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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Andy Levin took a queue from Rosie O'Donnell. Levin should follow Rosie's example and RESIGN!

    By Rejoice39, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jun 01, 2007 at 11:35:51 AM EST
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    Last week Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saulius "Saul" Anuzis called on Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm to terminate Andy Levin from his position of Deputy Director of the state's Department of Labor and Economic Growth.

    The May 26, 2007 edition of People's Weekly World reported that while addressing the Biennial AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention Levin spoke about the Employee Free Choice Act. The act is a piece of federal legislation that, if enacted, would make it easier for employees to unionize. Levin called companies who fought unionization terrorists, saying that the only way to stop the "terror campaign" that companies initiate after workers vote to form a union is to pass the Employee Free Choice Act, which contains stiff penalties for such abuses.

    Andy Levin equates Michigan Business practices to that of terror tactics, and Rosie O'Donnell says our troops are the Real terrorists...

    Andy Levin should follow O'Donnell's lead and resign, before he becomes an even bigger disgrace.

    Below I have posted a letter that was written by President and CEO of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Jim Barrett, who agrees that Andy Levin has worn out his welcome.

    May 30, 2007

    Mr. Keith W. Cooley

    Deputy Director

    Michigan Department of Labor

    and Economic Growth

    611 W. Ottawa Street

    P.O. Box 30004

    Lansing, MI 48909-7504

    Dear Director Cooley:

    I am writing to express the Michigan Chamber's outrage and disappointment in Deputy Director Andy Levin's inflammatory comments at the 27th Biennial Convention of the AFL-CIO where he characterized the actions of Michigan employers exercising their legal rights against unionization efforts as "terror campaign[s]" and called for the passage of the so-called federal Employee Free Choice Act. In that same speech, Mr. Levin called for the enactment of a graduated Michigan income tax.


    Mr. Levin's advocacy for the so-called Employee Free Choice Act and a graduated income tax undermines his ability to fulfill his current job responsibilities. DLEG administers the Labor and Mediation Act (LMA), a statute regulating collective bargaining relationships between private sector unions and small private sector employers, and the Bureau of Employment Relations, which is responsible for resolving labor disputes between public and private sector employers and employees. Given his recent remarks and obvious biases, how can Mr. Levin and the administration of Governor Granholm make fair determinations in labor-related matters?

    Furthermore, because a graduated income tax can only become law by action of the voters, you and Mr. Levin should be mindful of the fact that the Department of Labor and Economic Growth, as a public body, is prohibited by Section 57 of the Michigan Campaign Finance Act from making any "expenditures" to assist in the qualification or passage of a ballot question.


    Mr. Levin's rhetoric sends a negative message to current and prospective Michigan employers. As Director of DLEG, we encourage you and your associates to fairly administer your responsibilities, and not act as propagandists for labor unions against employers.


    Jim Barrett

    President & CEO

    cc:    Governor Jennifer Granholm

    600 S. Walnut Street  *  Lansing, MI 48933  *  517-371-2100  *  517-371-7224  *  www.michamber.com

    < The Failure of Lansing | Jackson Michigan 12th Circuit Judge Wilson Has NO Honor and takes Revenge on this Author. >

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    Wonder Why? (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by trainjunkie47 on Sat Jun 02, 2007 at 02:36:02 AM EST
    There are about a dozen or so reasons businesses are packing up and moving out of Michigan daily.  The unions are a big reason for it.  Look at right to work states vs the others.  The stats do not lie.  Thank god Andy lost back in November.

    Why should Andy resign (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by PMOTVRWC on Sun Jun 03, 2007 at 03:24:12 PM EST
    he is just espousing the democratic position.  We all know this is exactly how all dems feel, big business is evil and do not deserve any respect.  They also feel that the people are to stupid to know how to do anything without their vast wisdom and knowledge to guide them.

    The dems are applauding Andy for his courage in getting the truth out.

    Good joke Jim (none / 0) (#3)
    by NoviDemocrat on Thu Jun 07, 2007 at 12:49:12 AM EST
    According to Jim, public officials can't speak about any public issue that can only be implemented by a ballot initiative because it would be "assisting" the passage of the issue under Michigan Campaign Finance law. No one is taking this seriously, are they? By that standard, Senator Bishop's advocacy for repealing term-limits is violating the law because that can only happen through a ballot proposal. So which is it? If Mr. Levin is breaking the law, why isn't Senator Bishop equally guilty?

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