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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Granholm Cries to Detroit News While Michigan Burns

    By Republican Yankee, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jun 06, 2007 at 11:49:01 AM EST
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    Granholm Sends Two-Page Letter to Detroit News Asking Them to Investigate Their Own Editorial Board.

    Last Sunday, Nolan Finley wrote an editorial column in the Detroit News criticizing Governor Jennifer Granholm's poor leadership in this time of crisis for Michigan.  What's more, Finley reported that he was not alone on Mackinac Island last week when he reached this conclusion.  You can read Finley's article column here: http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070603/OPINION03/706030305/1271

    What seems to be bothering Granholm is the fact that the original story attributed a quote to Democratic House Speaker Andy Dillon when the quote was actually uttered by Republican Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop.  Despite the fact that Finley immediately changed the on-line version of the column and despite the fact that the News printed a correction in the next day's paper, Granholm was still hopping mad.  Her spokeswoman Liz Boyd referenced Finley's columns as having "a pattern of inaccuracies and personal attacks".  I'm not sure one mistake constitutes a "pattern" but again, I don't work for the governor.

    The governor's office is experiencing a train wreck of their own making as they have continually disengaged themselves from the budget process allowing Dillon and Bishop to do all the work while attempting to swoop in and take credit for it.  Granholm wants the appearance of doing something without actually doing something, and this is after she pouted to the press earlier this year "they didn't like my idea so now they have to come up with one of their own".  Comments like that are a far cry from taking leadership.  Even Dan Mulhern when interviewing with Frank Beckmann last week said that he commends his "wife's incredible patience".  PATIENCE!!!  What about leadership?  Is the Granholm administration taking yet another "wait-and-see" approach like they did with Delphi?

    Finley made a mistake and he and the Detroit News corrected it the same as they would had the mistake been made while being critical of any other political figure.  But Granholm, who has asked Republican Senators in meetings "Why don't you like me?" seems more obsessed with her image than being governor.

    Michigan's major employers are leaving.

    Michigan has the highest unemployment rate in the country (still).

    Granholm's administration has not spent over $300 million of money it did not have.

    The state is in need of SERIOUS reforms to address our current budget crisis.

    All these things and the governor has time to write a two page letter to the Detroit News that pretty much demands they get on the "The governor is great!" propaganda bandwagon?  A real leader takes swift action.  A real leader doesn't give a damn what is written about them in the press.  A real leader does whatever it takes to get the job done despite how they may look in the public eye (especially if that "real leader" is term-limited).  A REAL LEADER LEADS!!!  And Granholm hasn't done that according to 62% of the state that said they wouldn't vote again to re-elect her and according to just about EVERYBODY in Lansing, whether they are willing to admit it publicly or not.

    This is all Finley was trying to point out, but Granholm is trying to distract from that point.  Funny that there is no outrage coming from Speaker Dillon's office, since he was the one that was actually misquoted.

    The free ride is over governor.  You can't lead!  You did a good job for four years pretending you could, but YOU CANNOT LEAD!!!  Don't get mad at us for pointing that out.

    < Granholm's support of Andy 'employers are terrorists' Levin reaches day 12 | Juli vlog 12!!! >

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    I didn't realize that after 5 years in office (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by snoopygirlmi on Wed Jun 06, 2007 at 07:14:31 PM EST
    you could still be considered a newbie.

    I can understand a year - maybe two - but even people on welfare get that the free ride ends after 4 years.

    And we all know that the free press was the anti-prop 2, pro-granholm rag last year.  

    You know things are bad for the governor when the free press starts sounding more like the News in terms of their Granholm articles.  I'm surprised she didn't write them first.  

    If she can't keep the "liberal" paper in line, then what makes you think that the "conservative" paper will care what Granholm has to say? Again, she's fighting the wrong battle.  What else is new?

    WELFARE (none / 0) (#2)
    by sandmman on Thu Jun 07, 2007 at 06:51:11 AM EST
    The clock doesn't even START ticking until 1 Oct 2007 - then they STILL have 4 more years.

    Some people's Democrats, I swear. (5.00 / 1) (#3)
    by John Galt on Thu Jun 07, 2007 at 09:34:47 AM EST
    I think we have here a pattern of its own.

    Granholm has repeatedly shown, time and time again, to "pass the buck" to someone else.

    Michigan is the only state floundering in job losses?  It's Dick DeVos's fault.

    Michigan is losing manufacturing jobs to Indiana and Ohio?  It's George W. Bush's fault because he's not enforcing NAFTA.

    Michigan can't fix the Executive Office's budget?  It's Republicans fault.

    And all of the news on how bad it is in Michigan gets printed in the Detroit News?  Well, that's Nolan Finley's fault.

    GRANHOLM:  When are you going to "man up" and take a little responsibility?  There's a line that people say:  I'm not a doctor, I just play one on TV.  We have a Governor who only plays one in Lansing.

    Granholms failed social Experiment (5.00 / 1) (#4)
    by Brokeinmacomb on Thu Jun 07, 2007 at 12:44:37 PM EST
    Fairtax is what Michigan needs right now! Let it be an example for the rest of the country. Were sinking with no relief in sight. Im very scared.

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