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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    UPDATED: Dillon's strong-arm tactics hit the MSM, House Dems in disarray

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jun 14, 2007 at 08:46:52 AM EST
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    Update [2007-6-14 13:2:23 by Nick]: House Dems just blocked a clarification to the rules governing behavior of the House that would prohibit one member from threatening another member's district in order to coerce a certain vote. The move would have brought Michigan's House closer in line with the US House of Representatives, not exactly the paragon of bipartisanship, mutual respect and ethical behavior. As it stands now, they're goodness and light compared to the Michigan House.

    Remember folks, you read it here first yesterday afternoon.  House Democrat's inability to muster their own caucus has led to blackmail attempts in an effort to coax support for a tax hike out of Republicans in the State House and the story hit the wires late yesterday, running in several states this morning.

    After telling you here on RightMichigan that Matt Gillard was running around trying to knee-cap people, promising them that Jennifer Granholm had a "list" of targeted cuts she'll make to legislator's individual districts should they refuse to coalesce to her economy-killing income tax or sales tax increases the press caught up with the enforcer himself.  Though he first DENIED making any threats he suddenly changed his tune and admitted he was playing the part of the leg-breaker for the governor and Andy Dillon.  I guess he's still bitter he missed that chance to put free iPods in the hands of every kid in Michigan.

    Of course this entire ordeal reminded me... wasn't there supposed to be a new tone in Lansing?  A new way of doing business?  So I went back and dug through some things and found this... not even three months old.

    "We are beginning a new era in the Michigan House of Representatives by holding our members to the highest ethical standards.  The people of Michigan have spoken loud and clear. They refuse to tolerate a culture of corruption. House Democrats respect what our residents have to say, and we responded to it by strengthening our ethics policies in the House."

    House Majority Leader Steve Tobocman MIRS - March 22, 2007

    Where does blackmail fit in with those "highest ethical standards?"  I'd imagine it doesn't.  So will Tobocman, Dillon, Gillard and Granholm repent?  Not likely.  They talk a good game but that's all it is... talk.  "Holding OUR members to the highest ethical standards."  Right.

    Maybe they thought they could get away with it.  Must not have figured on half a caucus finding a little courage and standing up for themselves.  The South Bend Tribune reports:

    "We all understand budget negotiations are tough. We understand they can be complicated," said Rep. Kevin Elsenheimer, a Republican from Bellaire. "We understand they can be bare-knuckle. However, we're at a situation now where our members are being threatened individually for budget cuts in their district."

    Rep. Jack Brandenburg, a Republican from Harrison Township in Macomb County, said the Democratic tone continues what he called a trend of threats to cutting school funding whenever Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm wants to increase pressure for a tax increase.

    "It's a cheap scare tactic and frankly, I've had it," Brandenburg said.

    And the Detroit News:

    "It was said, 'You know, specific cuts could be made to specific colleges and " said Rep. Daniel Acciavatti, universities unless a tax increase is voted,' R-Chesterfield.

    "It borders on blackmail. It's very unethical, very upsetting."

    Of course that's just a sample.  

    Now the way the press operates, they chase the juicy part of the story.  So often all we get is surface level reporting without any real digging.  That's one of the things that's so awesome about the whole online medium.  We're not bound by word counts or deadlines or soundbyte politics.  Which means we can ask the next question, and the next question, and the next.

    And the next question on this one, as mentioned yesterday, is why would a majority with 58 members (two more than needed to pass any legislation) need to resort to threats and blackmail, holding students hostage (again) in GOP districts in the first place?

    There's only one answer, folks.  Their caucus is in disarray and even Dick Ball can't help.  They haven't got 56 votes.  Dean, Corriveau, Simpson, Valentine, Griffin and Brown are off the reservation.  And who knows if they're alone, there could be others.  That's not to say they've all left the crazy-farm, only that they hope to be re-elected next November.

    In one small sick way you could almost look at Dillon's threats as a positive sign for Michigan's future (politics can be strange that way).  Now it's up to the pro-growth minority in the House to remember the way you handled bullies on the playground back when they were growing up (before all of this "talk it out and tell a teacher" new-age pacifist garbage started).  Take a deep breath, clench your fists and stand up for yourself.  Yeah, you might wind up taking a beating but you were going to get that anyways.  Refuse to let it come easily.

    < Evaluation begins on new tax plan and the stakes couldn't be higher | Protest at Macomb Community College >

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    Good laugh (1.00 / 1) (#1)
    by NoviDemocrat on Thu Jun 14, 2007 at 09:25:44 AM EST
    That's why they ran to the press and started crying like little babies? Sheesh, grow up already.

    so much for ethics (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by Nick on Thu Jun 14, 2007 at 09:48:27 AM EST
    and so much for your team supporting tax hikes.  Funny how some of your guys are running from their principles.  God bless them for it.

    Par for the course for Republicans (1.00 / 1) (#4)
    by NoviDemocrat on Thu Jun 14, 2007 at 01:12:15 PM EST
    This is typical from Republicans. They want to slash spending and insist that we don't need any additional revenues for schools, etc. Yet when the reality comes home that it means cuts in their home districts, they start whining and crying about the unfairness of it all. Guess what, you wanted the cuts, you're getting them. Why should the districts of Republican legislators be exempt? If you don't want to pay the bill, why should you get the benefits?

    could you be more disingenuous? (5.00 / 1) (#5)
    by Nick on Thu Jun 14, 2007 at 01:34:04 PM EST
    They're not complaining about cuts.  They're being blackmailed by threatened cuts to specific districts out of political spite.  

    Gillard isn't talking "across the board" here.

    And you still haven't condemned this sort of maneuver.  Or said that you approved of John Engler's governing style.  Can't have it both ways.

    Oh, my bad, you're not here for intelligent conversation or discourse... you've got your talking points from MDP HQ and you're sticking to them.  Got it.

    YAWN (none / 0) (#6)
    by sandmman on Thu Jun 14, 2007 at 02:45:33 PM EST
    NoviDumocrat will probably never change. Acts like a 12-year old child.

    Wish he/she/it would take its stupid toys and go home - back to the Dumocrat Party website.

    What happened to the good old days (none / 0) (#9)
    by Spartyfan on Thu Jun 14, 2007 at 02:51:18 PM EST
    When you twisted arms, it was a fair fight.  People knew who the henchmen were and what they were supposed to do.

    These guys are rookies - maybe they'll learn how it's supposed to be done.

    Threats don't work the way the used to.

    Senate (5.00 / 1) (#10)
    by jackietreehorn on Thu Jun 14, 2007 at 03:56:57 PM EST
    What a bunch of rookies in the House.  The House Republicans should call their bluff and let them cut their districts to the bone.  The Senate Republicans will just restore it when it comes over to them. In the midst of their power trip, they forgot about the checks and balances provided for in the Constitution.

    The fact remains, Andy Dillon is well short of the 56 votes he needs to pass a tax hike.  I would call these tactics an absolute act of desperation.  If they couldn't buy them off with special projects to get the votes, the said "let's scare them into the vote".  

    Straight out of the Granholm Recession playbook.    

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