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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Dems shouldn't threaten to reduce college funding

    By Rejoice39, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jun 18, 2007 at 02:31:26 PM EST
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    Below is an article from today's Macomb Daily.  The House dems have taken another queue from their fearless leader.  Rather than trying to lead and get to the bottom of the budget issues, they have resorted to threatening GOP House members.  

    The Macomb Daily
    June 18, 2007

    The word blackmail conjures up images of store owners paying protection money to underworld wiseguys, or a Hollywood image of a sleazy character grubbing for money in exchange for not spilling the beans on a cheating spouse.

    But the unsavory description doesn't belong in the day to-day lexicon or operation of our political leaders in Lansing.

    Yet that's exactly what happened last week when Michigan House Speaker Andy Dillon, a Democrat, urged Republicans to get on board to raise taxes to balance the state budget.

    Dillon, through his spokesman Dan Farough, threatened to reduce state funding to Macomb Community College if our local GOP state officials oppose the Democrats plan to address the budget shortfall that approaches $2 billion.

    We are urging Republicans to awaken to the fact that we need revenues to protect great institutions like Macomb Community, said Farough. Without a bipartisan solution that includes revenues we'll have an unprecedented budget crisis of $1.8 billion deficit with schools, healthcare, police and fire protection and great institutions of higher learning like Macomb Community College all threatened.

    Leveraging funding for higher education into the fight over the state budget is wrong. We agree with Rep. Brian Palmer, a Bruce Township Republican, who first labeled the comments blackmail.

     There have been threats here and there, but nothing with any credibility, Palmer said about the budget battle before Dillon's latest remarks. That (an MCC funding reduction) is blackmail, and I'll expose it for what it is.

    After The Macomb Daily first reported the threats June 12, elected Republicans reported similar incidents.

    The following day, the Associated Press reported that a handful of House Republicans said they had been threatened by Democrats with individualized budget cuts to universities, community colleges and even K-12 schools in their own districts if they didn't vote in favor of an income tax increase or a tax on some types of services.

    Lobbying for proposals is one thing, but direct threats to individual lawmakers are highly inappropriate. Worse, those threats may have been leveled at legislators, but if they are followed up on, the real people suffering will be the real people and students who attend the colleges and schools, and the teachers and professors who work at them.

    Said House GOP Leader Craig DeRoche of Novi, Now, the Democratic leadership is holding Michigan residents hostage because Republicans are fighting to protect taxpayers hard-earned dollars from an excessive and crippling tax increase. It's unacceptable, completely unethical and it has to stop.

    Whether the state can balance its budget without additional taxes is not the issue. State Democrats and Republicans can disagree without the blackmail.

    Michigan residents deserve better behavior from their elected officials.

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    I agree. It also needs to be stated that (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by snoopygirlmi on Mon Jun 18, 2007 at 07:45:42 PM EST
    $300 will probably get you your textbooks for 4-5 college classes (unless you are taking a lot of Math/Science - the texts are more expensive), but $300 at the community college will get you 1 4-credit class and your textbook (maybe slightly over, but not more than $350-400).

    Michigan residents deserve lawmakers who understand that fact and "get" that community college classes are a great bargain.  

    And if you qualify for financial aid - then all - if not most of it is taken care of by the state or the federal government.

    For the class I took last semester at the CC, it cost me $210 for the class (3 credits) and about $60 for the book (which I got on-line).

    If you are looking at sending your kid to an Ivy or a "name" school, then you probably don't care how cheap the local CC is and can assume that since you can afford to pay more in taxes, your neighbor can as well.  

    It's a shame. (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by John Galt on Tue Jun 19, 2007 at 07:46:50 AM EST
    I mean, on one level you can look at this and think "boy, this sure is wrong."

    But really, think about the big picture.  

    You have a Governor that maxes out how much she can borrow... the state is now in debt up to its eyeballs.  When she was elected we were earning $100million/year in interest.  Now we owe $100m/year in interest on debt.

    We have a Governor who promises not to raise taxes.  Why not?  She's a lame duck anyways.  She promises to replace the SBT with a revenue neutral tax, but no new taxes on Michigan residents.  (Read her Hips!  No New Taxes!)

    So Day 1 - January 1st, 2007.  It's imperative that we get budget deals done.  But any deal HAS to include tax increases.  No budget gets finalized until June.  

    Now Granholm REALLY wants her tax increases.  Boy does she want to stick it to the little-guy.  Small Businesses and Stay at Home Moms!  7.something% unemployment isn't bad enough, but she wants to tax your cigarettes, your gasoline, your alcohol, and any services you might still be able to afford.

    She pleads her case in townhalls across the state.  "We need tax increases!" she pleads.  And people buy into the notion - for a moment.  But Republicans don't budge.  She can't sell her plan to the people, so she goes to businesses and unions.  And THEY don't budge.

    So now she threatens Republicans with individualized cuts.  Blackmail in their backyard.  Like the article said, strong-arm tactics usually resorted to by thugs and criminals.  Clearly, our Governor is nothing more than a thug with lipstick.

    Recall Granholm.  Friends don't let friends raise taxes.

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