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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Um, Governor...About Those Cuts in State Employees.

    By Republican Yankee, Section News
    Posted on Tue May 08, 2007 at 12:31:51 PM EST
    Tags: (all tags)

    Cutting State Jobs Doesn't Necessarily Mean Cutting State Costs.

    In just about every press release that comes out of her office, every radio address she gives, every interview she's invited to and every speech she delivers Governor Jennifer Granholm never fails to remind us that she's cut more out of state government than any other governor.

    As I mentioned in a previous post a month ago, the GF/GP budget is up some $600 million from the governor's first budget.  Way to cut!  But I don't want to revisit that today, I want to talk about the "lean, but not mean" state government that Granholm claims to have.

    Granholm and Democrats with her has made the claim that the governor is asking state employees to sacrifice in order to reduce costs and has even cut down on the state's payroll.  So I decided to take a look for myself looking at documents from the State's Department of the Budget in regard to the Civil Service Department in the state (they have more responsibilities, but put simply Civil Service is the State's HR Department).

    So what did I find?  Well first of all, the governor and Democrats are right, there are slightly fewer people working for the state now than there were previously.  In FY 2006 there were 53,012 state employees.  And now, there are approximately 52,359.  So that's a cut of about 653 employees.  So then we are cutting costs right?  Well, not exactly.

    The loss in state employees is actually off-set by the amount of money that these employees make.  In other words, we're paying fewer employees higher salaries and because of that the state is paying more money.  Let's check the numbers:

    When the state had 53,012 employees, the average annual salary was $48,840 a year.  This runs us to a cost (on average) of $2.59 billion per year to pay the wages for state employees (this doesn't include benefits).

    Now, this year, when the state employs 52,539 people, the average annual salary is $51,876.  This runs to a cost (on average) of $2.73 billion (again, not including benefits).

    This represents an increase of 5.4% in pay, so if you want to make the argument that this is inflationary, 5.4% is quite a rate of inflation even over a two year period (since DLEG has the Detroit's inflation rate at about 1.7% over the last year: http://www.milmi.org/).

    So the next time you hear Democrats or the governor talk about how they've cut the state payroll, remind them that it has actually INCREASED to the tune of $140 million over the past two years!

    < Diploma...please? | Get to the polls! >

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    Let me guess (1.00 / 1) (#1)
    by NoviDemocrat on Tue May 08, 2007 at 02:57:40 PM EST
    that if your boss asked you to do more work because there were fewer people to do it, you would agree to do it and for a pay cut too? Riiiight. Why did you select just the past 2 years? Or do the numbers not work out so well if you actually cover the Governor's time in office?

    I'll let RY speak for himself buuuut... (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by Nick on Tue May 08, 2007 at 03:05:01 PM EST
    I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that in the private sector through MOST of the state when your boss tells you you're going to do more work and you're going to take a pay cut too you say "yes sir" and you adjust.

    And these last couple years in Michigan you go home and thank God every night you still have a job.

    • Really? by NoviDemocrat, 05/08/2007 03:22:11 PM EST (1.00 / 1)
    I will speak for myself.... (5.00 / 1) (#4)
    by Republican Yankee on Tue May 08, 2007 at 04:21:24 PM EST
    And will do so proudly.  Since NoviDemocrat's liberal friends and michiganliberal.com decided that they're a propoganda page, I want to start by first thanking Nick for allowing a FREE EXCHANGE of ideas on his blog.  I have concluded that the only reason they are "michiganliberal.com" is because the domain: "michigancommunist.com" was taken.

    Define irony?  How about senseless liberals attacking a Republican State Senator for stiffling free speech while they stiffle free speech by eliminating different opinions from their blog.  IDIOTS!!!  Novi, I hope you'll thank Nick for allowing you to share you opinions here.  LONG LIVE THE FREE EXPRESSION OF IDEAS!!!

    But about Novi's inquiries.  I took a look at the past two years in the interest of time, not because it suited my purpose (I'm not a Democrat).  I selected the last two years because I was exploring THIS year's pay increase proposed by Governor Granholm.  It would have been irrelevant to look at every year if I was focussing on a policy that was proposed in this fiscal year.

    But as you often do, you're trying to distract from the point I'm going to make, so let me reiterate it.  We are spending more on state employees than we were two years ago despite the fact that their numbers are lower.  If these are the kinds of cuts that Granholm is talking about when she claims to have "cut more out of state government than any other governor" then I must say it is not a surprise to me that we are dealing with 1.) a budget crisis (still) and 2.) Granholm spent $70 million more last fiscal year than she was authorized to spend and then hid that important fact so she could win re-election.


    yes, that IS my private sector experience (5.00 / 1) (#5)
    by Nick on Tue May 08, 2007 at 04:31:26 PM EST
    I put myself through college working fulltime.

    My only "public" sector work consists of about six months in the beginning of 2005.  

    Thanks for asking.

    I got Booted (5.00 / 1) (#6)
    by jackietreehorn on Tue May 08, 2007 at 04:48:55 PM EST
    from Michiganliberal.com.  I usually just visit these pages to get the "scoop", but when I chose to interject my feelings (which were opposite that of michiganliberal, but strangely similar to that of Speaker Dillon) I got booted.  I then saw Liberal Lucy on Off the Record and she was bashing the media for its biased reporting. Needless to say the reporters there chewed her up and spit her out.  They must be embarrassed by her performance because they didn't mention her even being on the show over at michiganliberal.com. I would think that would be a major step for a blog site.

    I would just like to thank Nick for keeping the true spirit of the blog alive.  

    Can someone answer this for me.......... (5.00 / 1) (#7)
    by PMOTVRWC on Tue May 08, 2007 at 07:21:33 PM EST
    Awhile back the Freep posted the web address for all the jobs that are available with the state of Michigan.  It also gave the salary ranges from starting salary to the higher level pay.  Most of the jobs listed started at about 10 to 14 dollars an hour.  However, I noticed that there were many of the same job type and description for like an Administrative Analyst, but there were four or five different starting salaries.  I asked why this would be and no one could come up with an answer.  I also noticed that the state employs barbers and beauticians.  I asked why we would be employing them, again at four different starting salaries.  Can anyone explain why we need barbers?  Hell, if its for the prisons, I can give great Marine haircuts for a couple bucks a person.    

    • State Jobs by sandmman, 05/08/2007 08:01:25 PM EST (none / 0)
    like gravity? (none / 0) (#10)
    by Nick on Wed May 09, 2007 at 10:34:21 AM EST
    Hahah... dude, you totally ripped that from Miami Vice.  "Probability is like gravity.  You can NOT negotiate with gravity."

    Oh man.  I love that movie.

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