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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Something Amiss in State Legislature

    By DMOnline, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Sun Sep 23, 2007 at 10:15:44 PM EST
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    Something is amiss in the State Legislature.  Sources advise something "big" is likely to occur this evening as it's considered extraordinary to call the House and Senate back into session on a Sunday evening.  

    I've been advised that the Governor has been at the capitol and the Senate has pulled back bill number 5194.  This bill was intended to give tax credits to veterans.  But one source speculates the Dems will be attaching their much desired tax hike on to the bill.


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    senate bill (none / 0) (#1)
    by envix on Sun Sep 23, 2007 at 11:32:09 PM EST
    The senate passed their revenue plan including a little over 1.1 billion in cuts, with the rest of the deficit a blank income tax to be left up the house and conference.

    Good news for higher education! the delayed payments due in October have been basically maintained, at least for the time being. Let's keep our fingers crossed..

    Detnews reporting $950 millon (none / 0) (#2)
    by aaugusti on Mon Sep 24, 2007 at 12:41:26 AM EST
    in cuts. Either way, the ball is now in the Democrats court. It seems that the Senate has compromised on a tax increase, now it is up to the Republicans in the house to make shre that the Democrats don't go overboard with it. If taxes are to rise, I would like to see it only ot a level that will balance the budget. However I have a sneaking suspicion that the Dems will try to find a way to squeeze more money out of my wallet.

    tax cuts never solve budget shortfalls (none / 0) (#3)
    by rightwing26 on Mon Sep 24, 2007 at 09:14:31 AM EST
    I don't see how buying into this idea that if we take the 1.1 billion in cuts that we can solve the rest of the budget problem with a tax increase. The fact is that even "small" tax hikes NEVER work to solve budget problems. With the highest unemployment rate in a very long time, the only thing a personal income tax increase does is reduce incentive to work, and require potential new employers to look elsewhere due to higher relative costs. What needs to be done, is to put together a tax incentive program that incourages new growth in buisiness and jobs.  The answer is not to have those who are employed take on more burden, but to bring more workers into the workforce, and generate more tax base.

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