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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.


    By Republican Yankee, Section News
    Posted on Thu May 24, 2007 at 05:27:40 PM EST
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    Do you really think everyone's that stupid?  Raise our taxes and remind us why we threw you all out in the first place.

    Okay Dems, Here's the deal, you have a majority in the House, and you want to pass a tax increase, so PASS IT!

    You need three Republican votes in the Senate (which I'm confident you have, I'm sure enough back-door deals have been cut by now) to pass a tax increase, so PASS IT!

    Uh oh, but that means you might actually have to explain to the voters why you want more of their money.  And that explanation isn't pretty.  I believe when Bob Emerson was presenting the governor's budget he was asked point blank how much money from these new revenues would go to the state's rainy day fund.  Our genius of a state budget director's response.........NONE!

    May I also remind you that the ideas being kicked around right now (at least in the House) represent a 9.1% INCREASE in state GF/GP spending.  So bascially you've got a situation where a man walks into a bank asks for a loan to consolidate his debt, but asks for an amount that is $45,000.00 more than he owes.  That way, after he pays off his debt, he can also by a Corvette.  So much for a budget crisis.  Dems, we're not stupid, YOU'RE TRYING TO SCREW US AND YOU'RE TRYING TO SCREW MICHIGAN, it's pure and it's simple.

    So again, you have the votes, do it, pass a massive income tax hike on a largely partisan vote.  I DARE YOU, I DOUBLE-DARE YOU!  But you won't.  You don't have the political courage because you know where it will lead you in 2008.  And we have a governor that calls the legislature spineless?!  So keep trying to convince us "you're right".  Keeping trying to whine about how we aren't "compromising".  Keep blowing the current situation out of proportion with outrageously inflated numbers.  After all, lying won you the governorship in 2006, why let it stop you from winning a budget debate too, right?  Except this time you're actually getting called out and you don't know how to handle it.  EVERYONE, outside of your union buddies (how many of them has the governor appointed since re-election now?  Maybe the next ethics package the house writes up should deal with her), knows it.  So keep trying to convince the people of Michigan they don't pay enough in taxes, and when you fail to do that, raise their taxes anyway and hope it doesn't come full circle on you next November.

    Good Luck with that.

    < State contracts run amok | Tax burden at dangerous high >

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    Poor Republican Legislators (1.00 / 1) (#1)
    by NoviDemocrat on Thu May 24, 2007 at 05:49:31 PM EST
    Let's face it, if you're a Republican Legislator, you're screwed. You've thrown together a hodge-podge of cuts and accounting gimmicks to make it appear like you've balanced the budget. But in your heart, you know that all you've done is push the budget problems off another 4 months because all of those IOUs are still going to come due.

    After blowing the 21st Century Fund and other assorted pots of money on this budget, you have nothing left for 2008. After cutting schools and local governments this budget, how much more are you going to slash from those units of governments? When even "wealthy" districts like Novi are laying off teachers and forcing "pay-to-play" dare you push another round of cuts to school in the 2008 budget?

    What you'll finally realize is that with all of the rhetoric that you've been spewing about solving the state budget crisis through cuts alone, you really can't do it. Oh sure, think tanks and party fanatics will insist that you can privatize prisons and schools and cut the pay of state employees but at the end of the day, your going to be forced to vote to increase taxes. But thanks to your own rhetoric, you'll look like a huge hypocrite. It must be rough. The only thing left to decide is whether you vote for the tax increase now or wait until the election year and then be forced to vote for it.

    Accounting Gimmicks (none / 0) (#2)
    by sandmman on Thu May 24, 2007 at 07:42:19 PM EST
    Gee, seems like Jenny signed a $344 million dollar cut - that was 92% accounting gimmicks. Only about $225 million in cuts.

    I agree - let the Dems raise taxes - next year the electorate can sweep the Dem bums out of office.

    Don't forget (5.00 / 1) (#3)
    by Dutchsma on Thu May 24, 2007 at 08:06:15 PM EST
    It was THIS governor who illegally overspent her budget by at least $65 million and didn't tell anyone until she had no choice.

    Should taxpayers have to come up with the money to pay back the money that someone literally stole from them?  That's worse than having to pay yourself interest for borrowing against your 401k!

    It is also Democrats in the House who passed a $65 million SPENDING bill this week.  How does that help solve our budget problems?  If the GOP is forced to vote to increase taxes, it is only because the Democrats have spent more to feed their frivolous programs than the state brings in. (all hyperbole and sarcasm intended).

    Seriously, neither party is blameless in the spending game but at least one party is making an effort to cut back on its gluttony.

    "Restoring Revenue" (5.00 / 1) (#4)
    by DMOnline on Thu May 24, 2007 at 08:09:40 PM EST
    Have you noticed the Dems in the press keep using the words "restore revenue" instead of raise taxes.  They're all working off the same talking-points and the buzz phrase is "restore revenue" that was lost by previous tax cuts (thank you Gov. Engler).

    Call them now and let them know you won't stand for  new or increased taxes!


    Padre (5.00 / 1) (#7)
    by Nick on Fri May 25, 2007 at 06:26:00 AM EST
    just a few notes:

    1. The judges that led the charge in giving up their cars were Republicans.

    2. The Republican Senate Majority Leader said two days ago that he's up for a discussion on a part-time legislature and Republican Jakc Hoogendyk in the House of Representatives actually has legislation making it so.

    3. The lifetime benefits legislation you're talking about is indeed ridiculous.  That was introduced by Robert Dean, a Grand Rapids Democrat and protects current legislators for life.  There was a Republican alternative to the legislation that prohibited current freshmen lawmakers from receiving these astronomical benefits (unlike Deans bill) but the House Dem leadership refused to allow a vote.

    Welcome to the site!

    You mean (1.00 / 1) (#14)
    by NoviDemocrat on Fri May 25, 2007 at 09:59:10 AM EST
    the tarriffs that President Bush imposed on imported steel to the detriment of the auto industry?

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