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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Local Obama employee charged with SIX felonies, MI ACORN chief defends registering Mickey

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Oct 15, 2008 at 07:25:42 AM EST
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    Took a little while but the ACORN crap storm is finally in full effect right here in Michigan.  Barack Obama's employees (and let's make no mistake, when you fund an organization to the tune of nearly a million dollars and ask them to perform a task for you, those they hire to perform that task are YOUR employees) have been making national news for the last week or so as local clerks across the country go public with blatantly fraudulent voter registration applications submitted in an attempt to steal the vote early next month.  Here in the Great Lakes State someone finally said `enough is enough.'  

    Attorney General Mike Cox yesterday announced a fresh arrest of a career criminal who, under the employ and guidance of Obama's "community organizers" fraudulently filled out and submitted six bogus voter registrations.  According to the Associated Press, Antonio Johnson is being held in Jackson County on a parole violation. The 23-year-old is accused of falsifying the registration forms between May 20 and June 6 in Jackson.

    Each of the half-dozen charges carries a maximum sentence of fourteen years in prison, and here's hoping if the cat's convicted he faces a nice long eighty-four year jail sentence.  Heaven knows someone needs to put the fear of God (or at least the state) into these "organizers."  Because if the top dog here locally is any indication, they've got a lot less concern with the rule of law and free and fair elections than they have with flooding the polls with duplicate and fraudulent voters.

    The Ivory Tower reports this morning the following shocking admission:

    David Lagstein, head Michigan organizer for ACORN, the Association for Community Reforms Now, defended the effort.

    "It's our policy to hand in every single card," he said. "Sometimes we do get the occasional application with names like Mickey Mouse or some silly thing like that. However, we don't want to be the arbiter. Our job is to hand in the applications."

    No word on how Dave feels about Daffy Duck.

    Read on...

    Career criminal / community organizer Antonio Johnson's actions aren't unique among ACORN employees and they certainly aren't unique in Michigan.  Election officials across the state have been complaining for weeks about a glut of sham registrations flooding their offices.  One township in Saginaw County even boasts one-hundred percent voter registration after an ACORN drive.  Not one-hundred percent of those 18 and over.  One voter registration for every man, woman, teenager, child and infant.  

    "Mommy, we go vote Bawak Bama?"  "Sure, Jr., let me just change your diaper first."

    Then again, none of the two-year olds are named after animated animals or play for the Dallas Cowboys.  Not that there'd be anything wrong with it if they were, according to Obama's chief Michigan ACORN lieutenant.  The Detroit News:

    Lagstein (defended his Mickey Mouse registrations) amid widespread complaints from local clerks about duplicate and questionable voter registration applications submitted by ACORN and shortly before Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox announced forgery charges against a former ACORN worker in connection with voter registration applications the group submitted in the city of Jackson...

    Local clerks in Michigan, who are completing a registration that will set a record for the number of qualified voters, complain they have been swamped with duplicate and questionable applications from ACORN and other third-party groups.

    That has forced them to perform hundreds of hours of additional work to assure the integrity of Michigan's qualified voter file.

    "For anyone to tell you that they would turn in Mickey Mouse, that's a terrible thing to say," said Southfield City Clerk Nancy Banks. "Shame on them."

    ...Roseville City Clerk Richard Steenland said his office has been "barraged" with voter registrations through ACORN and many have raised red flags.

    For example, he said, six applications were exactly the same.

    "I'm looking at turning it over (to) the prosecutor's office," Steenland said.

    Banks said Southfield is still processing its voter registrations.

    As of Tuesday the city had more than 2,000 from third-parties, most of them duplicates, she said.

    TWO THOUSAND fraudulent ACORN applications in Southfield alone?  Wowzah!  Team-Obama has really outdone themselves on this one.  And let's not mince words or split participles or get dizzy from the political spin... this IS team Obama.

    Yesterday on CNN's "Situation Room" with Wolf Blitzer, the host asked his correspondent to clarify whether or not there was really any connection between THE Community Organizer and all of these other community organizers in states like Michigan.  

    CNN's Drew Griffin: Barack Obama goes back with this organization. It's a community organizing organization. He was a community organizer. They crossed paths back in Chicago, worked together, he trained some of them. As an attorney, he represented the ACORN group in a motor voter case in the State of Illinois. A case that he won. And in the primary campaign, Barack Obama's campaign gave $800,000 to a subsidiary of ACORN to go out and register to vote...

    I also want to point out, you know we were talking about whether or not this is a nonpartisan group or not. I attended a volunteer rally with ACORN. I would say 50% of the people had on ACORN for Obama t-shirts. So to say that this group is non-partisan or not somehow connected or at least favorable towards the Obama campaign I don't think is accurate."

    Let's be crystal clear here, people.  The Democrats want this election and if they can't win it on their own they are willing to steal it.  Start tossing the criminals and the men and women who asked and incentivized them to break the law into the clink for eighty-four years at a time and we might start to discourage this sort of behavior ahead of the next cycle.

    And who knows, maybe four years from now we'll have finally started to recover from what very well could be irreparable harm being done to ballot integrity statewide.

    Oh, and by the by, the Michigan Republican Party is looking for poll workers and poll challengers to work election day to keep an eye out for giant cartoon rodents.  Seriously.  If you're interested you can email Rob at rmacomber@migop.org.

    < Hey buddy, can you spare a vote? | Does Palin have the devil's mark? >

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    ACORN IN MI (none / 0) (#3)
    by apackof2 on Wed Oct 15, 2008 at 11:30:09 AM EST
    Willful blindness is not a valid defense (none / 0) (#4)
    by Republican Michigander on Thu Oct 16, 2008 at 06:39:48 PM EST
    ACORN's leaders knows it is fraudulent and turned in its worker's fraudulent forms. That's unacceptable in any setting.

    We live in America... (none / 0) (#5)
    by John Galt on Thu Oct 16, 2008 at 09:22:59 PM EST
    ACORN supporters keep claiming they do an honorable job.  According to CNN, one county in Ohio had over 5000 fake registrations.  In one county.

    There are hundreds of counties across the 13 states having ACORN investigations.  With 5000 or more each, that's enough votes to swing an election.

    But hey, you have the ACORN supportings defending the right of Mickey Mouse and Jimmy Johns to the ballot.  And how dare they have to show an ID!  

    Mark Foley was on the cover of the NYTimes for weeks straight, and yet Obama's ACORN organization isn't getting the same kind of treatment.  Where's NoviDem"oh!"crat to tell us about how there's never been any kind of voter fraud in the past?  Seems like investigations are turning up a lot of voter fraud.

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