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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    An hour a week for a New Michigan in the New Year

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon Dec 31, 2007 at 10:31:07 AM EST
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    I don't normally get into the whole New Years resolution thing.  New Years day for me is all about turkey and football.  It's sorta like Thanksgiving-Lite.  Hang out with the family, reflect on everything that happened in the last three-hundred-and-sixty-five days and then boom, time for kick-off.

    But every now and again I'll make a resolution and when I do I'm pretty good at sticking with them.  Last year I was determined to start taking better care of myself physically by eating better and running regularly (a campaign diet can take it's toll on a guy).  And what do you know, here we are a year later and I'm still out on the street running almost every day, eating a heck of a lot less pizza and I'm down to a 2-liter of Pepsi a week instead of a couple a day.  I call that progress.

    We always see the little blurb on the news about resolutions and the list of the top two or three.  People want to quit smoking and they want to lose weight.  I've never been a smoker and I don't need to drop any weight but I get what they're doing.  Folks are trying to improve themselves.  That's the hope of the New Year.  It's a fresh starting point and that allows us to look forward while forgetting what's happened (and all of our personal failures) in the past.

    Well this year I'm going to make a few more resolutions and I intend to follow through on them.  But as much as I'm concerned with improving myself (and I am, I've got a few cooked up just for me), I'm more concerned this year with improving Michigan.

    I love this State.  I was born here, raised here and I want to go out here in seventy or eighty years.  Other places are nice to visit but c'mon, no place is quite like Michigan.  Which is why the families who've lost a job, the people hurting, struggling... when it strikes close to home (and it did this year) it can break a guy's heart.  

    So what's a guy to do?  Get to work and make a difference.  That's what I'm going to do and I want to encourage each of you to do the same.  But we're going to do it in a little bit different way.  We're going to have an altar call.

    For the uninitiated, an altar call is when the Pastor at a church asks the congregation to make a decision, whether it's to give their lives to Jesus (a good idea, by the way), to participate in a special program at the church, to change a certain behavior, to consider missions work... pretty much anything, and then to illustrate that decision by getting out of your seat or off the pew and walking down to the front of the church with everyone else who just made that same decision.

    It's a statement of faith and a public testimony that you as an individual are going to make a difference.

    Michigan needs us.  Each and every one of us.  And we absolutely can make a difference.  Saw a great ad for the new Rambo movie over the weekend with one of the all-time great tag lines I think I've ever seen.  "Heroes don't die.  They just reload."  Boys and girls, it's time to reload and start firing again.  Michigan is depending on us.  

    Below I've listed a handful of areas where you can make a difference right here in Michigan with ONE HOUR a week throughout the course of the year.  Starting next week.  My challenge to each and every one of you is to pick one (or two, if the spirit of Rambo calls to you like it calls to me) and make a personal commitment to spend an hour on it each and every week in 2008.  Pick one or two (or something I haven't listed) and then leave a comment or email me at RightMichigan@gmail.com and let me know what you'll be doing.  That's the altar call.  

    We're all crunched for time.  I know that.  And we all have commitments.  But each and every one of us can find an hour over the course of a week.  It's only a question of whether or not we're willing to put our own time and effort where our mouth so often is.  And by telling others what you're going to be doing you're adding a layer of accountability.  We know what we're up against in 2008.  We know what we're up against every day here in Michigan.  Pick one or a couple and let others know.  You'll be saying "I'm serious" and "not on my watch."  And who can't get behind that?

    Read below for a list of suggestions and then leave a comment or shoot me that email.  Lets get to work!

    Volunteer at your church.  Every church across the State could use an extra hand.  Whether it's participating in a ministry on Sunday mornings, shoveling and salting the parking lot, steps and sidewalks or participating in a weekly food bank and clothing drive, there's always plenty to do at our houses of worship.  And remember, James 2.

    Find a local Crisis Pregnancy Center where you can volunteer or an abotion clinic where you can street-council. Does it get much more important than saving babies' lives?

    Volunteer with your local GOP organization.  We've only got fifteen days until Michigan's primary but then the real work begins.  Contact your local County GOP.  If you need help tracking them down let me know and I'll make the connection.

    Volunteer with a local House candidate.  Or find a conservative House candidate and get behind them early.  If anyone could use the help it's these guys as we try to retake the legislature to avoid the Governor's next round of tax hikes.

    Volunteer at a local soup kitchen or rescue mission. A lot of folks have fallen on hard times these last few years.  Jesus told us to take care of the poor, the sick, the widows, the orphans... Do you claim the name of Jesus?  Again, if you need help finding a spot that's looking for volunteers, give me a shout and I'll make the connection for you!

    Join Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America. I'm not going to do a full-on advertisement for the program (you see enough of those on TV) but it's a reputable program that makes the connections for you.  Give them a hand.

    Find a local community center or rec center and help out.  There are after school, tutoring and sports programs in most communities across the State.  Find one that fits your interests and spend some time helping Michigan kids!

    Devote an hour a week to writing your own Michigan-based blog.  This is probably the easiest and most "comfortable" of the options since you can do it from your own home and at any time night or day.  In just one hour a week you can easily start and maintain a pretty decent blog.  Pick an issue or a race that matters to you.  Something or someone in Michigan that you're passionate about.  Become the resident expert.  The blogosphere can and does make a difference and by growing our network of active conservative bloggers we'll be even better able to deliver a conservative message directly to voters without going through that liberal mainstream media filter. There's a guide for bloggers right here on the site that's full of tips and tricks and ideas, too.

    For my part, I do campaigns and elections for a living and I already spend hours blogging every day so that knocks those off the list for me.  I'm going to be helping out at my home church (Berean Baptist, the best church in the world, if anyone's looking for a great Sunday hang out) and with some ministries in downtown Grand Rapids.  Two for me.

    It won't be easy.  Time's already short.  But I'm going to make the time.  Will you?  Click "post comment" and let us know!

    < Monday in the Sphere: December 31 | Well I think I got a response to my Huckabee letter! >

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    Absofreakinlutely! (none / 0) (#1)
    by LX on Mon Dec 31, 2007 at 04:40:08 PM EST
    Nothing would make me happier than to unload Gino rank-and-file-liberal Polidori of Dearborn and his porky ass from his state house seat or, better yet, the do nothing millennium comb-over fossil Carl Levin from his 29 year fleecing of taxpayers in the US Senate.

    We all need to work at getting Levin out and the opportunity presenting itself soon.

    Thanks to the (none / 0) (#2)
    by Nick on Wed Jan 02, 2008 at 07:07:07 AM EST
    Dozen-plus who've sent through emails.  The commitments are appreciated and exciting!  

    What is it "they" always say... all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing?  

    Well with this many people doing this much extra because they genuinely care... look out.  Good things can happen.  

    And if you haven't emailed me yet or left a comment here making a committment, PLEASE DO!  We can use all the help we can get!

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