buy one CD, they'll buy 5.  People don't just buy TVs, they need a surround sound system.

    After almost 20 years, the sales became spectacular and legendary drawing lines and crowds large enough to stampede innocent store clerks.  The event was dubbed "Black Friday" as a matter of colloquialism.

    Just like a company that manufacturers "collector's edition" toys, a manufactured day to do your online shopping is phoney and flacid.  It's no wonder the "tradition", if that's what they wanted, didn't last long.

    1987? (none / 0) (#3)
    by apackof2 on Fri Nov 28, 2008 at 09:29:32 PM EST
    I never heard of Black Monday until last year and thought it was an exclusive Internet thingy.

    However I did buy my digital camera last year on "Black Monday." Did a lot of research on cameras,& prices. Got the one I wanted (translation=could afford)Canon, plus free shipping and some freebies at a very good price I might add.

    Shopping? A patriotic thing to do? (none / 0) (#4)
    by snoopygirlmi on Sat Nov 29, 2008 at 11:16:00 AM EST
    I do understand your point; spending pumps money into the economy, people get paid - keep jobs, etc...I love capitalism.  

    However, I'd hate to think that in your universe, I don't love my home and my country because I really have no interest in the consumer culture of America/Michigan.  

    Buying the latest electronic gadget, clothes, magazines, books, diet plan, etc...just buys a lot of unhappiness in the end for a lot of people.

    I have a different definition of what would be "patriotic."

    Patriotic would be telling people to be responsible with the money you do have.  

    Don't spend what you don't have.  

    If you have money to spend, then spend it wisely- get the biggest bang for your buck.  

    If you have money to spend on at the mall- consider giving it (or some of it) to a local charity or food bank to help people who have less than you do - there are a lot of Michiganders who are having a hard time putting food on their tables and keeping the lights/gas on.  

    Fashion goes out of style and people grow out of it - electronic gadgets improve every couple of months and what's new and cool today is "ancient" tomorrow.  Books and magazines sit on a table or in the trash after they are read.  

    Christmas isn't about how much you can buy and how much stuff you accumulate.

    A one month spending blitz isn't going to change Michigan's economy.  We've been in a recession way too long for one month to really make a difference. To think otherwise is just naive.

    Shopping doesn't make one patriotic and the idea that it does sickens me.  

    I'm hoping (none / 0) (#5)
    by michiganmav on Sat Nov 29, 2008 at 11:25:11 AM EST
    That traditional media will get some competition with the advent of Digital TV, maybe allow a bit more conservative media to seep into households through the formerly traditional airwaves.

    As for Mr Galts critisizm of Black Monday...
    I don't feel this is anytime to go "John Galt" on Internet Retailing as this may be the last bastion of free capitalists in the coming years.

    BTW Another hit on the right to freely produce, market and sell products on the net.


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